Friday, September 25, 2020

EBook Review: LOST DIAMOND GIRLS by Liesel K. Hill

(L) ooking
(O) ld
(S) eems
(T) imely

(D) eath
( I ) is
(A) bsolute
(M) urder
(O) utrightly
(N) eed
(D) iversion

(G) athering
( I ) nformation
(R) escuing
(L) ittle
(S) ouls

LOST DIAMOND GIRLS, come late into picture.
Takes two couples, to work in sync.

Kind of job, can wear one down.
To remain dedicated, good backup is required.

Many bad guys, important to follow trail.
Which ones victims, where does this lead?

Take the time, to see this through.
Otherwise you will, be singing the blues.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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