(T) ime
(H) as
(E) xperienced
(O) utrageous
(T) error...
(H) umans
(E) xperience
(R) epeatedly...
(M) aybe
(R) ealizing
(S) hould
(S) eek
(A) nswers...
(M) any
(S) ecrets
(O) utnumber
(N) uances...
THE OTHER MRS SAMPSON, revealed in letters.
A personal attestment found, leading to more.
How many secrets existed, was the question.
In the end did, it really matter?
Unknown generations do connect, bringing a consistency.
Through the hard times, a light shines.
Each story viewed individually, into selective consummation.
The details woven into, a narrative quilt.
For you to read, this story puzzle.
Pick up the pieces, see how fit.
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I received an advance review copy for free,
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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