Sunday, October 7, 2012


CRIED going to happen again, like volcano must come out. 
Not a sign of weakness, regardless of what others say.
Pressures of life build up, swirling positive and negative.
For most of time keeping contained, rumbles now and then.
Mother Nature a living example, from her will learn.
A time to let go, that limit been reached.
Wipes the slate clean, hope renewed start over.
In troubling times do live, no way to avoid.
Understanding Big Picture divine plan, doesn’t remove present moment.
Not for us to ignore, that still does hurt.
For all human we are, to feel full spectrum.
To shut off that part, numbs us to core.
Builds a barrier see today, those hurting hurt others.
Rather than open let go, pain inside to share.
Empath I am do feel, part of healing process.
For myself and for others, connected we all are.

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