Saturday, December 8, 2018


( M ) aking
( O ) ut 
( U ) ndoubtably
( S ) uper 
( E ) xciting

MOUSE trap snapped, but was empty. 
Reset once again, hoping catch him. 
Within just minutes, mouse trap snapped. 
But was empty, what was happening?

Where was mouse, we asked ourselves. 
Once again escaped, or bad trap?
Both times occurred, while making love. 
A strange coincidence, or was it?

It was bedtime, for third time...
Set trap again, yep you guessed. 
Went off again, we didn’t look. 
It was late, will check tomorrow. 

The answer yes, was making love!
Was that what, set it off?
Creating strong vibrations, love that powerful?
But that much, was our question. 

Let you know, in the morning…

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