Sunday, September 30, 2018


( T ) o
(  I ) magine 
( R ) eality 
( E ) arnestly 
( D ) riven 

TIRED is as, day’s events. 
Hopefully was filled, with positivity. 
Exhausting if spent, watching shenanigans. 
When ego outweighs, humanity’s best. 

Wondering if ever, gets better. 
During those times, must refocus. 
Drop “ bigger picture”, for awhile. 
Or never get, to sleep. 

Time after time, optimism squashed. 
That’s when need, a hug. 
Find a way, occupy self. 
Pick up pen, and write. 

Word by word, keeps coming. 
Until is said, and done. 
Head on pillow, more comes. 
Asking what’s it, all about?

How possible to, like people. 
At same time, do not?
Until just want, to shout. 
Middle of night, can’t do. 

So instead find, grinding teeth. 
Release and then, deeply breathe. 
Don’t always finish, at once. 
Drags on and, on sporadically. 

Decides when stop, of itself. 
At same time, feeling guilty. 
Don’t want disturb, anyone else. 
Plus need to, get sleep. 

Is it time, count sheep?  
Thankfully was enough, this time. 
So writing served, it’s purpose.
Even when followed, strange dreams. 

The mind being, quite creative. 
Processing in it’s, own way. 
Next day ready, to face. 
Do not from, reality run!

Saturday, September 29, 2018


(  # )
( M ) eaningful 
( E ) xpression 
( T ) otality
( O ) f
( O ) ppression 

#METOO is serious, gathers momentum. 
Not to be, taken lightly. 
And not either, for granted. 
Those affected are, highly effected. 

Many a night, sleepless remembering. 
All alone and, not alright. 
Hidden beneath layers, the fear. 
Unable to share, with anyone. 

Lost in world, own making. 
The only way, to survive. 
In order to, get by. 
To self, important, that deny. 

Pretend happened to, someone else. 
Worked only for, little while. 
Found other ways, to escape.
Starting out elemental, was essential.

Cats and music, for instance. 
Books taking to, another place. 
No spare moment, to think.   
Eventually become very, detail oriented. 

As time passed, needed outlet. 
In order not, to explode. 
Writing poetry serving, dual purpose. 
Hoping by expressing, helps others. 

Deep distrust of, other people. 
Yet remaining a, conflicted optimist 
So damaged become, easy prey. 
Take advantage “Need, to give”. 

Little by little, become isolated. 
Real self hidden, deep inside.
Everyone did think, knew solidly. 
Had no clue, were mistaken. 

An introvert displayed, as extrovert. 
Yet force field, so strong. 
No one could, go beyond. 
Unseen even to, one’s self. 

To sanity hold, on tight. 
Desperately with all, one’s might. 
By other’s rules, was living. 
A trap bringing, much grieving. 

A way out, not believing. 
The past did, keep reliving. 
Stepping away from, it all. 
Trying to discover, who are. 

Who did want, to be? 
Searching out religiously, for answers. 
Appearing strange and, even deranged. 
From “you” others, do distance. 

By now probably, have guessed. 
My journey am, speaking of. 
Each of ours, quite unique. 
Do what takes, to survive. 

First married because, felt must. 
Second married because, was “free”. 
Then realized was, still confused.
Work on “me”, or lose. 

The “me” meant, to be. 
Desired that could, clearly see. 
Many bumps along, the way. 
To do better, I’d say. 

Still seen as, the prey. 
Kept drawing them, my way. 
Same pattern just, different name. 
Was time to, take action. 

Critical that try, therapy again. 
Per doctor get, on antidepressant. 
Saw taking on, too much. 
Still attempting to, rescue everyone. 

They were combination, I needed. 
Helped me back, on track. 
So ready for, big event. 
Thankful didn’t miss, when arrived. 

Even then I, almost did. 
Was about repeat, familiar pattern. 
“Rescue” another at, my expense. 
Didn’t recognize then, do now. 

Miracle came into, my life. 
Something never expected, to happen. 
A perfect fit, for me. 
Full of love, and laughter. 

I still have, survival techniques. 
I will always, use them. 
Now not needed, as often. 
My “trigger” moments, have decreased. 

Watching the “Hearing”, set off. 
Have shoulder to, cry on. 
Encouraged by those, speaking out. 
Working on changing, our culture. 

No one can, do alone. 
Will no longer, be silent. 
Will no longer, suffer alone. 
#METOO movement here, to stay!

Friday, September 28, 2018


( D ) efinitely 
( O ) ne 
( N ) egating 
( T ) ruth 

( R ) ecanting 
( E ) xperiences 
( C ) ausing 
( A ) ll 
( L ) ies
( L ) egitimized 

DON’T RECALL excuse, easily given. 
Negotiated answer get, what want. 
“Corporate” way to, screw truth. 
Bring down vulnerable, to system. 

One against one, suddenly changes. 
“Them” versus one, now outnumbered. 
Even “friends” will, turn against. 
“Friends” lives dependent, on “them”. 

Told that justice, will prevail. 
Doesn’t matter if, win case. 
“Corporate” has power, if appealed. 
“Judge” knows who, advances career. 

Know this to, be true. 
Happened to me, years ago. 
Accused of being, an opportunist. 
Plus added not, ever friend. 

Given ER job, always wanted. 
How did I, know wanted?
Plus her secret, even deeper?
Out of respect, didn’t reveal?

“Raped” now by, former “friend”. 
Won the case, they appealed. 
That judge me, never spoke. 
He even included, ethnic slur. 

He reversed decision, took away. 
Now would be, civil case. 
I had been, through enough. 
No longer believed, they cared. 

Sexually abused child, still cries. 
Added now this, new assault. 
Do I remember, her name?
No, but will, never forget. 

Yesterday I watched, the Hearing. 
Experienced again “her, against them”!
“Truth not sought”, victimized again. 
Government does not, support us!

Why didn’t tell, my parents?
Was told “respect, my elders”. 
Felt my fault, he did. 
As “Elder” must, be okay. 

At age forty, told parents. 
This is what, mother said...
“His way show, loved me”. 
I replied “but, not appropriate”. 

No way FBI, would know. 
Even if investigated, “kept quiet”. 
I’m not the, “only one”. 
“Due Process” does, not exist. 

Men have power, over women. 
In the family, at work. 
All the way, to president. 
Obviously still has, NOT changed. 

What will it, take now?
“Pot calling the, kettle black”. 
That’s their defense, those complaining. 
Even that slogan, is racist. 

With them nothing, has changed. 
“Guilty” because we, are different. 
Not white male, with power. 
Keep doing “what, boys do”. 

No No No, !!!
That’s my response, you hypocrites. 
When do we, fire you!
Election coming up, let’s start!


( C ) ould 
( O ) ur 
( N ) ation 
( T ) ruly
( R ) each
( O ) ur 
( L ) imit ?

CONTROL is now, the aim. 
Clearly demonstrated by, the majority. 
“Due process” have, clearly redefined. 
Saw at work, during Hearing. 

Objectivity thrown out, the window. 
There is agenda, quite clear. 
“Separation of power”, doesn’t belong. 
Executive Legislative Judicial, all one. 

Brought down from, enemy within. 
Known as power, and greed. 
Clearly no room, for democracy. 
Lasted more than, 200 years. 

For that we, are grateful. 
The “base” voted, them in. 
Content with what, is happening. 
Been waiting long, for this. 

Setting bad example, our nation. 
Thinking “we” are, obviously better. 
“Name of Democracy”, fought wars. 
Killing our young, quite needlessly. 

Or so we, did think. 
It appears fit, their plan. 
Reducing odds of, being replaced. 
The old wise, and caring?

They get richer, and richer. 
Drunk with power, taking over. 
On world stage, supporting insurgents. 
All in name, promoting democracy. 

Shoved it down, others throats. 
To find turned, against us. 
After time and, time again. 
Did not learn, a thing. 

Now deserving what, we have. 
Like other leaders, in past. 
Need borders keep, us in. 
Make it harder, to escape. 

Senior High School, teacher said...
Russia get us, from within. 
North Korea start, Number 3. 
World War definitely, don’t want. 

No wonder everyone, so despondent. 
Suicide of young, is up. 
Our country overall, so apathetic. 
No one wants, to vote. 

Why bother is, the reason. 
It’s time to, change season. 
A new brood, out there. 
Let’s give them, a chance. 

Elders say no, make worse. 
To inherit “our, mess” better ?
I do not, think so. 
Won’t be here, if do. 

Register and vote, I say. 
If you want, better way. 
A shoe that, fits you! 
Stand tall and, speak up!!

Thursday, September 27, 2018


( H ) is
(  I ) dentity 
( D ) uality 
( D ) eeply 
( E ) nforced
( N ) eutrality

HIDDEN past is, now revealed. 
Kept silent truth, who was. 
I too have, lived with. 
Once married denied, different person. 

To such extent, truly believed. 
Though others said, was false. 
Understood why this, was desired. 
Former person was, very disgusting. 

Embarrassed and ashamed, felt guilty. 
Changed behavior became, someone new. 
Today during hearing, defending #2. 
As #1 no, longer “exists”. 

There is time, must admit. 
Ask for forgiveness, move on. 
Most would understand, see change. 
Give him that, second chance. 

But instead came, out swinging. 
Setting blame on, everyone else. 
Mad at how, adversely affected. 
Willing to lie, to coverup. 

That is why, the NO!
Shows true character, deep down. 
Pretense and instability, reason enough!
Job too important, let in. 


(  T ) he
( W ) inning 
( O ) ption 

( S ) olves 
( T ) he 
( A ) pparent 
( T ) ension 
( E ) xisting 

TWO STATE or, one state?
Blue State and, Red state. 
Is that what, working toward?
One country not, working anymore?

Israel into Jewish, and Palestinian?
If can work, for them... 
Then definitely for, us too? 
Seems like a, doable plan. 

Democrats versus Republicans, both partisan. 
Must be what, people want. 
Sticking to their, “guns” absolutely. 
“Their way or, the highway”. 

No one cares, to listen. 
Judgements made before, the “hearing”. 
Afraid to question, accuser themselves. 
Solely select their, own prosecutor. 

At the expense, of witnesses. 
Both parties political, the process. 
Name calling is, a given. 
Along with carefully, chosen slogans. 

So let us, fix this. 
“Once and for, all” okay?
November election ask, this question. 
You red state, or blue?  

Each voter understanding, that tally...
Determines which BIG, state in. 
Mini states crunched, into one. 
Red State or, Blue become. 

Then all infighting, is eliminated. 
When voting becomes, actually about...
Getting things done, people want. 
Everyone is on, same page. 

If don’t like, can move. 
Many countries to, choose from. 
They are all, “quite unique". 
Bound to find, one like. 
“IF” it lets, you in...

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


( B  ) ring 
( U  ) p
( D )  iscussion 
( G )  radually 
( E )  dify 
( T )  alks 

BUDGET carefully time, and money. 
Not mixing up, the two. 
Sometimes need a lot, sometimes not. 
Don’t let decision, be political. 

Rushing to conclusions, ill advised. 
Working in system, quite complex. 
Handling money that, not yours.
Not there to, benefit self.  

Truly mean what, you say. 
Reducing taxes means, spending less. 
Not at cost, of services. 
Government exists for, a reason. 

Designed to cover, constitutional rights. 
Federal and state, work together. 
So that nothing, left out. 
Remembering is “For, the People”. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


(  I ) ncidental 
( N ) ot ! 
( Q ) uocient 
( U ) nilateral 
(  I ) nforming 
( R ) equires 
( E ) xpression 

INQUIRE is more, than curiosity. 
It is pursuing, with intent. 
Seeking truth for, a reason. 
Otherwise it is, a scam. 

Pretending that care, is diabolical. 
So hurtful need, to expose. 
Hearts on fire, for answers. 
Which “inquirer” hopes, to squelch. 

When free press, at work. 
The whole situation, is revealed. 
Now it’s out, in open. 
Soon quite an, extensive merry-go-round. 

In actuality inquirer, okay with. 
No cry of, “fake news”. 
A welcome distraction, their perception.
As long as, not delayed. 

That’s the game, being played. 
Well let’s get, at it!
Use our wits, to stop!
To undue the, non-investigator investigation. 

That was quite, a mouthful. 
With such bullshit, what expect?
Our country is, on display. 
For how system, not working. 

We can “turn, the table”. 
Set in place, the democratic way. 
Topple partisanship with, our outcry. 
Saying change now, or goodbye!

Inquire into their, decisive “doings”. 
Show them us, not fooling. 
Resulting in truth, all around. 
If done timely, quite profound. 

If not, still, have options. 
All depends on, the timing. 
In this case, November election. 
Vote in some, “new blood”!

Monday, September 24, 2018


( H ) ow 
( E ) veryone 
( A ) ppreciates 
( R ) eal 
(  I ) nvestigation,
( N ) eeds
( G ) oing-over

HEARING is not, just “procedure”. 
Simply walking “through”, “the steps”. 
Formal way to, look “legitimate”. 
Attempt to fool, the skeptics. 

If indeed “seeing, is believing”. 
Then hearing involves, objectively listening. 
Political “Hearing” includes, “all parties”. 
Politicians ask questions, not counselor. 

Accuser and accused, equal treatment. 
Both opportunity to, provide witnesses. 
Both opportunity for, presentation preparation. 
Ideally those “helping”, not “biased”.

Let’s get right, first time. 
Affects more than, those involved. 
To rush process, shows intent. 
“The means justifies, the end”

To go along, with this. 
Shows poor shape, nation in. 
STOP the hypocrisy, meaning now!
Thing complaining about, did yourself. 

Will keep saying, and saying. 
We are a, democratic nation!
That means everyone, WORKS together. 
Not continue with, bad habits. 

If set in, your ways. 
Used to having, your way. 
Step down or, be replaced!
Have brought country, to disgrace. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018


( D ) oesn’t
(  I ) t 
( S ) eem
( G ) etting 
( R ) iskier 
( U ) ndermining 
( N ) eedlessly 
( T ) he 
( L ) aborer 
( E ) very 
( D ) ay 

DISGRUNTLED is on, the rise. 
Those who need, to work. 
Trying to pay, the bills. 
Shelter Feed  Clothe, their kids. 

If economy is, so good. 
Why so many, are struggling.  
No savings in, the bank. 
Healthcare costs have, eaten up.  

Downsize is the, trend now.
Weed out “soon, to retire”.  
Increse expectations until, can’t meet. 
Then on probation, then out. 

Worked in 80’s, do again. 
Only getting different, reaction now. 
Mental health eroded, guns plentiful. 
Shootings are becoming, the answer. 

At home, at school, at work. 
Loyalty no longer, a given. 
Employers choosing younger, or technology. 
Even better overseas, because cheaper. 

Wages no longer, keep up. 
Cost of living, rising fast. 
No longer a, middle class. 
Poor, poor, poorest, or rich. 

This nation is, in crisis. 
Women are treated, without respect. 
Employees as disposable, and replaceable. 
All for “profit”, the cry. 

Say American right, can’t deny. 
Politicians keep lowering, the bar. 
Willing to go, that far. 
Humanity has become, quite inhumane. 

With technology born, everything “game”. 
Nobody seen as, “real” anymore. 
Trying to win, even score. 
Sorry state we, are in. 

Mental health focus, they say. 
Leads to “study”, the issue. 
Action with inaction, escalated problem. 
Solve now before, too late!

Friday, September 21, 2018


( P )  eace 
( O )  n
( E )  arth,
( M ) ine 

PEACE is state,
of mind.
Hard time keeping,
through years. 

I definitely needed,
an outlet. 
Then words began,
to flow. 

Took on form,
all mine. 
Helped me work,
through issues. 

Helped to connect,
to myself. 
Helped to keep,
my sanity!


( P ) erhaps 
( A ) llowing
( T ) ime 
(  I ) ncreases
( E ) ffectiveness
( N ) eed
( C ) hance 
( E ) xplain 

PATIENCE speaks of, willingly wait. 
Those desiring knowledge, openly give. 
When does politics, outrank truth?
When does judge, not insist?

If justice fear, why judge?
If innocent why, fear witnesses. 
If fear might, be true. 
Wouldn’t you want, to know?

Then ask victim, for forgiveness. 
Accept the consequences, move on. 
If past statue, of limitations?
Ask for forgiveness, of electorate. 

Opportunity as judge, improve system. 
Don’t fall back, on precedent. 
He against she, he wins. 
Keeps “her” quiet, every time. 

Using politics for, what want. 
So deny investigation, no delay. 
Do not allow, preparation time. 
Say no to, other witnesses. 

Playing games so, not heard. 
Threatened and harassed, so scared. 
To them does, not matter. 
They feel are, in control. 

Victim decides to, meet demands. 
Will not be, unabashedly silenced. 
Committee of men, quite relentless. 
Their minds already, made up. 

Set in their, old ways. 
Making jokes at, her expense. 
Treating as if, entirely stupid. 
This is not, the fifties. 

It’s time for, a new generation. 
Leaders not stuck, in time. 
November 7, 2018, is nearing. 
Let us change, the dynamics. 


( D ) uring 
( R ) ecess 
(  I ) t’s 
( V ) irtual 
( E ) scape 

DRIVE is often, passion unchecked. 
Important take time, to refocus. 

Not only children, need break. 
Life is full, of stress. 

Need the time, to rest. 
To be at, our best. 

Thursday, September 20, 2018


(  O ) ften 
(  V ) alues 
(  E ) xpressed 
(  R ) arely 
( W ) ith 
(  H ) eart 
(  E ) vil 
(  L ) urks
( M ) ean 
(  E ) vil 
(  D ) eeds 

OVERWHELMED is sign, take note. 
Receiving lies makes, one bloat. 
Some like feeling, this way. 
Their ego grows, easily swayed. 

By pure mass, take over. 
Living in their, own clover. 
Others see for, what is. 
A drink with, all fizz. 

No substance when, settles down. 
Left with thirst, and frown. 
Need something to, chew on. 
Something with nourishment, think upon. 

Back to values, quite sublime. 
Stand the test, of time. 
Backed by actions, follow through. 
When look back, holds true. 

Not change at, moment’s notice. 
Full of bull, and glitz. 
Treating people as, don’t exist. 
With self praise, does persist. 

Quickly wearing down, those resisting. 
Until they too, are assisting. 
Time to stop, the grieving. 
Support what you, believe in. 

If can’t or, won’t do. 
Then after all, not you. 
Just words to, look good. 
Passed down to, the brood. 

Want equality that, includes morality. 
That needs justice, with objectivity. 
Then speak up, and call. 
If don’t listen, will fall. 

Others out there, to select.  
Knows how to, better represent. 
Way of life, this is. 
It has been, since 1776. 

Today takes courage, and bravery. 
Bring fight home, for democracy. 
And with a, loud shout. 
Vote Vote Vote, them out!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


( R ) estless 
( E ) nergy 
( G ) enerates 
( U ) rgency 
( L ) ooking 
( A ) ching 
( R ) eaching 

REGULAR times hard, to find. 
Less of moral, or kind. 

It’s  become us, versus them. 
And a rush, to win. 

Has become game, of thrones. 
Needs to lead, or moans. 

Claiming it’s time, for “Party”. 
Purposely takes away, all objectivity. 

Supreme Court doesn’t, need “bling”. 
Just puppets on, “their” string. 

That goes for, congress too. 
DOJ and FBI, another two. 

No investigation for, the “wronged”. 
Must keep the, “Party” strong. 

For truth a, chance deny. 
Raises reason for, asking why?

A job with, immediate tenure. 
Deserves time to, be sure. 

Right now it’s, all political. 
Representing people a, “no go”. 

Let’s get back, to “we”. 
Not just “he”, versus “she”. 

Back to democracy, “American way”. 
Not by “one”, easily swayed. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


( F ) ighting 
( A ) gainst 
( L ) ogic 
( L ) eaves 
( E ) verything
( N ) ull...                  and void

FALLEN is state, of mind. 
It says sit, roll over. 

Putting someone else, in charge. 
That way not, held accountable. 

It says jump, how far. 
Okay if doesn’t, make sense. 

There’s no reasoning, going on. 
Gave that up, long ago. 

It’s time to, come back. 
Time to own, your space. 

Make decisions stand, by them. 
Are you ready, start today. 


( C ) herish
( H ) istoric
(  I ) nvitation
( C ) alls 
( A ) ttention
( G ) enerous 
( O ) pportunity 

CHICAGO stayed true, to horns. 
To band they, add depth. 

Some didn’t understand, went away. 
Miss them to, this day. 

Went off on, their own. 
Wished them well, continued on. 

Are here today, dedicated fans. 
Taking in all, the vibrations. 

Through sad times, lifted up. 
During happy celebrations, included you. 

Drove six hours, get here. 
Worth every minute, without question. 

Bobby, James, Lee. Thank You. 
Today we get, to meet. 

Our favorite band, keep blowing. 
And strumming, and stroking, and drumming. 

The words, the arrangements, the heart. 
From you will,  never part. 

Yes indeed life, goes on, 
And so too, your songs!!!

With you from, the “Beginnings”. 
With you until, the end.