Sunday, November 29, 2020

EBook Review: BARRACK FIVE by Elyse Hoffman

(B) efore
(A) llies
(R) eached
(R) aya...
(C) amera
(K) ept

(F) ocus...
( I ) ncluded
(V) isual
(E) xperiences...

BARRACK FIVE, more than number.
Ending place, for many lives.

Their existence, was burned away.
Never to, be seen again.

To control, their main objective.
The lies, continued to tell.

Was hard, to take in.
Spirits remained, story to share.

Don't forget, what happened then.
Listen now, take it in.

So maybe, not happen again.
Dissolve hatred, that all live.

Thank you, for writing story.
Let us, all stand united. 

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

EBook Review: THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING by Libby Fischer Hellmann

(T) imes
(H) eed

(W) hen
(H) olding
(O) nto
(L) ost
(E) xamples

(W) ithout
(O) bserving
(R) eal
(L) ife

( I ) t
(S) oon  

(W) ears
(A) wful
(T) hin...
(C) haos
(H) eightens
( I ) gnorance...
(N) ow
(G) lorified

Is it any different now, or just the same?

There are new faces and places, the clock keeps ticking.
When fear and power reigns, then harsh responses brings.

No one listens only follows, someone else in charge.
It is important to care, who that might be.

Who infiltrates the peaceful demonstration, has their own agenda?
Initiates the violence for personal gain, doesn't care about "cause"?

Wrongs rarely righted because they, with ease become politicalized.
Must be brought down or, a change might happen.

To many that is scary, prefer it as is.
Where is equality for all, all eyes wide open?

Why is it not possible, to hear the question?
Work together to find answer, that works for everyone?

This book shows us what, is still true today.
The Whole World is Watching, let's improve the outcome.

Let us thank the author, reminding us of this.
By showing what happened in 1968, is still happening now.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: KILLSHOT by Blair Denholm

(K) eeping
( I ) n
(L) ine...
(L) ife
(S) hatters
(H) ope...
(O) utwardly
(T) rying...

KILLSHOT... one of many ways to die.
In pursuit... of those out there who do.

Daughter misses... since had to leave the UK.
Now Australia... taking bad people off the streets.

This case... starts with well known missing man.
How come... no one seems able pin down?

Mistakes made... bad habits could get in way.
No no... not going to happen hang on.

Find out... more people involved need better answers.
Complicated case... requires bringing in reinforcements as needed.

You guessed... many paths lead to the culprit.
And finally... the end comes with questions answered.

Has life... gotten any better for this detective?
Only those... who read this book find out.

How about... you and your friends check out?
Worth it... please take the time to read!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


(H) uman
( I ) ntent
(G) ets
(H) asseled...
(L) eaving
( I ) nroads
(G) ummed up...
(H) ave
(T) o
(E) ndure...
(R) each
(S) olution...

(A) nother
(N) ew
(D) eed

(U) psets
(P) lan...
(H) ow
(E) vent
(A) ctivates
(V) igilance...  
(A) ffects
(L) ogistics 

HIGHLIGHTERS AND UPHEAVAL do, happen at same time.
To focus on both, and still be successful?

That is the question, can it be done?
Working with a partner, and other all alone.

One is numbers game, the other is dangerous.
Both require a whiteboard, to review the variables.

Walking in her steps, we will follow along.
Sometimes catching our breath, or letting out slowly.

It's quite a story, certainly kept my attention.
Ava's done it again, yes get the book!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


 Giving THANKS that you are in my life.  

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

EBook Review: THE LOST SYMPHONY by Gabriel Farago

(T) aken...
(H) istory
(E) voles...

(L) eaving
(O) ut
(S) omething
(T) errible....

(S) o
(Y) es
(M) aking
(P) ersonal...
(H) istòry
(O) utweighs...
(N) ot
(Y) ielding...

THE LOST SYMPHONY, buried deep.
It changes hands, many times.

Then time comes, clue found.
Which leads to, many more.

Bound by faith,  designated one.
Breadcrumbs of ďestiņy, lead way.

Carefully woven together, past... present.
So can see, where  going.

Like treasure hunt, prize awaits.
To be returned, with flair.

To the story, hop in.
It will hold, your attention.

It's well written, details plenty.
Settle on in, start today! 

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


(U) nderstanding
(N) eeds
( I ) nterest...
(Q) ues
(U) nlimited
(E) mpathy

UNIQUE, one who truly cares.
Actions, are not just reactive.

Not, based on politically correct.
Or, makes others feel good.

Not, what's expected of you.
Or, gets what you want.

Genuine, is what looking for.
Not, here today gone tomorrow.

World, is full of hypocrites.
Willing, change direction if benefits.

Winning, more important than truth.
Justice, doesn't mean a thing.

What, has world turned into?
Some, dare to speak up.

History, shows what silence brings.
Guilty, standing back and ignoring.

Hard, to remain an optimist.
When, hatred becomes the norm.

Hope, pray it still exists.
Before, it is too late.

Friday, November 20, 2020


(W) ondering
(H) ow
(E) xplain
(R) eality's
(E) xtremes
(A) nd

WHEREAS for some life's easy...
for others not.

Whatever questions are asked doesn't...
guarantee answers found.

Whenever taken out of context...
the meaning lost.

Whomever comes along is part...
of the journey.

Why is strength by choice...
so keep going.

How this all happens is... 
definitely the unknown.

Do not be roused by...
those easily fooled.

Without an agenda they have...
nowhere to stand.

Cannot think for themselves nor... 
investigate all sources.

Okay if "found" different...
just being yourself.

Don't have to like you...
it's their loss.

EBook Review: THE CURATORS by Stacy M. Jones

(T) he
(H) eist
(E) ffective...

(C) oming
(U) nder
(R) ecent
(A) ttention...
(T) otal
(O) bjective...
(R) ealistically
(S) top...

THE CURATORS, never caught.
Steal items, leave card.

Identity unknown, can't find.
Is possible, to catch?

A team, of two.
If any, can do.

Follow along, watch clues.
See where, takes us.

You'll be, happy did.
Find out, what happened.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: SHATTERED MIND by Julia Payne

(S) ecrets
(H) arm...
(A) larmed....
(T) ake
(T) ime
(E) valuate
(R) eaction
(E) scape
(D) isaster....

(M) adness
( I ) s
(N) ow
(D) ominant  

SHATTERED MIND takes preeminence, 
when circumstances overwhelming.

All the deepest elements,  
have now surfaced.

Lies are being told, 
does anyone care,?

Read all about it, 
it's happened before.

Build a strong backbone,
going to need.

We need our heros, 
pull us through.

Going to see it, 
to the end.

Eagerly awaiting next book, 
holding my breath.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

EBook Review: A TELEGRAM FROM BERLIN by A. O'Connor

(A) lone

(T) ender
(E) xperience
(L) ost...
(E) ager
(G) ain
(R) apture
(A) gain...
(M) any

(F) ailures...
(R) eaching
(O) ut...
(M) omentous

(B) arriers...
(E) xistence
(R) eaches
(L) ow...
( I ) ntense
(N) egativity...

Offers hope amongst chaos, deceptive alliances.

Calculated moves become reactive, numbing mind.
People's motives in question, who trust?

Nobody safe from cruelty, from pain.
Love hard to find, to hold.

In times like this, many tears.
Where does it go, from here?

Needs to be told, this story.
Along with many more, for sure.

Discover what people are, capable of.
The good and bad, choices make.

Survival of the fittest, and miracles.
These extremes do exist, be aware.

Has happened in past, learn from.
Recognize importance of love, of hope.

A well written book, get it!
I'm glad I did, yes indeed.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

EBook Review: LAMLASH STREET by J.M. Phillip

(L) ooking
(A) t
(M) emories
(L) asting...
(A) lways
(S) pecial...
(H) eartened

(S) tories
(T) old...
(R) ecalling
(E) ventful
(E) motional
(T) imes

LAMLASH STREET, memories holds.
Of days, long ago.

When family, close by.
Held near, and dear.

How felt, be there.
As years, passed on.

From 1962 to 63.
From 10, to 11.

After war, new generation.
Stays grounded, to truth.

Step back, in time.
See how, did feel.

It's quite, a story.
Is from, her perspective.

I'm there, with her.
Taking it, all in .

Okay with, being different.
I certainly, can relate.

Life stories, all unique.
Thanks J.M, for sharing.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.