( E ) xpect
( N ) othing
( A ) nd
( B ) elieve
( L ) ittle
( E ) xclaims
( R ) epublican
ENABLER afraid to admit, made poor choice.
So desperately hangs in, hoping gets better.
How long if ever, before leave “him”?
Understand “he’ll” never change, only makes harder.
Saw potential in “him”, “he” doesn’t see.
The worst traits remain, coming out stronger.
Encourages those like “him”, hypocrisy still reigns.
Time to step up, to walk away.
Known scarier than unknown, must really go!
Everything own leaving behind, simpler that way.
Very sad all alone, where to go?
What to do now, how to recover?
It will be bad, for a while.
But please remember this, you have skills!
Review all your options, and proceed slowly.
Doors open for you, show the way.
Back on your feet, wiser and stronger.
Now able to vote, make better choice.
Setting example for those, in same boat.
Yes you will survive, and go on.
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