(T) rouble... 1-(The Knot at the End of the Rope)
(H) eavens... 2-(The Journey)
(E) mpty... 3-(Lights Out)
(K) ickback... 4-(Fast Forward)
(N) oted... 5-(Reasonable Hand-Drawn Facsimile)
(O) utcropping... 6-(The View From Here)
(T) ime
(A) ccelerates... 7-(00:00:01)
(T) ried... 8-(The Last Breath)
Poems and Tales from the (an) Apocalypse...
(T) ime
(H) ates
(E) veryone... 9-(Found)
(E) scape
(N) othing... 10-(There's No Place Like Home)
(D) ining
(O) ut... 11-(Jackpot)
(F) inale... 12-(Hold Down the Fort)
(T) he
(H) owling... 13-(Homecoming)
(E) ven
(R) otten
(O) ranges
(P) rovide
(E) ffectively...
something to hold on to.
the unknown doesn't get better.
Lot's of experiments and guesses plenty to explore,
remember to shut the door.
If you don't get it the first time,
please try again can't hurt.
Try using your imagination like they all did,
then will recognize the destination.
Push on: see it through to the end,
doesn't look so bad now.
Grab a pen and write it all down,
appreciate each day and every moment.
Like riding on swing going up then down,
enjoying as heart skips beats.
Pick up this book: every story's a push,
even if scary want more.