Sunday, November 22, 2020


(U) nderstanding
(N) eeds
( I ) nterest...
(Q) ues
(U) nlimited
(E) mpathy

UNIQUE, one who truly cares.
Actions, are not just reactive.

Not, based on politically correct.
Or, makes others feel good.

Not, what's expected of you.
Or, gets what you want.

Genuine, is what looking for.
Not, here today gone tomorrow.

World, is full of hypocrites.
Willing, change direction if benefits.

Winning, more important than truth.
Justice, doesn't mean a thing.

What, has world turned into?
Some, dare to speak up.

History, shows what silence brings.
Guilty, standing back and ignoring.

Hard, to remain an optimist.
When, hatred becomes the norm.

Hope, pray it still exists.
Before, it is too late.

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