Tuesday, January 8, 2019


( S ) ilent
( N ) ight
( O ) f
( W ) onder

SNOW outside falls quietly, white coating of light.
Upon wakening look outside, with awe and delight.
Then remember last night, your touch and kisses.
Landing softly on me, absorbing with such delight.

For both comes day, beauty turns to chaos.
No one seems prepared, frantically rushing around everywhere.
Needing to get somewhere, others cancel their day.
Doesn’t have to be, that way at all.

Given time chaos avoided, mess outside cleared away.
Takes on new form, still full of joy.
Put on layers needed, then begin the day.
Step out on snow, can enjoy its wonders.

Proceed slowly and cautiously, as did last night.
Day builds to crescendo, will enjoy every minute.
Then night comes again, snow falls once more.
Inside love does abound, with touches and kisses.

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