Saturday, December 21, 2019


(D) oes
(E) go
(N) eutralize
(I) ntelligence
(A) ltogether
(L) ately?

DENIAL is a game most play.
Then nothing gets in the way.
Economy determines if all is well.
Morality can just go to hell.

Will there come a time soon...
When those who rule not fools?
Bring us off brink of insanity?
Back to democracy as truly meant?

Friday, November 29, 2019


( I ) mportant
(N)  eed
(S)  capegoats
( I ) increasing
(D)  eceptive
(E)  xtreme
(R)  hetoric
(S)  atisfies

INSIDERS secretly seek power, having the final say.
Stabbing in the back, those in the way.
Loyalty does not exist, it is strictly situational.
Because of them democracy, has become a struggle.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


(C) ome
(R) ight
(O) utside
(S) tand
(S) till
(R) ealize
(O) pportunities
(A) re
(D) ecisions
(S) truck

CROSSROADS require action, more than a fraction.
Takes a commitment, made in an instant.
Following the course, each step without force.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


( I ) nvolves
(M) an’s
(P) ersonal
(E) go
(A) ltering
(C) ertain
(H) istorical
(M) oments
(E) xcluding
(N) ecessary
(T) ruth

IMPEACHMENT holds accountable, when others refuse.
Loyalty without conscience, put to test.

When ONE desires, to control everything.
Sees self as, better than others.

Uses dirty tricks, and secret deals.
Along with fear, and constant intimidation.

Lies become like, scum on water.
Can ignore but, kills everything touches.

Death to Democracy, becomes the reality.
Balance of Power, freedom for all...

Erased by the, crafty loaded deck.
"We the People", allowed without objection.

Our country becomes, like many others.
No longer unique, pawns on chessboard.

Senate and judiciary, bought into game.
There to block, moves by opponent.

Political manipulation changed, the people's vote.
They are ready, to do again.

Is history about, to repeat itself?
IMPEACHMENT holds accountable, when others won't.

Monday, November 18, 2019


(S) uddenly
(T) he
(O) nslaught
(R) eaps
(M) ayhem

STORM on the horizon, are we ready?
Prepared to ride out, all the elements?
Don't live in ignorance, believing all's fine.


( B) eyond
( L) earning
( I ) gnorance
(S) tands
(S) trong

BLISS doesn't see reality as is.
Runs back to the past and exists.
A world of delusion and confusion.
Mixed with poisonous ideas and hatred.
Waiting for history to repeat itself.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


( S ) ure 
(  I ) ‘m 
( C ) oughing
( K ) icking 

SICK is in the way...
of getting things done. 
Yet it comes with message...
important to slow down. 

Better listen and take action...
before it gets worse. 
Does not do any good...
to moan and curse. 

So I’m here with you...
focusing on doing nothing. 
No better place to be...
comfort of your arms. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019


( B ) ringing
( O ) ut 
( L ) egitimate
( S ) upport
( T ) o 
( E ) ncourage
( R ) esiliency

BOLSTER comes in many forms. 
Almost always a matter of choice. 
Withholding out of fear... encroachment. 
Which becomes a threatening surreal position. 

Implying a breakdown of consciousness. 
Accepting inhumane actions as new norm. 
A system may need “fixing”,
But not at expense of morality. 

When one purposely removes foundation...
Actively divides in order to separate...
And diminish into total insignificance...
Where are the alarms and responders?

Why the silence and inaction?
Where’s the support so badly needed?
So need win give in?
Terminal state of affairs needs transplant!

Friday, November 1, 2019


( H ) ow
( E ) valuate 
( S ) ituation 
(  I ) s
( T ) roubling 
( A ) nd 
( T ) akes 
( E ) ffort 

HESITATE can be a positive,
Or a negative. 
Needs to be thoroughly analyzed,
Or instant decision?
May mean matter of life,
Or unexpected death. 

History has given many examples,
Of choice selected. 
Can deny or learn from,
Perilous to ignore. 
Once again seeking an answer,
Before too late. 

Still capture the joys of life,
As they come. 
But don’t live with tunnel vision,
Unaware of danger. 
A good scout always prepared,
To take action. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019


( P ) erhaps 
( L ) ife 
( A ) ctually 
(  I ) s
( N ) ature’s 
( S ) ecret 

PLAINS hosted... the buffalo.  
Because of... Indians survived. 
All kept... in balance. 
Foreigners came... took over.

Trees strong... and proud. 
Brought down... without thought. 
Moving East... to West. 
Leaving land... most desolate. 

The caring... were outnumbered. 
Building bigger... and better. 
Never satisfied... wanted more. 
Oil, gold... and diamonds. 

Kept digging... and digging. 
Climate mankind... can’t control.
Carelessly ignores... the signs. 
Suffer fate... of dinosaur?

It’s not... too late. 
Take heed... act now. 
Someone please... open gate. 
Before our... freedom lost. 


( C ) antankerous 
( O ) bservations
( V ) irtually 
( E ) scape
( R ) ecognition
( U ) ntil
( P ) opped

COVERUP becomes the norm of liar,
And the accomplices. 
Their pants don’t catch on fire,
Or nose grow. 

But soon a smell quite sour, 
Begins to emanate. 
Those close to source in power, 
Used to gotten. 

Placing on someone else the blame,
Cleaning up mess. 
And purposely call a nasty name,
Oder quickly forget.

Except those with finely tuned focus,
And good sense. 
Are not fooled by Hocus pocus,
And trap door. 

There’s no magic formula to success,
When using deceitfulness. 
Unless bipartisanship doesn’t exist I guess,
Surely way headed. 

Pull your head out of sand,
If you can. 
Please work together with a plan,
So democracy survives. 

It’s not about you or “them”,
But the “people”. 
The ones you’re “supposed” to “represent”,
Why you’re “elected”. 

All the people not just some,
Or “number 1”. 
Not the lobbyist or big corporations,
Or your pocket. 

It has been a long time,
Since anything accomplished. 
Just saying no has become fine,
Waiting “your” dime. 

One party dictating to the other,
All about winning. 
At expense of child father mother,
Individuals in U.S.

“Party” “House” “Senate” “Supreme Court” complicate,
And now “President”. 
It appears leadership has become advocate,
For a Dictatorship. 

If don’t get their act together,
Democracy is lost. 
Just one small breath on feather,
No longer strong. 

Not one country “united for all”,
This pledge dead. 
Instead the U.S.A. about to fall,
Like many before. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


( L ) ifetime 
(  I ) nvestment 
( E ) levating 
( S ) elf

LIES become way of life,
When not going your way. 
Creating reality based on deceit,
Believing every word you say. 

Backed by those who’ve learned,
Burnt if don’t go along. 
Whose loyalty requires convincing others,
They too want to belong. 

Questions not allowed simply put,
Genius is at work quite evident. 
Power given becomes the hook,
Take over everything 100 percent. 

All about him none else, 
Enemy becomes friend patriotism rewritten.
Time speak up take action,
Before our democracy is smitten. 

Saturday, October 19, 2019


( L ) et’s
( E ) xplore 
( S ) ilence 
( S ) uddenly 
( O ) n 
( N ) ature’s 
( S ) ide 

LESSONS come in many forms. 
Can be voluntary or involuntary. 
Do we look for them?
Or simply leave them alone?

When nature comes a screaming...
Is it warning or reflection?
Perhaps form of both be?
Let’s pay attention and listen. 


( O ) ur
( N ) eeds
( E ) qual...

( E ) levating 
( L ) ove,
( E ) ssential...
( V ) ery 
( E ) ssential
( N ) ow!

ONE ELEVEN says... it’s time. 
Time to purify... thoughts and actions. 
The dawn approaches... a reckoning coming. 


( A ) ll
( C ) reative 
( H ) indsight 
( E ) rased

ACHE at night, cannot sleep. 
Muscles are tight, won’t release. 

Covered in sweat,  body is. 
So tired, yet, must write. 

The 70’s repeat, over again?
Not a defeat, or win. 

Learn from fact, and past.
Don’t move back, but forward. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


(  I ) magine 
( M ) agic 
( M ) oving 
(  I ) n ...
( G ) etting 
( R ) id of
( N ) eo-nazi
( T ) yranny 

IMMIGRANT seeks a change, a better life. 
Desires to be seen, as an equal.
Is not asking for, a handout. 
Seeks opportunity to give, his/her best. 

America not only for, the rich!
Doesn’t require someone pass, color test!
We are a nation, of creativity. 
Diversity helps brings out, new ideas. 

All of us start, at bottom. 
Then slowly work our, way up. 
Ideally given equal opportunity, to learn. 
Time to ask why, not happening. 

Apparently politics gets in, the way. 
Money talks for politician, thru lobbyist. 
Representing corporations and the, established hierarchy. 
As to “the people”, good luck.  

Where are the checks, and balances?
Forefathers turning over in, their graves!
Heading toward authoritarian nation, with dictator. 
Worth losing your say, for “party”?

Lincoln was a Republican, against slavery. 
Today’s Republicans are for, great economy. 
Even if “enslaves blacks, and immigrants”. 
Or even worse means, deporting both. 

Hong Kong’s fighting to, keep democracy. 
Large gathering speaking out, standing strong. 
Here they quiver and, give in. 
Don’t seem to mind, the takeover. 

Is there plan when, economy collapses?
When bankruptcy tool can’t, be used?
When all the banks, are raided?
So those on top, stay there. 

Have we been dummied-down, that much?
Hatred and fear feeds, the frenzied.
Once again this nation, is divided. 
Many willing eat crumbs, of “GREED”.

2020 election will be, death blow. 
To democracy or egotism, each chooses. 
Not even then if, interference continues. 
Time to UNITE and, save DEMOCRACY!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2019


( S ) taying 
( T ) ogether 
( A ) fter 
( Y ) esterday! 

STAY, he said. 
I, replied yes. 
Day, January 1st!
Beginning, New Life!

Met, on Christmas. 
Again, on Monday. 
Let’s, be friends!
Was, the plan. 

Next, came invitation. 
Eve, of 2017. 
End, of 2016. 
My, remembered yesterday. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


( S  ) hadows 
( M ) easured 
(  I  ) n 
(  L ) ight’s 
(  E ) xpression 

SMILE takes in joy, dispelling darkness. 
Opens arms to day, those meet. 
Gives strength to our, loved ones. 
Reveals who is truly, a friend. 

Reminds us perfection not, the goal. 
Being at our best, much better. 
Let us not hide, in despair. 
Not follow false claims, of egotist. 

Here to love all, no exceptions. 
To help where can, when able. 
Motivation is not money, or power. 
Remember there are consequences, to decisions. 

Don’t have to go, it alone. 
There is someone special, out there. 
Lifts spirit and supports, always there. 
Don’t rush or force, will happen.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


(  T ) he 
( W ) ord 
(  I  ) tself 
( T ) he 
( C ) ertain
( H ) int 

TWITCH calls attention to tension. 
Body and mind at odds. 
Unable to relax or sleep. 
For a while music helps. 

Conflict with body needing rest. 
At same time seeking answers. 
Now, I write this poem. 
Once mind engaged body relaxes. 

Always awake hours before dawn. 
Fighting the same problem again. 
This time around getting up. 
Another day stands before me. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019


( C ) reating 
( L ) ife 
(  I )  s
( M ) agical 
( A ) nd 
( T ) otally 
( E ) essential 

CLIMATE doesn’t play games.  
So why should we?
Our actions affect it.
Left unchecked becomes intimidating. 

So much beauty squandered. 
Because of our selfishness. 
Let’s change our ways!
Before it’s too late!!!

Monday, June 10, 2019


( G ) rows 
( A ) fter 
( R ) ealize 
( D ) o 
( E ) verything 
( N ) eeded 

GARDEN requires dedication, and perseverance. 
Attention to detail, follow through. 
Removing the weeds, of discontent. 
Climate of peace, and tranquility.

Thursday, May 16, 2019


( S ) top
( T ) he
( A ) ggression 

( N ) eed
( D ) efense

( F ) inding 
( I )t
( R ) eally
( M ) atters

STAND FIRM... when tested. 
Don’t let... bullies win.
Rise to... the occasion. 

Protest in... large numbers.

Time to... be heard.
It’s been... done before. 

Time to... do again.
Our nation... a democracy.

Stop whims... of politicians.
Many jockeying... for position. 

Representing “SOME”... “NOT ALL”.

Silence not... always golden.
Speak up... while can.
Before leaders... become authoritarians. 

Take away... our freedom.

They divide... and conquer. 
Thinking only... as narcissist. 
Constantly putting... others down. 
Through lies... calling names.

As support... much revealed. 
Not about... “great again”. 
Instead “lording”... over others. 
“Better than”... someone else.

Is history... being rewritten? 
Equality for... the hypocrite? 
No more... religious freedom? 
Now shun, the immigrant?

Keep the... confederate statue? 
NOT Statue... of Liberty?
Bring back... “poor house”? 

Plus indentured... and slavery?

“Make America... Great Again”? 
Divided America... once more? 
This time... south wins?
The game... being dealt?

Rich landowners... keep estates? 
Now rule... the nation?
Call all... the shots?
Some whites... think included?

They are... simply wrong! 
They believed... the lies! 
Of Aryan... descent asked! 
Answer no... too bad!

UNITED STATES... of America.
Is crying... for help!
Our democracy... being bullied! 

STAND FIRM... and defend!


( E ) very
( A ) nswer 

( S ) atisfies 
( Y ) ou

EASY is not.. always the way. 
Sometimes you need... to ask why. 
Harder questions get... to the truth. 
Do not hide, behind the lies.


( C ) learly 
( L ) ove
( E ) rases 

( A ) ll
( N ) egativity 
( S ) ealing
( E ) ternal
( D ) evotion

CLEANSED sets stage... to new beginnings. Awaken to who... want to be.
And who want... to be with.
Welcome true love... when it appears.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


( B ) eing 
( E ) ver
( S ) ensitive
(  I  ) s
( D ) efinitely 
( E ) ndearing

( M ) agic 
( E ) verywhere

BESIDE ME always... my husband. 
My best friend... and lover. 
Keeps me safe... and warm. 
One and only... I am. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


( F ) ocused 
( O ) n 
( U ) nderstanding 
( N ) ew 
( D ) eal

FOUND me lost in... my own space. 
Running around in circles... nowhere to go. 
About to make another... mistake in desperation. 
That’s what loneliness does... with broken hearts. 

During your own search, you FOUND me. 
Saw the beauty within... a soft glow. 
A light of love, meant for you. 
FOUND just in time, before too late. 

My response, “Wish I’d... met you sooner.”
Those words offered a... ray of hope. 
Music to your ears... miracle at work. 
Now two years later... forever entwined together. 


( R ) eadily 
( E ) stablish 
( S ) ound 
( T ) raits

REST is matter of choice... in busy world. 
Can talk self out of... excuses all there. 
Or embrace the benefits of... good night’s sleep. 
Only takes minute to decide... if question asked. 

There’s always something out there... that needs done. 
Or once in bed will... occupy your mind. 
The must dos that just... can not wait. 
Or so one believes the... lies tell themselves. 

Cuddle in next to the... one you love. 
Now close your eyes and... breathe in deeply. 
Slowly release and do again... now getting there. 
Drift off to sleep with... smile on face. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019


( F ) irst 
( A ) gree 
( M ) utual 
(  I ) nterest 
( L ) etting 
(  I ) n 
( A ) lternate 
( R ) eality 

FAMILIAR can trap... or open doors. 
Repeat a pattern... or stop altogether. 
Try something new... keep it simple. 
Open your eyes... to better tomorrow. 

I wasn’t planned... here I am. 
I stopped apologizing... two decades ago. 
It took awhile... to find myself. 
Took even longer... to recognize love. 

Two years ago... it found me. 
He knew instantly... meant to be. 
Now I’m his... and he’s mine. 
Wouldn’t have it... any other way. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


( W ) ondering 
( H ) ow 
( A ) ll 
( T ) his

(  I ) s 
( F ) orgotten 

WHAT iF today… doesn’t bring tomorrow?
Time passes with… or without it.
Matter of perspective… eye of beholder. 
Past present future… all exist together. 

Important to one… not to another.
Memory plays games… shakes the dice. 
What comes out… is anybody’s guess.
That’s how seems… to casual observer. 

Deep inside a… choice is made. 
What comes out… based on that. 
Same memory one,… forgets, another remembers. 
Why may be… for same reason. 

Love didn’t exist… so I thought. 
Then walked in… to my life. 
Changed my life… new memories creates. 
Now see world… in new light. 

In the news… craziness out there. 
We choose to… do what can. 
Ease the pain… one by one. 
Then go home… basque in love. 

Our love true… through and through. 
That is what… matters to us. 
This we choose… never to forget. 
Regardless what happens… we are one. 

May world remember… power of love. 
No longer be… divided by hatred. 
Stop playing games… with each other. 
Unite in love… and stand together. 

Monday, April 1, 2019


( W ) hen 
( H ) atred 
( A ) lters 
( T ) ruth 

( N ) ourish 
( O ) ur 
( W ) orld

WHAT NOW... once again divided?
Claiming better... than everyone else?
Hiding behind... wall of deceit?
Always blaming... the other guy. 

Must focus... on what want. 
Not on... what don’t want. 
Otherwise become... like the offender.
Materialistic foes... in end embraced. 

Telling others... how to be.  
Is certainly... not your job. 
First clean... your own house.
Be example... of what desire. 

Old saying... “guilty by association”. 
Choose wisely... who hang with. 
Love heals... unites the disheartened. 
Here to... be our best. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


( H ) ow 
( E ) xtremes 
( L ) ose 
( P ) erspective 

HELP is... four letter word. 
To many... of great importance. 
Not worth... endorsement or participation
Simply put... waste of time. 

HELP is... entitlement on wheels. 
To those... unwilling to work. 
Simply looking... for a handout. 
A way... to escape reality. 

HELP is... true and pure. 
Comes from... a loving heart. 
A soul... full of appreciation. 
Works on... a balanced solution. 

HELP is... willing and joyful. 
Bipartisan and.. without special interests. 
Assists those... truly in need. 
Understands that... makes world better. 

Monday, March 25, 2019


( A ) t 
( N ) ight 
( S ) nuggle
( W ) hisper
( E ) ventually 
( R ) est 
( S ) ilence

ANSWERS swirl around us... quite patient. 
Waiting for things to... settle down. 
Once self interest removed... listens in. 
Knows what’s best for... all involved. 

In the morning when... all refreshed. 
Ask questions one at... a time. 
Start with the basics...  no pretense. 
Day by day it... gets easier. 

Friday, March 22, 2019


( Q ) uit
( U ) nderrating
( E ) very
( S ) tep
( T ) ake
(  I ) nitiative
( O ) n
( N ) ext
( S ) tep

QUESTIONS did not enter, did not interfere.
After just one week, we just knew.
Never to be parted, we both agreed.
Meant to be together, now through eternity.

Saturday, March 16, 2019


( F ) orever
( A )
( V ) oice
( O ) ptimistic
( R ) eaching
(  I ) nward
( T ) o
( E ) xpress

FAVORITE... matter of choice.
Represents... something quite delightful.
Definitely... positively a keeper.
Yes... that is YOU!


( T ) eaching
( A ) nother
( N ) earing
( G ) entle
( O ) bsession

TANGO is... more than dance.
It is... connection of two.
One engages... the other responds.
Sets afire... passions hidden within.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


( P ) recious 
( O ) wn
(  I ) ntimate 
( N ) ature 
( T ) rust 
( S ) incerely 

POINTS the way... to true love. 
Never to be... taken for granted. 
Led me to... you most definitely. 
Wouldn’t have it... any other way. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019


( G ) entle
( U ) rging
(  I ) nitiates
( D ) esire
( E ) xploration

GUIDE leads to discovery... of self and others.
Taking a path unknown... to sights most spectacular.
It’s not always easy...   but worth the trip.
So my journey that... led me to him!


( R ) eally
( A ) stounding
( R ) eally
( E ) xtraordinary

RARE can be positive... or negative.
Can set things right... or break down.
In own personal life... or in world.
Sets rules to protect... even if undeserved.

At a stage now... where must decide.
Take the necessary action... needed to correct.
Before the opportunity disappears... cannot be undone.
Must do what can... before too late.

Is history repeating itself... another bad decision?
Leading to being alone... or “final solution”.
There before our eyes... do not deny.
On this future relies... do not hesitate.

Someone who loves dictators... makes it clear.
Type of ruler desires... wants to be.
Will divide and conquer... unites the haters.
Must be held accountable... or democracy lose.

On the positive side, there is love.
Came into my life, totally by surprise.
Just one week later, asked to marry.
Replied immediately with yes... happy ever after!

Thursday, March 7, 2019


( S ) weet
( A ) s
( F ) resh
( E ) vergreens

SAFE is my heart... in the hands of my man.
Stands tall and proud... takes care of me each day.
There through the seasons... no matter the extremes exposed to.
Breathes in new life... giving me strength to go on.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


( T ) o
( E ) nter 
( M ) agic 
( P ) lace 
( T ) ry 
( A ) ltering 
( T ) hinking 
(  I ) magine 
( O ) nly 
( N ) ow

TEMPTATION but a distraction.... on outside looking in. 
Feeling always falling short... can’t reach the carrot.  
A race to win... or eating forbidden fruit. 
Sure it comes along... best to ignore it. 

Instead focus on love... and all the positives. 
Doing best you can... under the current circumstances. 
Enter world of possibilities... dance with joyful steps. 
Life is for living... and enjoying every moment. 


( D ) aily
( E ) xperiencing 
( E ) xpressing 
( R ) eality

DEER find comfort and safety, on our land.
Resting and grazing confidently, without any fear. 
Still cautious and alert, to any movement. 
So too for us, our little haven. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019


( T ) o
( R ) eally 
( E ) xpress 
( A ) ppreciation 
( S ) hake 
( U ) p
( R ) eality’s 
( E ) xcuses

TREASURE your time together... there’s nothing more important. 
There’s never enough time... ‘to do it all”. 
One of many reasons... “running around in circles”.
Then too exhausted to... spend time with family. 

“Keeping up with Jones’... many sent into bankruptcy. 
Heaven forbid if “different”... from those in neighborhood. 
“Keeping up to standards”... is not your thing. 
Instead take an outing... to the local zoo. 

Choosing to live simply... staying within your means. 
Fancy car and home... not on your list. 
Practical rules the day... not next fancy trend. 
Putting down the phone... going out to play. 

Doing face-to-face... not Skype or FaceTime. 
Sitting side-by-side... each reading a book. 
Enjoying cooking and eating... meals and conversations together. 
Afterwards watching movie together... at home in comfort. 

Early to bed ensures... get the needed sleep. 
Ready for next day... “bright-eyed bushy-tailed”. 
Sometimes those old sayings... are gems of wisdom. 
TREASURE your time together... there’s nothing more important.