(T) imes
(H) eed
(H) eed
(W) hen
(H) olding
(O) nto
(L) ost
(E) xamples
(W) ithout
(O) bserving
(R) eal
(L) ife
( I ) t
(S) oon
(W) ears
(A) wful
(T) hin...
(C) haos
(H) eightens
( I ) gnorance...
(N) ow
(G) lorified
Is it any different now, or just the same?
There are new faces and places, the clock keeps ticking.
When fear and power reigns, then harsh responses brings.
No one listens only follows, someone else in charge.
It is important to care, who that might be.
Who infiltrates the peaceful demonstration, has their own agenda?
Initiates the violence for personal gain, doesn't care about "cause"?
Wrongs rarely righted because they, with ease become politicalized.
Must be brought down or, a change might happen.
To many that is scary, prefer it as is.
Where is equality for all, all eyes wide open?
Why is it not possible, to hear the question?
Work together to find answer, that works for everyone?
This book shows us what, is still true today.
The Whole World is Watching, let's improve the outcome.
Let us thank the author, reminding us of this.
By showing what happened in 1968, is still happening now.
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I received an advance review copy for free,
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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