(T) ime
(H) eals...
(E) xpression
(C) ultivated...
(O) utwardly
(L) ooking...
(L) earning
(A) nswers...
(B) old
(O) bservation
(R) eleases
(T) ruth...
(O) utcome
(R) esolves
works against the obvious.
A plan,
A plan,
so well designed undetected.
So arrogant,
So arrogant,
laughs in your face.
Thus pursued,
Thus pursued,
with stealth and vindictiveness.
Yet unbeknownst,
Yet unbeknownst,
a secret does dwell.
A story,
A story,
in and of itself.
Here revealed,
Here revealed,
as each word read.
Is waiting,
for you to discover.
May read,
May read,
over and over again.
There is,
There is,
much to take in.
Each piece,
Each piece,
waiting to be placed.
Like working,
Like working,
a very special puzzle.
For the,
For the,
whole world to see.
Within misery,
Within misery,
the sun does rise.
Starting over,
Starting over,
after tears do dry.
That not,
all lost or forgotten.
worth the purchase!