Monday, April 16, 2012

Thoughts for the day 4/15 pm

To many dew on daisy tears, to another represent toil and sweat, still others might see depressing rain.  Perspective can be positive or negative, where it leads is often undetermined, so many going in complex circles.  Advancing without consciousness awareness shut down, usually leads to simply more pain, doesn't have to be turn around.  For each stand on firm ground, let Light in rooted in love, fall of man jump off point.  Only the first rung it is, of ladder to peace and happiness.

Life buffet, whence pick and choose.  Much revealed, in choices we make.  Bypassing entree, going straight for desert.  Perhaps lingering, on appetizer or two.  Only seeing, complaining what not there.  Skipping vegetables, straight for the wine.  Wildly savoring, the gristle and fat.  Protein stick, adding meat to bones. Never stopping, eating like last meal.  Or maybe, with honor and respect.  With thanks, wanting share with others.  There's plenty, look for the nourishment. Pleasure okay, when all in balance.  Chew carefully, take note what like.  Your soul, decide what goes in.

Behind my eyes, for all to see, where I put my priorities. Myself may fool, never looking in mirror, the truth still gets through. To have friends, care speak up, set in front of me. No longer ignored, to face and tackle, such correction moves me on. That one day, when trumpet does blow, Be ready to go home.

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