Sunday, October 7, 2012



SPIRITUAL journeys here with body and mind, often elements in conflict.
Complex and different every one of us, each wants an answer.
Which path to travel and who with, lost amongst the crowd.
Ever present companion fear of being wrong, need to be right.
In all the confusion becomes a buffet, little this little that.
Staying clear of commitment seems safe choice, missing a simple truth.
In Big Picture all comes out fine, may take few lifetimes.
More than one path look for yours, listen to your heart.
Okay to nibble taste along the way, then choose move forward.
Like an antibiotic must be taken whole, then follow as prescribed.
No stopping early because you feel better, or believing not working. 
Balance and harmony builds slowly from within, requires consistency and faith.
By design perfect fits piece-by-piece, substitute changes the direction.
Weave it into fabric of your life, see world open up.

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