(U) ltimately
(N) eeds
(D) one
(E) xperience
(R) eeks
(C) ourage
(O) vercoming
(V) illians
(E) xpecting
(R) eap
(A) lot
(N) ixed
(G) oal
(E) xtreme
(L) osses
UNDERCOVER ANGEL not all appears, stand back.
She's hard to the core, or seems.
Gets right in there and, blends in.
Can they accomplish the task, multiple factors?
Everyone must be in sync, don't deviate.
Yet still able to change, if needed.
Couldn't put the book down, straight through.
All the characters so real, felt connected.
This is series going to follow, I'm in!
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I received an advance review copy for free,
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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