Sunday, November 18, 2018


( Q ) uandary…
( U ) nderstand 
( E ) xact 
( S ) ituation
( T ) hat
( I  ) gnited 
( O ) bnoxious 
( N ) ature? 

QUESTION why, the way is?
Why interfere, with the process?
That must, be the winner?
Why call, investigation witch hunt?

Why delay, nothing done wrong?
Why have, so many lawyers?
Who talk, about perjury traps?
Only answer, some of questions?

A president, stuck on this.
Always comes, back to it.
Thinks says, didn’t really win.
Brought out, some nasty behaviors.

Not new, were always there.
With him, brought to presidency.
We will, never know why.
Somewhere back, in his past.

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