Monday, August 31, 2020



(O) bservation
(V) erifies
(E) xcessive
(R) easoning
(C) atching
(O) misions
(M) astering
(P) enalties
(E) xpressed
(N) uance
(S) alvaging
(A) nomalies
(T) imed
(E) ruptions

OVERCOMPENSATE matches well, with OCD.
Lays the foundation, for success.

Asks for much, little return.
Indeed seeks praise, rarely given.

Needs to change, knows it.
Release the pressure, of valve.

Mind constantly overthinks, every situation.
Lacks the confidence, can do.

One day at, a time.
Pat on head, start over.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Ebook Review: PENNIES FROM HEAVEN by Dale DeVino


(P)  erhaps
(E) veryone
(N) eeds
(N) udge,
( I ) nterestingly
(E) nough
(S) ome

(F) orget
(R) easons
(O) ften
(M) irror

(H) urried
(E) scapes,
(A) voiding
(V) engeance,
(E) ventually
(N) udged

PENNIES FROM HEAVEN, are an illusion.
Purposely created to, help you believe.

Then comes along, hunt for truth.
Starts as job, simply find someone.

Turns into mess, bad guys everywhere.
Reminds of past, leads to present.

Can't walk away, even if tried.
This now home, has to protect.

Won't let them, rule from above.
Discovers who are, his real friends.

Once pick up, can't put down.
You're with him, all the way!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, August 28, 2020

EBook Review: MURDER ON A TV SET by Ava Zuma


(M) ake
(U) se
(R) epetitive
(D) eeds
(E) very
(R) umor

(O) ccasionally
(N) otice

(A) ctions

(T) aken
(V) irtually

(S) eeing
(E) verthing
(T) wice

MURDER ON A TV SET, does not happen every day.
Then again maybe it does, if know what looking for.

Just new to the city, and trying to fit in.
Does not help when accused, of something did not do.

Now keeping your eyes open, so many suspects around corner.
Will you reach same conclusion, or get lost in the confusion?

Only one way find out, you know what is needed.
Use your skills of deduction, as you read this book.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: FALLING BELLE by Pandora Snow

(F) eelings
(A) lerted,
(L) ove
(L) ost,
( I ) nto
(N) ourishing
(G) oodness

(B) eginings
(E) mbrace,
(L) anguished
(L) oneliness
(E) rased

FALLING BELLE, found at base of humanity.
Life has, taken from her something precious.

His loss, fresh and hurts quite fiercely.
They meet, now imagining where might lead.

So dear, her actions and her thoughts.
Could she, open her heart to him?

With time, he carefully lovingly honestly proceeds.
Her response, for yourself to find out.

Every detail, is carefully placed before you.
Read slowly, take in this beautiful story.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

EBook Review: FIGHTING DIRTY by Blair Denholm


(F) reedom
( I ) sn't
(G) ained
(H) olding
(T) o
( I ) diotic
(N) eedless
(G) rudges

(D) anger
( I ) n
(R) etaining
(T) roubled
(Y) esterdays

FIGHTING DIRTY, may have worked in past.
Yet eventually, that someone hits the bottom.

At loss, where to go from here?
Too late, to change where settled in?

Oh sure, can justify and repeat again.
In fact, do over and over again.

Next decision, taken out of your hand.
First reaction, to take what is yours.

Then change, a time to start over.
Will success, be written in the cards?

Find out, read story about this man.
His life, and where goes from here.  

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Ebook Review: THE CONSPIRACY - Episode 4 by Jack Probyn


(T) he
(H) ead
(E) xplodes

(C) ollar
(O) n
(N) eck
(S) pecial
(P) roject
( I ) ntended
(R) amifications
(A) ltered
(C) ontention
(Y) ields

THE CONSPIRACY oversees another.
Who is in charge?

Time is running out.
Purposely designed that way

Keys need to find.
In process phone discovered.

Nothing is as seems.
Quite an active imagination.

Will they get away?
Do not know yet.

Come on Episode five..
Where go from here? 

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Ebook Review: DRAGONFLIES AT NIGHT By Anne Marie Bennett


(D) arkness
(R) eleases
(A) nger
(G) uilt,
(O) utright
(N) eutralizes,
(F) orever
(L) ove's
(I) nvitation
(E) nlighten's 
(S) oul

(A) s
(T) ime

(N) ears
( I ) nvaluable
(G) ift
(H) eightens
(T) rust

DRAGONFLIES AT NIGHT, soothe the soul.
Lost their way, seeking the light.

Time of sorrow, hit when young.
The tomorrows took, and left alone.

Along comes one, life's book opens.
World of possibilities, if but trust.

Doesn't come easy, every day questioning.
Happiness and sorrows, come and go.

When you let, light shine through.
Those around you, see the changes.

Brightens their day, and continues on.
So too did, book for me.

Now it's your, turn to glow.
DRAGONFLIES AT NIGHT, at your fingertip.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Monday, August 24, 2020



(E) vening 
(Y) earns
(E) xpression
(B) eautiful
(R) aýs
(Ã’) bserve
(W) onnderous
(S) ouls

(A) pparently
(N) ew
(D) eed

(E) ffectively
(V) ile
( I ) nsìstently
(L) ures

(L) eads
(O) utright
(O) bjectivè
(K) een
(S) earch

Eyebrows and Evil Looks, unanswered questions.
Why someone with grace, be harmed?

Who's at risk now, without knowing?
There must be something, can do.

One by one eliminatie, until revealed.
Didn't mean to upset, rock boat.

Many may be harmed, who protects.
Time to be silent, speak up?

Pick up this book, won't regret.
Then the next one, read too!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

EBook Review: M.E.D.I.C.S. - SNAKE by Pandora Snow


(M) eet

(E) njoy

(D) ecide

( I ) nvite

(C) alculate

(S) olution

(S) ometimes
(N) ature
(A) grèes
(K) indness
(E) ffective

M.E.D.I.C.S.  stick together, see it through.
No secrets kept, from each other.

SNAKE is down, but not out.
His buddies there, give him hope.

Tease with glee, love with depth.
Having someone special, gift of life.

SNAKE comes upon, woman heaven sent.
Arrives with challenges, up to it?

Follow his story, puts everyone first.
Yet for love, he does thirst.

See what decision, he does make.
Will it end, good for them?

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, August 21, 2020

EBook Review: LUCIFER'S BOX by Drina Neri

(L) ongings

(U) ndermine

(C) onscience

( I ) nvites

(F) rustration's

(E) nvy

(R) ules

( ' )

( S) hall

(B) ecome

(O) bserver's

(X) - ray

LUCIFER'S BOX, takes one by surprise.

It's more, than meets the eye.

It becomes, the answer to doubt.

When someone, can't get what wants.

Be careful, how choose to use.

Or may, cause you the blues.

Is it, right in anyone's hands.

Read this, what do you think?

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: CONSPIRACY IN TOKYO by Matthew Legare


(C) ounting
(O) n
(N) eeding
(S) py
(P) laced
( I ) n
(R) esistance
(A) ctively
(C) an
(Y) ank

( I ) n...
(N) eed

(T) o 
(O) bserve
(K) indness
(Y) earns
(O) utwardly

CONSPIRACY IN TOKYO, deep within its core.
Time for takeover, to bring down government.

A dangerous assignment, important follow where goes.
Hard to know, whose friend or foe.

Many questions asked, but has it covered.
First the protesters, different groups behind scene.

Is a win, really one in end?
All parties involved, apparently only remember him.

Where does he, go now from here?
Hopefully will discover, in the next book.

To do right, is his heartfelt vow.
Let's follow along, ideally finds a solution.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

EBook review: THE COMMUNITY - Episode 3 by Jack Probyn


(T) rusting
(H) indsight
(E) xcludes

(C) aution
(O) btain
(M) eans
(M) easuring
(U) rgency
( I ) n
(T) riumphantly 
(G) aining
(Y) ardage

THE  COMMUNITY has  boundaries.
Meant to stay in.

If one goes out.
Then another must follow.

That way will catch.
So can hold accountable.

Otherwise think don't care.
When that's not true.

Two Jessica's soon three?
Learn the details  here.  
I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review (revised): A DAUGHTER'S BLOOD by Julia Payne McCall Junction Suspense - Book 6


(A) ngry

(D) on't
(A) ccept
(U) rge
(G) et
(H) elp
(T) ry
(E) verything
(R) ealistic
( , )
(S) houlder

(B) lame
(L) eave
(O) ut
(O) urtlandish
(D) eeds

A DAUGHTER'S BLOOD, is precious.
Will do anything, as needed.

Don't go to, the extreme.
There are others, will stop.

It's important that, they do.
This is quite, a story.

Battle over bad, versus good.
Catches your attention, every second.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

EBook Review: THE COMMUNITY - Episode 2 by Jack Probyn

(T) rusting
(H) er
(E) nvironment

(C) ertainly
(O) utward
(M) orals
(M) ay
(U)  nderneath
(N) eutralize
( I ) ntensions
(T) ransform
(Y) earning

THE COMMUNITY, sees a family growing.
Even work, gets glimpse or two.

Yet unbeknownst, to others no idea.
What's about, to take place soon.

In charge, roles are suddenly reversed.
Tied down, full commitment is required.

That means, you and me too.
Must finish, what we have started.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

EBook Review: THE LOVING MAN-EATER by Nadia Siddiqui


(T) wo
(H) ave
(E) xchanged

(L) ives
(O) ften
(V) iciously
( I ) nteracted
(G) aining

(M) uch
(A) cknowledgment 
(N) eed

( - )

(E) qual
(A) ttitudinal 
(T) raining
(E) ncourages
(R) age

THE LOVING MAN-EATER, hears voices.
Feels the itch, must absolve.

Not only one, like this.
Has today discovered, what next?

No time left, must disappear.
Make a plan, play out.

Much happened here, don't miss.
Visions and voices, coming closer.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: THE WALL by N.J. Croft


(T) yranny
(H) as
(E) radicated 

(W) isdom
(A) ll
(L) ost
(L) ocate

THE WALL, put in place.
Exists on, many levels.

Started as, good idea
Keep safe, and free.

But something, went wrong.
Gave up, too much.

Can things, be changed?
Or is, too late?

We have, vested interest.
Pick up, and read.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Ebook Review: NOWHERE TO HIDE by Julia Payne McCall Junction Suspense - Book 5


(N) otorious
(O) ffensive
(W) icked
(H) ated
(E) vil
(R) eviled
(E) xterminate

(T) erminate
(O) bliterate

(H) orrendous
( I ) nsult
(D) evious
(E) liminate

NOWHERE TO HIDE, doesn't apply.
In his hand, controls all.

Path of destruction, his trail.
Will there be, anyone left?

The good guys, numbers reduced.
Even I am, losing hope.

How much longer, can go?
Still I believe, won't stop.

Are you there, with me?
Hang on please, be brave.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.