Sunday, September 21, 2014



CONTAIN tendency, reaction. 
Build fence, around. 
That all, protected. 
Focus on, positive. 
It's there, look. 
Every day, nourish. 
Stop becoming, extinct. 



MINDFUL the path, rocks and crevices. 
Will fall down, get back up. 
Have a plan, stick to it. 
Ready to alter, when better choice. 
Important pay attention, signs out there. 
Life is journey, enjoy the view. 



OBLIGATION potentiates, reaches out.
Lovingly reconnects, loose ends. 



CONTRACT willful agreement, dedication. 
All involved benefit, imperative. 
Outright held accountable, consequences. 


(N)on physical...

ILLUSION rides on pretense, carries us away. 
Recognize for what is, use as tool. 
Then helps dig out, uncover the gems. 
To source of creation, meaning of life. 
To love one another, big and small. 
For deep within lies, spark of Creator. 



SIGN from above, there loyalty lies. 



LIFE begins, new experience. 
Brings back, into remembrance.
What was, what is. 

Friday, September 12, 2014



DEEP within, awaits. 
In awe, knows. 
God's love, revealed. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014



DRAMA hanging in closet, pretending doesn't exist. 
Bring out attend to, time to clean house. 



CURTAIN separates, blocks natural light. 
Push aside, let it in!



FACT removes drama, brings to source. 
To get along, or move on. 
Until one day, love one another. 
As in beginning, will be again. 



GRATITUDE exceeds entitlement, applies humility. 
Nothing owed us, much given. 
Perhaps not apparent, easily seen. 
There the same, hold dear. 
In spite of, how feels. 
Embrace your challenges, stay inspired. 
Day and night, say blessings. 
So not forget, loved unconditionally. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014



PUNISH option, last resort.
That hopefully, never use. 
Extreme possibility, preventive measure.
As community, have conscience. 
All members, help succeed. 
Implement consequences, with value. 
To rebuild, purposely redirect. 
End goal, better world.



CONTEMPLATE invites change, opening to wisdom. 
Desire do better, being best possible. 
Lessons in life, show us how.  



MOVE becomes, way of life. 
To all, it's own season. 



IMPACT reverberates, felt later. 
Change seen, as review. 
Rising above, our limitations. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014



CARE about each other, willing to take on. 
Times in our lives, when need speak out. 
When silence allows harm, chooses to look away. 
Behaving in this fashion, can not claim compassion. 
Those out there see, by our actions known. 



MISTAKES aplenty, lost. 
Where going, wandering. 
Long time, displaced. 
Still heartfelt, longing. 
Child seeking, home. 
In book, written. 
With love, speaks. 
Each day, guides. 
There I, be. 
Until He, returns. 



INSPECTION annual, coming. 
Golden opportunity, reflect. 
See shortcomings, revamp. 
Review goals, realign. 

New year, shine. 

Monday, September 1, 2014



DETACH opinion, remove screens. 
Stop stumbling, over expectations. 
Avoid conflict, resulting from. 
Second-guessing, serves none. 
Live life, to fullest. 



SEASON dominates, sets pattern. 
Gives signs, best proceed. 
When plant, nourish harvest. 
Let go, time rest. 
Us follow, or not. 
Creative cycles, since beginning. 
Each year, decide crops. 
Feed self, and others. 

In physical, spiritual realms. 



INTROSPECTION is this season, approaching new year. 
To reflect on deeds, how treated others. 
To ask for forgiveness, set record straight. 
Day of atonement approaches, opportunity to correct. 
So when day comes, slate wiped clean. 
From solemnness to joy, all working together. 



WONDERING why here, if on sidelines. 
Thinking of hockey, penalized for foul. 
Do my time, back in game. 
How is it, in deep despair. 
God's furry creature, feels my pain?
Curls beside me, and simply purrs. 
All is right, with world again. 
This to me, quite a miracle. 
To my God, I give thanks. 
Indeed His reassurance, I am loved. 



WITNESS beyond circumstantial, or personal agenda. 
Eye to eye, harder to lie. 
If proved false, consequences quite harsh. 
That in end, justice does prevail. 



RESOLVE dignity's quest, quiet chaos within. 
Peace of mind, transfers to world.