Friday, February 28, 2014



LOVE leaves no stone unturned, smoothes the rough edges.

Thursday, February 27, 2014



TIME not concerned, with us.
In the present, fears not.
Lives the now, nothing else.
So why not, us too!



CHANNEL fluid, flows.
Stays open, humble.
Appreciates honor, used.
Ability help, care.
Every day, shares.



PLUGIN channels, connects.
Makes difference, counts.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014



SURRENDER trusts, comprehension suspended.

Surrendering our doubts. Our fears. To share even when does not appear that have it to give. 



VISION measured, finely detailed.
Hurdles jumped, using insight.
Beats odds, success obtained.



COURAGE walks, not idle.
Finds foothold, keeps going.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014



WORDS that flatter, really don't matter. 
It's substance desired, sink teeth into. 
Let our thoughts, run through ringer. 
Take out excess, run true course. 
Then opportunities arise, not seen before. 
Draws forth truth, preservation of life. 

ALONE (second version)


ALONE with self, brings new insight. 
Quietens the chaos, time for reflection. 
Feeds the soul, nourishes the heart. 
Then truly ready, to share. 

ALONE (first version)


ALONE renders visible, unrelenting tides. 
Held at bay, without defense. 
One's worst enemy, but self. 
Time for reflection, loving correction. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014



FUTURE in present, traditions given.
Not as "shoulds", instead reassurance.
That life does, have purpose.



PAST hurts cling, rot foundation.
Let observation rule, step back.
Understand a lesson, learn from.
Rung by rung, climb out.



MAGIC sparks interest, sees beyond illusion. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014



AUTHENTIC shift, eyes opened.
Goals reset, new steps.
In motion, mutual understanding.
Who on, same journey.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014



AGLOW the ember, beneath the ashes.
What seems lost, all forgotten.
With gentle breath, ever constant.
Fans the flame, of truth.
Peace Love Light, does reign.

Monday, February 17, 2014



GENUINE vulnerability, understands risk.
Uses life, inspire others.

Wisdom's shell, does wear.

Sunday, February 16, 2014



BUILD ground up, strong foundation.
Discover weak points, openly exam.
Do the homework, rethink problem.
Answer out there, reel in.



ADMIT thankfulness, our interdependence.
Not meant, go alone.
All comes, from above.
Nothing accomplished, on own.
So wholeheartedly, do share.

Saturday, February 15, 2014



CONFUSION tests dedication, clarity sought.
Willing to choose, not frozen.
Moment by moment, road forks.
No greener pastures, that's illusion.
To dig deeper, find nugget.
Wisdom at hand, there focus.
Our strength lies, within certainty.
Able stand alone, go on.



SOLID the being, who understands community. 
Not a weakness, instead a beacon. 
Living within cooperation, creates lasting peace. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014



STOP valve, off or on.
Results desired, carefully thought out.

Requires regulation, readiness to commit.



YIELD permits, transformation.
Direction evaluates, revamps.



MERGE what was, beginning now. 
World of love, endures wrongs. 

What was separated, one again. 

Thoughts - 02/11/14

I'm thinking about three words. How they apply in life. Merge. Yield. Stop. 

There are times when critical to act in cooperation in order to keep flow going. Not one being more important than another.  That's how I see merge. 

Then there are times when we acknowledge that another may have "right of way". A time to slow down even proceed with caution recognizing if best to stop. That's how I see yield. 

Then there is the time to halt, not act. Complete review of point have reached and carefully thoroughly evaluate next step to take, direction to go, even turn around or start over.  That is how I see stop. 

Those are my thoughts this morning as I drive to work. 



CORE rests, inside truthfulness.

Our humility, best serves.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Music is movement and movement is music.

... in the stillness feel vibrations as memories of life and truth rise out of the depths of misery, bringing to fruition happiness once more. Found amongst the fallen leaves of hope, new opportunities and blooms of love's breath.

I feel the devastation of the lost temple. 
When will we rebuild and not be torn down again?  
I'm speaking on so many levels. 

I keep rebuilding. 



FORCE of light, revelation. 
Out of darkness, taken. 
That which depressing, enlightens. 
Making change possible, heart. 
Ignites fuel for, action. 
A better person, become. 



GAME chance, for revelation.
Our challenges, add flavor. 
Actively participating, in life. 

Bringing out, the best. 



GARMENT flesh, vessel of love. 
Us question, what message sending. 
Are accessories, really even necessary?
If so, helps to clarify? 



BRAVE reconnects enthusiasm, opposes depression. 
Lights the candle, removes darkness. 



RAIN coats, fibrous awareness.
Deep within, soul encourages. 
All goodness, on journey. 
Experiencing opposite, brings appreciation. 
Returns home, wholly holy. 



PAIN endured, light becomes. 
If believe, love exists. 



HARDWORKING, avoids easy.
Trusts, bigger picture.
Smiles, spreads light.



ILLUSION unlocked, box dismantled.
Served purpose, move beyond.
Break away, consciousness change.



HUNGER passion's fuel, desires best for all. 

Less than that, work still to do.  



WARMTH of heart, shelters soul. 
Comfort friend's love, truly priceless. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014



LOUD silence, breathe softly.
Take in, life's gift.



CARE desires best, restricts generosity. 
Sometimes the no, right answer. 



DETAILS of happiness, lies in simplicity. 
Uncloak life's circumstances, clouds of depression. 
That smiles rain, all around us. 



PROTECT environment of peace, reduces hostility. 
Manifest world most desired, by being. 
Even if seems useless, setting example. 
Trailblazing way of Light, keep going. 



TIDINESS effective tool, with positive attitude. 
If performed daily, becomes delightful routine. 
From accumulated darkness, bursts forth Light. 



SHARE honors, steps aside. 
Respectfully listens, watches growth. 
When asked, joyfully assists. 



BROKEN self image, something can't be. 
Not this time, not this place. 
Tears are useless, acceptance the key. 
From that point, start over again. 
Discover what lies, hidden deep inside. 



CONTINUE by going within, without limits. 
Open your heart up, universe there. 
Answers reveal themselves, intuition follow. 
Let the light shine, delightfully dance. 



CHOICE profound, easily lost. 
Given away, for security. 
Or thought, rules entrenched. 
In actuality, only traps. 
Gentle guidance, wisdom's touch. 
Toward this, I return.