Tuesday, October 27, 2020

EBook Review: MAYHEM by Stephen Bentley

(M) ercy
(A) ttacked
(Y) esteryears
(H) ow
(E) nemies
(M) erged

MAYHEM follows.
Never forgotten.

Killers two.
Torture murder.

Track them.
Bring down.

Hoping can.
Certainly must.

Bringing together.
Powerful forces.

Fight evil.
Save good.

Isn't easy.
Many suffer.

Who else.
Out there?

Means harm?
Must defeat.

Hold on.
Don't stop.

Written well.
Worth reading.

The story.
Goes on.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Monday, October 26, 2020

EBook Review: SHATTERED LIVES by Julia Payne

(S) inking
(H) ushed
(A) ct
(T) aken
(T) o
(E) xtreme
(R) eaching
(E) ternity's
(D) oor

(L) ife
( I ) s
(V) aluable
(E) mbrace
(S) hare

SHATTERED LIVES, who lives or dies?
Can't prevent, if try become target.

One mistake, puts you on list.
Becomes imperative, to not be found.

Why today, everything up for grabs?
Power plays, break all the rules.

How to, clean up everyone's act.
See how, it all plays out.

Find out, who's left in charge.
Then it's, on to book three. 
I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

EBook Review: SHATTERED INTEL by Julia Payne

(S) enses
(H) omed
(A) lert
(T) aking
(T) ime
(E) stablishing
(R) easons
(E)  nvironment
(D) irty

( I ) nvestigating
(N) etwork
(T) roubles
(E) roding
(L) egitimacy

SHATTERED INTEL, tears out the soul.
Deviously taken, not get away with.

Determining who, is causing the trouble.
Viewing from, all the different perspectives.

A matter, of life or death.
Just beginning, of more to come.

Pulled in, feel like you're there.
Hang on, with all you got.

See it, through to the end.
Don't know, who your friends are.

Do not, know about your plans.
But I'm, ready for book two.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Ebook Review: FROM A WONKY PATH TO AN OPEN ROAD by Janey deNordwell

(F) ruitful
(R) reality
(O) bjective
(M) emories

(A) bsolutely

(W) orking
(O) ut
(N) egatives
(K) eeping
(Y) esterday's

(P) reparation
(A) live
(T) aking
(H) onest

(T) ally
(O) f

(A) utomotive
(N) eeds

(O) bviously
(P) eople
(E) xperiences
(N) ecessary

(R) outes
(O) ccasionally
(A) ltered
(D) iversified 

FROM A WONKY PATH TO AN OPEN ROAD,  shows life of choices.
Just because considered different doesn't mean one's  useless, artfully prove them wrong.

Though in the process of making a difference, can become  worn down.
Take time to step back and review options, what can do differently.

Discover who you are and what you want, journal new choices make.
Decision made to drive from England through Scotland, with your best friend.

Her best friend quite dependable like mine was, in the animal kingdom is.
Nothing boring about the adventures in this trip, hop in let's go!

I know I'll be taking this trip again, maybe you'll be there.
Plus I'm learning how to artfully be different, be confident in me!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: PRIMARY TARGET by Dan Alatorre

(P) ulled
(R) ight
( I ) nto
(M) ayhem
(R) hythm 
(Y) ields

(T) error
(A) lso
(R) eveals
(G) reat
(E) scape
(T) ogether

The PRIMARY TARGET, has everything planned.
The police just, don't know it.

Piece by piece, falling into place.
Just the way, hoped it would.

Comes along a, very smart pair.
If they could, get act together.

There's just so, much going on.
Looks like everything, is falling apart.

Where is it, all leading to?
Appears that only, time will tell.

Carefully follow along, quite intriguing story.
Ahead for us, lots of surprises.

Some figure out, others stay hidden.
Until later outright, exposed to all.

Now breathe deeply, prepare for ride.
On roller coaster, that's called life.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

EBook Review: THE WISE ONE by K.T. Anglehart

(T) ime
(H) astens
(E) agerly

(W) atching
( I ) ncreased 
(S) enses
(E) volve

(O) nly
(N) ow
(E) xperiencing

THE WISE ONE, was unaware.
How protected from, knowing herself.

The day arrives, journey begins.
Where takes her, many influences.

What is real, is tested.
Could easily be, brought down.

Let's choose to, follow along.
Quite a story, breathing slowly.

Staying grounded through, it all.
From different perspectives, seeing world.

More to learn, I'm sure.
Looking forward to, next story.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

EBook Review: THE FOREVER CURSE by Stacy M. Jones

(T) o
(H) elp
(E) xpect

(F) inding
(O) ut
(R) eality
(E) xists
(R) egardless

(C) onscious
(U) nderstanding
(R) ealize
(S) urprises
(E) ncounter

THE FOREVER CURSE, haunts two lives.
Looking for solution, and seeking absolution.

Out of woodwork, come the demons.
Reeking havoc everywhere, dead bodies expose.

Voodoo in action, is the question.
How stay safe, in one piece.

In New Orleans, a beautiful place.
There's no time, to be tourists.

Come along now, hop right in.
See where it, will take you.

Ups and downs, hide behind rock.
Once in awhile, a new shock.

See it through, to the end.
You'll be ready, to do again.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


(W) ondering
(H) ow
(T) otal

(R) egime
(E) scapes
(A) ccoutability
(L) ooks
(L) ike
(Y) esterday

(H) as
(A) voided
(P) ermission
(P) urposely
(E) vokes
(N) ew
(E) valuation
(D) NA

(T) esting
(H) onest
(E) xamination

(D) eterminedly
(E) arnest
(A) ligns
(T) ruth
(H) onor

(O) ften
(F) orgotten

(H) atred
( I ) nvites 
(T) elling
(L) ies
(E) levating
(R) acism

Did he die: Perhaps off to Argentina?

So many questions: Some answers were inflated.
It is time: Walk through the chaos.

Resources are available:  Let's look at them.
In specific place: Finds them and summarizes.

The reasons why:  Such a decision made.
Pieces add up:  What do you say?

Lot's to learn:  This is just beginning.
An important time:  To learn lessons from.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

EBook Review: BRANDED IN THE WEST by Lilly Rayman

(B) ereaved
(R) uthless
(A) nger
(N) ightmarish
(D) reams
(E) very
(D) ay

( I ) ntense
(N) ights

(T) he
(H) aunting
(E) xperience

(W) restling
(E) arnestly
(S) tanding
(T) all

BRANDED IN THE WEST, marked by sadness.
Not the only one, to lose family.

Life must go on, breathe in deeply.
There's cattle to drive, to reach market.

It's a hard life, with it's joys.
Come travel with them, see where goes.

So glad I did, how about you?
Pick up the book, and start reading. 

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

EBook Review: JADE TIGER by E.W. Cooper

(T) o
(H) er
(E) verything

(J) ustified
(A) rrogance
(D) eeply
(E) mpowerd

(T) ake
( I ) nstant 
(G) ratification
(E) xact
(R) esponses 

JADE TIGER, turned world upside down.
A beginning, that reshaped many lives.

Didn't bring, out best in most.
Shadows everywhere, some known some not.

Where was, the love once there?
Some just, not always what seem.

Yet one, was deep and true.
Could it, surface once again?

Here's story, with much going on.
Dig in, watch all the characters.  

See if, you can follow along.
It's possible, you will do it!

You put, all the pieces together!
Look closely, to see how ends.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, October 9, 2020


(N) ew
(E) nterprise
(W) onderful

(N) eeding
(A) lternative 
( I ) ncome
(L) ooks
(S) tupendous

(A) lert!
(N) ew
(D) eath

(A) larming

(N) eeding
(A) nswers
(S) uddenly    
(T) alking
(Y) elling

(N) ow
( I ) nvestigation
(G) oing
(H) ard
(T) too
(M) uch
(A) nger
(R) elax
(E) valuate

Was supposed to be adventurous endeavor, not this.

Who to trust why some hiding, head spinning?
Are friends turning on each other, better not!

Clues and evidence out there somewhere, must be.
Everyone wants your share and more, back off.

Must stay strong and ever vigilant, or stop.
Come up with a viable plan, then implement.

Be with them all the way, a friend.
See it through to the end, won't regret.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Ebook Review: THE SERPENT AND THE SIGN by Anne Marie Andrus (NIGHTMARELAND - Story 15)

(T) error
(H) aunts
(E) ternally

(S) eizing
(E) earth's
(R) esponse
(P) lumes
(E) scape
(N) eedlessly
(T)  aunting

(A) nnihilation
(N) ew Orleans
(D) ammed

(T) rashing
(H) earts
(E) ndlessly

(S) eeking
(I) nquiring
(G) ive
(N) ourishment?

Together bring city back, to life?

Daughter and father are, still alive.
Can they find a, way back?

They proceed with caution, ever vigilant.
Know over if hear, the bell....

Walk with them carefully, must know.
Was mission a success, or not...

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

EBook Review: RETURN TO MAGNOLIA BLOOM by Paula Adler

(R) elatives
(E) xperiencing
(T) imes
(U) biquitously
(R) esolving
(N) ever-ending

(T) ensions
(O) btaining

(M) utual
(A) lignment
(G) aining
(N) ew
(O) utlook
(L) osing
( I ) nner
(A) ttitudinal 

(B) ias
(L) iving
(O) utrightly
(O) pening
(M) inds

RETURN To MAGNOLIA BLOOM, mutual place of reference.
Varying degrees of connection, be happy or sad.

Lot of unfinished business, get involved or not.
Many generations crossing paths, both past and present.

Come along with them, see how it ends.
You'll not be disappointed, on many levels relate.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Ebook Review: NEITHER DEATH NOR DISTANCE by Sabra Waldfogel

(N) ever
(E) ver
( I ) nvite
(T) rauma
(H) ome !
(E) xperiencing
(R) age !

(D) esperation
(E) vokes
(A) nger
(T) riggers
(H) atred

(N) ourishes
(O) bstinacy
(R) eaps

(D) evastation
( I ) nvokes
(S) ystemic
(T) argeting...
(A) lternatives
(N) eeded
(C) onflict
(E) xpose

NEITHER DEATH NOR DISTANCE, the journey begins.  
Nothing will stop her, step by step.

The odds against success, or happy ending.  
It's a cruel world, must proceed cautiously.

The challenges are plenty, they add up.  
No doubt about it, just keep going.

The love is there, on both sides.  
Is it strong enough, to hold on?

This story takes us, through hard times.  
A lot of which, still goes on.

The time is now, to speak up.
To take a stand, Black Lives Matter.

Let's not get caught, once again divided.  
Love see us through, is it possible?

Same with this story, let's be united.  
Taking the necessary steps, pray it happens.

Thank you dear Sabra, for writing this. 
Hoping others will read, close the gap.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.