Wednesday, October 31, 2018


( D ) onald 
( E ) xtorts 
( H ) uman 
( U ) terus 
( M ) aking
( A )
( N ) ational
(  I )  ssue 
( Z ) estfully 
( E ) xploiting 
( S ) ituation

DEHUMANIZES those not, like him. 
Makes them lesser, than others. 
Starts to put, in boxes. 
As did Hitler, and Stalin. 

Then criminalizes some, born here. 
Because of who, parents are...
And from where, they came. 
Vows to take, away citizenship. 

Pledged uphold constitution, instead dissecting. 
Acting with no, regard for. 
Thinks can do, whatever wants. 
Putting country in, national crisis. 

Security risk has doubled. 
Both from without, and within. 
Spending billions we, don’t have. 
Yet claims great, tax breaks. 

Those who have, get more. 
Those who don’t, get less. 
His base truly, loves this. 
That’s what matters, to him. 

Maybe the “needy”, will leave. 
For them makes, it easy. 
Golden Rule no, longer applies. 
Now to focus, on money. 

Not what our, nation about!
How did it, get here?
We were lazy, others weren’t. 
Didn’t vote in, every election!

It is our, chance now!
He’s cranking up, his base. 
Fire and Fury, his campaign. 
With our vote, drench it!


 E ) very 
( N ) ation 
( E ) very 
( M ) an 
( Y ) ields,

( O ) usts 
( F j reedom, 

( T ) he 
( H ) ypocrite 
( E ) xcites, 

( P ) lacing 
( E ) go 
( O ) ver 
( P ) eople, 
( L ) unatic 
( E ) xposed 

ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, President is. 
Points his finger at, everyone else. 
Attacks our first amendment, without question. 
How can we take, sitting down?

So sure of himself, he continues. 
Amping up the rhetoric, with enthusiasm. 
Dividing up our country, even more. 
We should all be, extremely frightened. 

This will not quietly, go away. 
Stand up for our, constitutional rights!
Our very future is, at risk!
To think otherwise is, fatal mistake. 

“Talking nice” “sometimes” doesn’t, fool us. 
Not a “nice” bone, in him. 
This is more than, just political. 
Our very lives are, at stake. 

We must bring rational, thinking back. 
Vote for persons who’ll, do that. 
This time not on, party lines. 
They are too out, of whack. 

Bring back sanity to, our government. 
Our nation is needing, a transfusion. 
Bring in new blood, not toxic. 
Free of hatred and, violent tendencies. 

To silence our voices, is treason. 
Calling us mob and, fake news...
Gives his base permission, to strike. 
With bombs and guns, they are. 

Calling them mentally ill, no excuse. 
Fear stirred meant to, do this. 
Gives reason for governmental, take over. 
Perhaps time catch up, on history. 

The media doesn’t call, the shots. 
Unless Fox News representing, president’s views.  
Freedom of speech requires, multiple representation. 
Objectivity and facts not, the enemy. 

He is pouring it, on thick. 
Don’t get caught in, his muck. 
We ARE the people, of America!
With OUR vote bring, back FREEDOM!


( D ) onald 
(  I ) s
( V ) igilant, 
(  I ) ncluding
( S ) avage 
( I ) nferences
( V ) oiced 
( E ) rratically 

DIVISIVE words and behavior, is purposeful. 
Don’t ever doubt that, or forget. 
He means great harm, and succeeding. 
He’s pushing his point, with fervor. 

Executive Order he raises, as fist. 
Insists with one stroke, rewrite constitution.  
Puppeteer of legislative branch, Supreme Court. 
Confident they will not, stop him. 

Those he hates tarred, and feathered. 
Has troops at border, do same. 
People seeking asylum from, vicious tyranny. 
Meet head to head, with same. 

He abhors the tired, and weak. 
For them no sympathy, no empathy. 
So sure of himself, his base. 
Feeding on Republicans hatred, of Democrats. 

One week before election, keeps ranting. 
Violence and racism increases, silently rejoices. 
Emphasis on fake news, speaking out. 
Heading toward government sanctioned, propaganda news. 

Like Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia. 
He’s a wannabe leader, no limits. 
Once elected started planned, take over. 
We can not let, this happen. 

Land of the free, we are. 
Our hard-earned democracy we, must protect!
Get off our butts, and vote. 
We’re at critical juncture , do it!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


( C ) ould 
( R ) acism 
( A ) ccelerate, 
( M ) aking 
( P ) eople 
( S ) usceptible (?)

CRAMPS very uncomfortable, can’t ignore. 
Must do something, right away. 
A little distraction, apparently helps. 
But doesn’t solve, the problem. 

Buys some time, at best. 
Need to address, the situation. 
Before takes over, too late. 
Need decide what, to do. 

So too life, around us. 
It’s important to, be aware. 
When things changing, don’t like. 
Otherwise get caught, in it. 

Now it’s time, to shout. 
“Vote them out!”, quite clearly. 
No place here, for hatred!
Make it so, November 6th!

Monday, October 29, 2018


( W ) ondering
( A ) bout 
( R ) allies 

WAR comes, in many forms. 
Hatred lies, behind them all. 
Puts focus, on our differences. 
Breeds fear, for its advantage. 

On drugs, good or bad. 
Those who, do or don’t. 
On religion, right or wrong. 
Only one, can be tolerated. 

For power, desires over others. 
Works to, divide and conquer. 
It’s happening, this very moment. 
Another disaster, doesn’t stop rally. 

Pits the, Republican against Democrat. 
Along with, white versus black. 
“The others”, who don’t belong. 
The Jews, who killed Christ. 

Now out, in the open. 
Supported strongly, by the president. 
“Their” demonstration, called “fine people”. 
Since elected, hate crimes rising. 

Healing needed, not in him. 
Just doesn’t, have to give. 
Business practices, stay on top. 
Will do, whatever it takes. 

Was asked, less tough talk. 
When does, makes big deal.  
With laughter, and much sarcasm. 
His words, and actions reveal. 

Out of, woodwork they come. 
Feeling free, bias act upon. 
Up to, nation as whole. 
We must, unite once again. 

With election, of President Obama...
Thought on, the right track. 
More division, present president contributed.
He hasn’t, stopped and won’t. 

He’s already, planning second term. 
Two years, turn things around. 
Unite again, or torn apart. 
Right now, please go vote!

Sunday, October 28, 2018


( H ) aving 
( A )
( T ) olerance 
( R ) ally 
( E ) ffective 
( D ) istraction 

HATRED cannot be ignored, requires action. 
To simply do otherwise, is cruel. 
It does have impact, on us. 
In our face contempt, for virtue. 

Will not sit by, do nothing. 
By saying can’t affect, our life. 
That response is complicity, to max. 
Like slap in face, to recipient. 

Encourages others behave accordingly, implied approval. 
By blaming the victims, make worse. 
Showing that government doesn’t, protect them. 
Let’s all have guns, trigger happy. 

Afraid to step outside, or sleep. 
Remember told good people, both sides. 
Hatred breeds more hatred, not compassion. 
Children love one another, hatred learned. 

Not much time left, before vote. 
We can bring in, new blood. 
Give a transfusion to, our constitution. 

Remove Republicans overstayed welcome, bipartisanship return!

Saturday, October 27, 2018


( E ) xpect 
( N ) othing
( A ) nd 
( B ) elieve 
( L ) ittle 
( E ) xclaims 
( R ) epublican

ENABLER afraid to admit, made poor choice. 
So desperately hangs in, hoping gets better. 
How long if ever, before leave “him”?
Understand “he’ll” never change, only makes harder. 

Saw potential in “him”, “he” doesn’t see. 
The worst traits remain, coming out stronger. 
Encourages those like “him”, hypocrisy still reigns. 
Time to step up, to walk away. 

Known scarier than unknown, must really go!
Everything own leaving behind, simpler that way. 
Very sad all alone, where to go? 
What to do now, how to recover?

It will be bad, for a while. 
But please remember this, you have skills!
Review all your options, and proceed slowly. 
Doors open for you, show the way. 

Back on your feet, wiser and stronger. 
Now able to vote, make better choice. 
Setting example for those, in same boat. 

Yes you will survive, and go on. 


( I ) ncredible
( N ) otion 
( C ) laiming
(  I ) t’s
( T ) he
( E ) xtreme 
( D ) emocrats

INCITED his base, the great divider. 
Taught them how, blame someone else. 
Didn’t cause riot,  but something worse. 
Danger to those, pointing finger at. 

One ups it, by blaming them. 
Says just hoax, to get sympathy. 
Not poker game, raising the bet. 
All the while, bluffing way through. 

Doing what takes, to win game. 
At expense to, those at table. 
Even pulling cards, hidden up sleeve. 
Doesn’t get much, lower than that. 

On the road, town to town. 
Continuing the scam, with straight face. 
Playing the innocent, one so nice. 
Tongue in cheek, fooling no one. 

Those supporting “you”, know the plan. 
Helped “you” come, up with it. 
Saying “you” belong, in White House. 
As “you” campaign, loudly for them. 

We can not, let that happen. 
To do so, would be disaster. 
For us and, for the world. 
Stop the madness, stop the madman. 

Vote vote vote, do it now!
Most critical midterm, in our history. 
Will determine fate, of this nation. 
Out of balance, will go down. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


( J ) ustifiably
( O ) ffers 
( K ) illing 
( E ) asy 
( R ) emedy 

JOKER evil character, not funny. 
Turns the tables, on many. 
Is proud of, his infamy. 
Spitting in face, of decency. 

So also does, this President. 
Encourages attacks on, his opponents. 
While claiming not, his doing. 
Behind his back, crossed fingers. 

Things have become, so unreal. 
“Normal” based on, video games. 
“Enemies” are everywhere, shoot them. 
No thinking involved, just response. 

President uses rallies, to incite. 
He names targets, with labels. 
Bombs put in, the mail. 
Happening right here, at home. 
Nothing to be, proud of. 
President clearly displays, no anger. 
Moves on to, next rally. 
Saying more of, the same. 

President playing monopoly, passed go. 
On a roll, getting richer. 
And along with, more powerful. 
Counting how many, kicked out. 

Kind of leader, we want?
He didn’t win, popular vote!
“We the People, said no. 
Buying electoral votes, game changer. 

The political system, needs upgraded. 
Placing all candidates, same level. 
Now based on, one’s character. 
Not ability to, buy favors. 

Then proposed legislation, not “loaded”....
With special interests, money-making directives. 
Instead one item, per proposal. 
Clean and clear, nothing added. 

At halfway point, with President. 
Mid term elections, upon us. 
Time vote in, new blood. 
Take bull by, the horns. 

Look him straight, in eyes. 
Tell them all, mean business. 
Starting to clean, up house. 
All the way, to 2020!

We mean business, this time. 
Can’t let this, go on. 
President’s base locked, and loaded. 
Get out there, and disarm!


( A ) sk!
( S ) ome 
( S ) imply
( U ) nderstate 
( M ) eaning...
( P ) eople 
( T ) aking 
(  I ) n
( O ) pinions 
( N ) ot 
(S ) upported 

ASSUMPTIONS often used, to scold. 
Thinking that they, know best. 
Speak on behalf, of “victim”. 
Someone do not, even know. 

How can such, ignorance breed?
When so much, information available?
Technology made easy, to lie. 
Tell what want, to hear. 

Then brazen enough, to attack. 
Not even open, to explanation. 
Why need to, do anyway. 
Have not done, anything wrong. 

Regarding “assume” used, to say...
“Makes ass out, of you...
And me”, now just you!
Sad state to, be in. 

Better to keep, mouth shut. 
That way do, no harm. 
Don’t need to, jump in. 
Drown in waters, too deep. 


( N ) owhere 
( A ) greement ...
( T ) o 
(  I ) ndicate 
( O ) therwise
( N ) eeds 
( A ) nger 
( L ) egitimized
(  I ) ncludes
( S ) oulless 
( T )  riumph 

“NATIONALIST” steals the truth, from us. 
Swears we are better, if isolated. 
Sounds like solitary confinement, in prison. 
Only warden and guards, truly benefit. 

As inmates work hard, they profit. 
From the world are, kept away. 
Being told we have, life sentence. 
In maximum security protected, their promise. 

Our President says he’s, a Nationalist. 
That we should want, to be. 
Only to take care, of ourselves. 
Not world and all, in it. 

He states keep  all, immigrants out. 
Expects those countries keep, citizens in. 
To be punished if, they don’t. 
Which means he’ll keep, us in. 

First they privatized prisons, housing criminals. 
Which becomes free labor, called slavery. 
Now a company run, by CEO. 
Next step do same, with citizens. 

We lose our rights, no “entitlements”. 
The military our guards, President warden. 
His base willingly will, go along. 
Too blind to see, where leads. 

With Presidential lies hypnotized,  never object. 
If dare to protest, called criminal. 
If “he” had  it, “his” way...
You know where he’d, put you. 

We are nation of, many people. 
Our country based on, absolute freedom. 
Don’t let “him” take, it away. 
Vote now while you, still can.