Tuesday, February 21, 2012



LEARN to take in sights, with five senses and more.
So much available right now, practically shouting at us!
Yet we’ve turned off faucet, why refusing to be refreshed?
Because told expect the worst, leaving self dead to moment.
Carrying a heavy burdensome load, labeled for just in case.
That even midst of starving, do not think to use.
Stuck off in fearful land, missing the beauty at hand.
When with an inkling of hope, sprinkled with salt of desperation.
Set off to make right, ready give up the fight.
Body and mind’s reaction noticed, practically throwing to the floor.
Destination seems so far off, several times wanting turn back.
Hope the rope of life, not accepting failure this time.
Taking all in with precision, so later can do again.
It is the lesson desired, expecting not much more than.
So imagine the absolute delight, discovering a rainbow of perfection.
The reception at the door, saying welcome do come in.
Willing to travel all day, for moment of pure bliss.
Now ready turn up notch, taking what has soaked in.
Turning around sharing with another, that no one suffers unnecessarily.
So indeed the adage true, home is where heart is.
Now joining ranks of many, who put words into action. 

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