Friday, September 18, 2020

EBook Review: THE HAUNTING OF CAROL'S WOODS by Kaye Lynne Booth (Nightmareland Book - Story 5)

(T) ime
(H) as
(E) clipsed

(H) ow
(A) nother's
(U) rgent
(N) eed
(T) o
( I) lluminate
(N) ature's
(G) lory

(O) ften
(F) orgets

(C) oming
(A) round
(R) egularly
(O) verrides
(L) ife
(S) he

(W) orks
(O) n
(O) vertaking
(D) ay's
(S) unset

THE HAUNTING OF CAROL'S WOODS, not seen at first.
In the light of day, seeing what may lose.

Trying to hang on tightly, doing all can do.
As the whispering wind approaches, is this the end?

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


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