Friday, March 23, 2012



NEED four-letter word misused, leading to abuse, to broken wings.
From the beginning, us to care, give when requested.
Sometimes tables turned, with great humility, seek for self.
Test of character, who deep inside, loves with passion.
Compassion without judgment, offering without reward, no power trip.
If can't do, fall in trap, will get back.
Keep awareness strong, being always conscious, cleansing as needed.
Not perfected beings, still in process, after moving target.
Why focus now, being best can, working on better.
Our intentions known, in sky written, all creation sees.
To be sure, asking the Light, shows the way.
Journey to freedom, road we're on, will get there.
Leading to love, calm seas, eternity of peace.

-by Sofe Silverman

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