Friday, April 27, 2012

Thoughts for the day 4/27 pm...

Brought to question meek, going with flow, to and fro, tossed without regard. On the surface may seem, but deep down, with great depth, the masses rise. As calm ocean creatures protect, then tidal wave, hits the shore, leaving lasting impression. Mother Earth doth proclaim, still in charge, those who harm, receive back tenfold.

With form, most conform. Thinking stuck, in the muck. Their creation, no completion. Blaming potter, give fodder. After awhile, embrace smile. See folly, better jolly. Misery drop, definite flop. To senses, comes consensus. Like-mind, do combine. Tis Love, from above. Toward ascend, make amends. Into ONE, job done.

Primed, ready to go. Outstretched, have to glow. Reflection, what taken in. Sharing, its sweet fragrance. Drawing, beings be fed. Nourished, do move on. Carrying, love with them. Spreading, throughout the world. Captured, essence of ONE.

Torn to pieces, world left for scrap. Spirit comes along, gathers one by one. Thread of love, takes two loops together. Continues finds another, gently adds on. With great patience, both day and night. What seemed worthless, quilt heals all wounds.

Fired up, all aglow. Surrounded by family, love everywhere. Came when not looking, out of nowhere. Or so seemed, at the time. Seeds planted long ago, just didn't know. There waiting for me, just when needed. Garden full of blossoms, of infinite variety. Doesn't matter which direction turn, they are everywhere. What a blessing, so many who care. When world seems empty, all dried up. Do a little watering, see what sprouts.

Looking ahead, past at my back. Best friend, right along side me. On outside look different, inside two peas in pod. Together taking life's journey, rainfall or sunshine. Light wherever we go, pointed in its direction. Seeing us season to season, into eternity.

With new eyes, do see. All the delights, right here. Ready to taste, fully appreciate.

Take note, one look. Says all, no doubt. Don't understand, cant't see? Look inside, remove stye. Life's blemishes, in way? Love here, freely given. Are ready, to receive? Without condition, hard believe? It's true, discard blue. Open up, stop doubting. Jump in, worth risk. Expect best, get it!

Touch under-rated, over-used. Bring back quality, start slow. With permission approach, trust earned. When finally given, sun shines. For Light within, speaks volumes. Hearts badly bruised, begin healing. Come to learn, can share. Sorrows packed away, joy roosting. Stepping in tune, new melody. Let world see, use imagination. Believing once again, peace everlasting.

Windmill stands still, giving pause to turmoil. In its wake, takes all the pressure. That through it, negative turned to positive.

Standing together in unity, upon each other can depend. Good or bad doesn't matter, through thick or thin support. Knowing that in the end, master plan has happy ending. Friend for life unconditional love, the best gift of all.

Stars twinkle, sun shines. Moon reflects, planets glow. Share something, in common. The Light, a promise. For us, to see. Be reminded, always there. An announcement, spoken loudly. All loved, 24/7. Energy directed, at us. Focal point, from anywhere. I see, you see. Though apart, always together. In heart, peace found. Ever revolving, us evolving. All creation, really one. Each other, do watch. Letting Light, flow through. So too, we twinkle. Do shine,and reflect. Our glow, warm another. Share something, in common. The Light, a promise. Others see, be reminded. Not alone, really ONE.

Tightly knit each soul, one moves so all. For us to acknowledge, to feed and water. May not think so, doesn't change this fact. One hurts pain felt, even don't know origin. Let the blessing flow, please love one another.

Walked away once, let me go. Journeyed out there, on my own. Thought found love, was sadly disappointed. No one's fault, lost children clinging. To be needed, what I sought. Then dragged down, in my neediness. Looking for love, in wrong places. In the process, did forget me. In own stubbornness, would not relent. Kept on trying, refusing go inside. When lost all, became quite clear. What I wanted, there all along. Was my blindness, ego running rampant. To reign in, clear the way. Now have returned, following the Light. Here happiness lies, bringing us together. ONE ONE ONE, Heart Soul Spirit. Living in peace, loving one another. Nothing better than, new world everlasting.

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