Thursday, October 29, 2015



JOB challenges, awakening. 
Comfort zone, leave. 
Beyond limitations, grow. 
Gives purpose, direction. 

Stay open, listen. 



MUD causes slides, get stuck. 

To rise above, our goal. 



RESOLVE takes effort, sharing oneself. 

Understanding mutually beneficial, without detracting. 

Monday, October 12, 2015



RENDEZVOUS requires commitment, stop procrastinating. 
Be active part, of solution. 
Join with others, bring light. 

Peace and joy, through unity. 


(O)verride, Overrule, Overcome

BRUNO, my ancestry. 
Taught, a lesson. 
Middle, of five. 
Different, odd one. 
Years, it took. 
Learn, it's okay. 

To, be ME!



UNIQUE the gift this day.
That allows a second chance. 

Potential and heart's desire sees. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015



WARMTH needed, soothes the pain. 
Looked for, but seldom found. 
What does, all this mean?
An emptiness, a black hole. 
Sucks in, everything around it. 
Still feels, a great nothingness. 
The answer, not out there. 
Lies within, deep deep deep. 
To receive, is all right. 
Take it, share with others. 
But not, with an agenda. 
Or at, sacrifice of self. 
It's about, keeping in balance. 
It's about, loving one another. 

It's about, being mercy itself.