Tuesday, September 29, 2020

EBook Review: THE KNOT AT THE END OF THE ROPE by Leon Stevens (13 stories)


(T) rouble...                         1-(The Knot at the End of the Rope)
(H) eavens...                      2-(The Journey)
(E) mpty...                             3-(Lights Out)

(K) ickback...                      4-(Fast Forward)
(N) oted...                             5-(Reasonable Hand-Drawn Facsimile) 
(O) utcropping...              6-(The View From Here)
(T) ime

(A) ccelerates...               7-(00:00:01)
(T) ried...                               8-(The Last Breath)

                                 Poems and Tales from the (an) Apocalypse...
(T) ime          
(H) ates
(E) veryone...                  9-(Found)

(E) scape
(N) othing...                    10-(There's No Place Like Home)
(D) ining

(O) ut...                               11-(Jackpot)
(F) inale...                               12-(Hold Down the Fort) 

(T) he
(H) owling...                    13-(Homecoming)
(E) ven

(R) otten
(O) ranges
(P) rovide
(E) ffectively...

something to hold on to.

You'll need this for ride about to take,
the unknown doesn't get better.

Lot's of experiments and guesses plenty to explore,
remember to shut the door.

If you don't get it the first time,
please try again can't hurt.

Try using your imagination like they all did,
then will recognize the destination.

Push on: see it through to the end,
doesn't look so bad now.

Grab a pen and write it all down,  
appreciate each day and every moment.

Like riding on swing going up then down,
enjoying as heart skips beats.

Pick up this book: every story's a push,
even if scary want more.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Monday, September 28, 2020

EBook Review: A DEATH WITHOUT HONOR by Robbie Cheadle (Nightmareland Book - Story 14)

(D) eceptive
(E) scape
(A) fter
(T) hat
(H) iking

(W) andering
( I ) n
(T) rees
(H) iding
(O) ut
(U) ntil
(T) he

(H) unting
(O) fficers
(N) ot
(O) ut
(R) econisensing

DEATH WITHOUT HONOR, from actions taken.
What was done, horrific in nature.

Though felt justified, it definitely wasn't.
Certainly don't care, got what needed.

What left behind, not pretty picture.
We can hope, visit from Karma. 

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


EBook Review: JOJO'S MOJO by Victoria Clapton (Nightmareland Book - Story 13)

(J) umping
(O) n
(J) umping
(O) ff
( ' )
(S) ure

(M) akes
(O) ne
(J) ustifiably 
(O) btrusive 

JoJo's Mojo, last chance.
Just going, don't hesitate.

Her shop, so strange.
Best known, to help.

Shaking in, my boots.
My breath, am holding.

She's doing. her thing.
Leaving her, to it.

Can't stay, so run.
How does, this end?

Get  book, read story.
It will, tell you.  

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: THE BARGHEST O' LITLINGTON by Nick Vossen (Nightmareland Book - Story 12)

(T) was
(H) owling
(E) xpressed

(B) alked
(A) fraid
(R) efuses
(G) uilt
(H) orror
(E) nsnares
(S) enses
(T) riggers

(O') btrusive

(L) onging
( I ) gnites
(T) error
(L) eaves
( I ) mprint
(N) asty
(G) ashes
(T) akes
(O) n
(N) ight

THE BARGHEST O' LITLINGTON, someone's destination.
Along the way, drop in.

Mother Nature calls,  bidding do.
Never did question, away go.

Late at night, dark takes over.
Just be careful, who let in.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


EBook Review: DRIFT AWAY by Alana Turner (Nightmareland Book - Story 11)

(D) id
(R) eality
( I ) gnore
(F) rightful
(T) houghts

(A) waken
(W) isdom
(A) fter
(Y) elling

DRIFT AWAY, not always a choice.
Brought on, by behaviors gone overboard.

One kind, just can't pin down.
When asked, opens doors to insanity.

Or so, that's how it feels.
Just don't, go there again okay.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: AN UNEXPECTED BONDING by Lilly Rayman (Unexpected Trilogy - Book 1)

(A) ltogether
(N) egotiation

(U) ndecided
(N) eutral
(E) xcited
(X) enas
(P) rominently 
(E) xposed
(C) onfidently 
(T) rain
(E) xercise
(D) etermination 

(B) reak
(O) pen
(N) ourish
(D) ifferences
( I ) nviting
(N) ecessary 
(G) rowth

AN UNEXPECTED BONDING, more than envisioned.
Hoping brings peace, mutual purpose unifies.

Much damage done, abuse of power.
Focus on healing, build up confidence.

Bring back justice, to right wrong.
Two as one, equalizes many imbalances.

A better world, possible to create
As in beginning, before torn apart.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

AudioBook Review: THE HATCHING by Liesel K. Hill


(T) iny
(H) elpless
(E) rroneous

(H) iding
(A) ncient
(T) alons
(C) ircling
(H) eavens
( I ) ncoming
(N) ew
(G) oals

THE HATCHING, behind the scene.
He was, taken by surprise.

A life, controlled by others.
Was just, about to change.

The skies, would open up.
Before him, a new beginning.

Let us, travel with him.
He's only, just got started

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, September 25, 2020

EBook Review: LOST DIAMOND GIRLS by Liesel K. Hill

(L) ooking
(O) ld
(S) eems
(T) imely

(D) eath
( I ) is
(A) bsolute
(M) urder
(O) utrightly
(N) eed
(D) iversion

(G) athering
( I ) nformation
(R) escuing
(L) ittle
(S) ouls

LOST DIAMOND GIRLS, come late into picture.
Takes two couples, to work in sync.

Kind of job, can wear one down.
To remain dedicated, good backup is required.

Many bad guys, important to follow trail.
Which ones victims, where does this lead?

Take the time, to see this through.
Otherwise you will, be singing the blues.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

EBook Review: SERPENT EVE by Nick Vossen (Nightmareland Book - Story 10)

(S) hadows
(E) verywhere
(R) ituals
(P) ervading
(E) vil
(N) urtured
(T) errifying

(E) ncapsulates
(V) icious
(E) rutions

SERPENT EVE, why believe?
Darkness   near, do fear.

Yet drawn,  before dawn.
To come, where from?

With feet, still proceed.
Voices heard, how absurd.

What see, need flee.
That do, home go.

Nightmares persist, can't resist.
Where headed, I dread.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: HAUNTING IN OLD TAILEM by Janice Tremayne


(H) ushed
(A) lert
(U) nderlying 
(N) eed
(T) o
( I ) nterrupt
(N) asty
(G) hosts

( I ) nbound
(N) otorious

(O) utlandish
(L) ethal
(D) espicable

(T) orrential
(A) lgorithm  
( I ) ncorporating
(L) oathful
(E) vil
(M) easures

HAUNTING IN OLD TAILEM, ancient accounting of saving children.
A gathering of forces, of both good and bad.

A story kept hidden, with much fear behind doors.
Two have stumbled upon, takes strength to go on.

Are you ready to, turn the pages into oblivion.
Hoping that you will, see it to last page? 
I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

EBook Review: AN ENTIRELY PERFECT SYSTEM by Christine Valentor (Nightmareland Book - Story 9)

(A) nonymous
(N)  otoriety

(E) scaping
(N) eedless
(T) ension
( I ) ncorporating
(R) ituals
(E) njoying
(L) ife's
(Y) ielding

(P) assions
(E) xploring
(R) ainbow's
(F) ruitfulness 
(E) xpressing
(C) autious
(T) endencies

(S) ome
(Y) ears
(S) ilently
(T) esting
(E) very
(M) otion

AN ENTIRELY PERFECT  SYSTEM, keeps identity safe.
The knowledge of them, is carefully guarded.

Shhh you didn't hear, that from me.
My lips are closed, can't you see?

But there's this book, that tells story.
Of group of women, still out there.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Ebook Review: THE SIREN by Alana Turner (Nightmareland - Story 8)

(T) reated
(H) orrendously
(E) ventually

(S) unk...
( I ) gniting
(R) apturous
(E) nlightenment
(N) irvana

THE SIREN calls out, an invitation.
Come to her and, be satisfied.

Not comprehending where it, all ends.
She seeks retribution for, past deeds.

Come hear her story, as sings.
Full of intense light, amongst darkness.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

EBook Review: POODLE VERSUS THE YETI by Anne Shillolo

(P) remier
(O) f
(O) dd
(D) eeds...
(L) eaving
(E) veryone

(V) irtually
(E) rratic...
(R) unning
(U) nder
(S) uspicion...

(T) rusting
(H) ard...
(E) arly

(Y) esterday
(E) verything
(T) urned
( I ) ffy

POODLE VERSUS THE YETI, intention to protect.
Even if the odds, not in favor.

Out of the blue, on isolated island.
A murder takes place, who did it?

So many scenarios available, what's going on?
Learning about the people, and business interactions.

In this small world, think know everyone.
Get to understand better, keep reading on.

See's who is right, and who's wrong.
Did you come to, the same conclusion?

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, September 18, 2020

EBook Review: THE ONLY WITNESS by James King (Alfie Goes to Thailand #0.5)

(T) hrough 
(H) is
(E) yes

(O) ften
(N) one
(L) ook
(Y) ell

(W) ondering
( I ) f
(T)  aking
(N) otice
(E) ffectively
(S) hattered
(S) afety

THE ONLY WITNESS, to an event.
One would think, would be okay?

But "what if", question of day.
Again and again, until have answer?

Can he handle, the not knowing?
To quietly inquire, believe what hears?

How will end, left in suspense?
Okay find out, pick up book!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: A THICKER SLICE OF THE PIE by Betty Valentine (Nightmareland Bool - Story 7)

(A) lmost

(T) here,,,
(H) iking
( I ) sn't
(K) ind
(E) very
(R) oad
(S) tinks,,,
(L) ogs
( I ) nstantly
(C) racking
(E) xhausted...

(S) eldom
(L) ooking
( I )nterested
(C) an't 
(E) scape

(O) h
(F) orest...

(T) o
(H) im
(E) eating

(P) roduces
( I ) nstant
(E) njoyment

A THICKER SLICE Of THE PIE not always, for you.
Sometimes just better to pass it along, or else.

Going about your daily routine until, you leave.
Moving on to greener pastures so, you think.

Twas day where walking or trucking, no favor.
Things just wouldn't be going exactly, your way.

Yet not so bad as you'd, be remembered.
Unknowingly did good deed since fed, old man.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Ebook Review: FINAL CURTAIN by Betty Valentine (Nightmareland Book - Story 6)

(F) ame
( i ) s
(N) arcissist's
(L) onging

(C) an't
(U) nderstand
(R) eality's
(T) rials
(A) mongst
( I ) nstant
(N) otation

FINAL CURTAIN only if, want it to be.
Some left before ready, stay to remind us.

Two party can be, but definitely not three.
When being shown door, take hint and leave.  

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.