Thursday, July 30, 2020

EBook Review: M.E.D.I.C.S by Pandora Snow

( M ) utual

( E ) cstasy

( D ) ivine

( I ) ntimacy

( C ) alms

( S ) oothes

M.E.D.I.C.S, called in times of crisis.
Sometimes, handle many cases at once.

What, may seem obvious can't see.
Yet, is part of the job.

Can, they pick up the pieces?
Will, see it to the end?

Only, one way to find out.
Buy, the book and read it!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

EBook review: THE ITALIAN ASSISTANT by Dan Alatorre

(T)  o
(H) im
(E) verything

( I ) s
(T) otally
(A) ligned
(L)  eaving 
( I ) ngrates
(A) nxious  
(N) ervous  

(A) ssuming
(S) uspicious
(S) omehow
( I ) nstigates
(S) omething
(T) oward
(A) cquiring
(N) ew
(T) erritory

THE ITALIAN ASSISTANT presents an opportunity, to move ahead.
Boosts the confidence of those around, keeps on point.

In the process others left behind, no turning back?
Where did it all go wrong, how can reconnect?

Come right here and follow along, two worlds depicted.
Words reveal so much if listen, can get dicey.

Can everyone come out a winner, does it matter?
You tell me after read story, we'll compare notes.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

EBook Review: WINTER LIGHT by Martha Engber

(W)  here
( I )  n
(N)  ature
(T)  he
(E)  nemy
(R)  eigns

(L)  et
( I )  n
(G)  oodness
(H)  ope's
(T)  omorrow

WINTER LIGHT may shine bright, yet darkness remains.
The way may hold promise, given a chance.

Once thought safe in numbers, alone no different.
Where in life can turn, find some peace?

Awaiting an answer out there, to take root.
Will it arrive in time, recognize when comes?

Story puts it before us, holding on tight.
So glad I kept reading, so will you! 
I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


(T)  urning
(H)  ome
(E)  mpty

(S)  ometimes
(L)  ove
(E)  xplains
(E)  mpathy
(P)  erhaps
(E)  veryone
(R)  elives...
( ' )
(S)  adness

(M)  emories
(O)  ften
(L)  ighten
(E)  motions

THE SLEEPER'S MOLE hidden so deep, only one knew.
Never to be used unless needed, absolutely only choice.

Years will pass many lives changed, meet in end.
Will affect world as know it, or just individuals?

What is the motivation behind actions, good or bad?
There's only one way find out, read the book!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, July 24, 2020

EBook Review: ONCE UPON A TIME IN SRI LANKA by Mark Abbott

(O) ffers
(N) atural
(C) reative
(E) xploration

(U) plifting
(P) oetic
(O) mnipotent
(N) uance

(A) mbiance

(T) aking
( I ) n
(M) emories
(E) xquisite

( I ) ncredible
(N) ative

(S) cenes
(R) ituals
( I ) nviting

(L) aughter
(A) nd
(N) eeded
(K) indness
(A) wakens

ONCE UPON A TIME IN SRI LANKA, life stood still.
No one knew or understood its simplicity, amongst its people.

Beauty runs deep within hearts and souls, all that breathes.
As it grows into adulthood stays pure, keeps its ways.

What a treat to see this way, through words expressed.
Take the peaceful journey this book offers, oh so soothing.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

EBook Review: DEATH AND DECEPTION by Seeley James

(D) ecided
(E) xplore
(A) lone
(T) eam
(H) aunts

(A) ttitude
(N) eeding
(D) esperately

(D) espite
(E) very
(C) aution
(E) xperiencing
(P) rotagonist
(T) emper
( I ) gnoring
(O) ngoing
(N) arcissism

DEATH AND DECEPTION, many parties involved. 
Foe or friend, hard to determine.

One is hero, some think crazy. 
Has invisible companion, speaks with often.

A stone recovered, causing immense problems.
Good or bad, depending on myth.

There with fiance, supporting each other.
Will crisis end, on good note?

Please stay true, see it through.
Read Read Read, quite a story.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

EBook Review: MUSEUM ATTACK by Jim Heskett

(M) ustering
(U) rgency
(S) eeking
(E) ffectively
(U) pending
(M) urderous

(A) ssailants
(T) rust
(T) aking
(A) ctions
(C) ause
(K) nockout

MUSEUM ATTACK, planned assault.
Here to, do harm.

How to, stop them?
Can't be, done alone.

At odds, with numbers.
What use, as weapon?

Many questions, little time.
Am holding, my breath.

How will, this end?
Couldn't put, book down.

I am, not telling.
For you, to read!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Ebook Review: VENGEANCE by Mark David Abbott

(V) alient
(E) ffort
(N) egated
(G) rief 
(E) nmity
(A) ction  
(N) ecessitates
(C) ompletion
(E) nd!

VENGEANCE contemplated justice thwarted, 
the rich so powerful.

Running around in circles, 
told to go home.

Seeking answers some support, 
what does it take?

READ about steps required, 
the extreme measures used.

Only way find out, 
I'm glad I did.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Ebook Review: THE ICARUS EFFECT by Nick Thacker & MP MacDougall

(T) his 
(H) arm
(E) voked

(I ) nsecurities
(C) aution
(A) bounds
(R) eally
(U) pset
(S) ilenced

(E) ver
(F) earful
(F) riend
(E) ncourages
(C) ourage
(T) riumph?

THE ICARUS EFFECT, erases logic.
The only thought, is run.

Can't escape experience, comes again.
This ever end, find peace?

Before his face, every day.
What's the outcome, you interested?

Can't put down, easy read.
Follow this story, get it!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

EBook Review: SAINT JUSTICE by Mike Grist

(S) mothering
(A) ssists
(I ) n
(N) egating
(T) ruth

(J) ump
(U) p
(S) tand
(T) all
(I) ncrease
(C) ulpability
(E) verywhere

SAINT JUSTICE is coin, with two sides.
Someone horrible comes along, and flips it.

Hand is covering it, what to call?
Important to know answer, before can proceed.

Then disappears in smoke, where'd it go?
Pick up this book, and find out!

It takes the reader, to places unknown.
Now join the search, start right now.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

EBook review: MIDTOWN HUCKSTER by Leopold Borstinski

(M)  erging
( I )  nterests
(D)  ividing
(T)  asks
(O)  utweighing
(W) hat
(N)  eed

(H)  ighly
(U)  urgent
(C)  onsider
(S)  olution
(T)  o
(E)  scape
(R)  epercussions

MIDTOWN HUCKSTER settles in, offers to resolve.
Has done quite well, where everyone wins.

Or so it had been, things are changing.
New enemy from without, shaking the box.

Never before had questioned, who friends were.
Hitting closer to home, as time passes.

Who to root for, I am wondering?
Feeling guilty because of, what they do.

Jump in with me, journey with them.
Life is complicated not, black or white!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Ebook review: STRIKE POINT by John Eterlee

(S) udden
(T) error
(R) eleases
(I ) mmense
(K) inetic
(E) nergy

(P) ressuring
(O) thers
(I ) nto
(N) ecessary
(T) actics

STRIKE POINT unknown, searching for answers.
Straining to find, all players involved.

Out of nowhere, attacks keep coming.
Special team assigned, quietly moving around.

Follow through required, as danger increases.
Reach in time, constantly the fear.

Be there now, get the BOOK.
You won't regret, that's the truth.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, July 10, 2020


(W ) andering
( R ) andom
(  I ) deas
( T ) o 
( E ) xpressive
( R ) ealism

WRITER breathes air, into us.
Refreshes our minds, creative thought.

Guides to places, never seen.
Into scary situations, kept safe.

Past or future, imagined real.
Lies or truth, brought forth.

Choose your genre, settle in.
Take the time, to absorb.

When book finished, send review.
Read or not, helps decide.


(R) eaches
(E) verywhere
(A) dventurous
(D) ilegently
( I ) nvolves
(N) urturing
(G) rowth

READING with imagination, uses all five senses.
Draws you in, if you but let it!

Matter of choice, hard put down once start. 
World out there, to explore and to discover.

In many forms, can be found and ingested.
When we're young, read to us with delight.

Then in school, learning how to digest yourself.
Blending together the, how to and what not.

Introduces to us, all kinds of interesting possibilities.
Perhaps one day, writing your own creative stories!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Ebook Review: AGAINST THE GRAIN by Phillip M. Williams

(A)  nger
(G)  ains
(A)  ccess
( I )  t
(N)  eeds
(S)  uppressed,
(T)  he

(T)  ormentors  
(H)  ave
(E)  expressed.

(G)  ather
(R)  round
(A)  nd
( I )  ntake
(N)  atural

AGAINST THE GRAIN, those who are "different".
It's a label, those in "power" initiate.

The "established way", is determined by them.
What happens when, "norm" is the problem.

Against the odds, seem to be losing.
Keep on going, get to the truth.

This world complicated, there's no easy answer.
Through the process, others will join in.

Against a storm, nature still stands strong.
Turns things around, cleans its own house.

Worth the time, pick this BOOK up.
Won't regret it, so full of promise.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, July 3, 2020


(M) agical
(O) uting
(S) helter
(S) ought

MOSS often found, in dark place.
What it brings, is soothing peace.

For me now, represents something special.
As lies besides, homes front step.

A delight embraced, a magic carpet.
Used to bring, my heart's desire.

He sought me, I did follow.
Brought me home, am his forever.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Ebook Review: The Red Viper by Jack Probyn

(T) ake 
(H) uman
(E) xperiences

(R) ecognize
(E) very
(D) etail

(V) isualize
( I ) ntent
(P) lan
(E) scape
(R) ecovery

THE RED VIPER, full of venom.
Vicious attacks include, the innocent bystander.

Should one react, or hold still?
Full of fear, and many questions.

Do you have, the fortitude needed?
Get the Book, and find out.

Just the beginning, of many adventures.
Looking forward to, how it goes!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Ebook review: LAST WISH by M.D. Thomas

(L) ingering
(A) re
(S) ouls
(T) raumatized

(W) antonly
( I ) nsiting
(S) ecrets
(H) eard

LAST WISH, not met.
In air, hangs unanswered.

Seeks place, to rest.
Work out, the solution.

Encumbers another, chaos begets.
Will it, ever end.

Must READ, all set?
This story, will shock.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.