Saturday, April 24, 2021

EBook Review: BECOMING SAINT PETER by Hamish Hudson

(B) rother
(E) scapes
(C) alamity...
(O) vercomes
(M) utual
( I ) nterest...
(N) ow
(G) oes

(S) lowly...
(A) ligns
( I ) nterests
(N) aturally
(T) akes

(P) roblem...
(E) vaporates
(T) erminally...
(E) rases
(R) ecords....

BECOMING SAINT PETER, pulling in the reigns.
Brought to decision, there's something to gain.

Seems so spectacular, but not what appears.
Choice to make, there's nothing to fear.

Who to trust, is the question here.
Makes a move, and goes from there.

We follow along, see where it's headed.
Needs enemy list, whose capabilities are dreaded?

Learning as proceed, holding back the punches.
Sometimes just need, to follow your hunches.

Until time arrives, when all plans finalized. 
This story continues, will anyone be penalized?

Every page is, worth time I spend.
Going read it, to the very end!

      I received free, via a free ebook promo
      and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Monday, April 19, 2021

EBook Review: A PORTRAIT IN ASH AND LACE by Sofia Aves

(A) ccepted

(P) rice
(O) f
(R) ejection...
(T) ravel
(R) eaches
(A) lternative...
( I ) s
(T) his

( I ) nsanity...
(N) ever

(A) sked
(S) elf
(H) ow

(A) djust...
(N) ow
(D) iscover

(L) ove
(A) nd
(C) reate
(E) xoneration

A PORTRAIT IN ASH AND LACE, speaks volumes.
Tells of what has happened and, to come.

Begins with no longer having choices, sent away.
To a place filled with strangers, including husband.

Limited to interaction with the staff, loneliness prevails.
Does someone mean to harm her, or husband?

At first I didn't like where... story went.
I kept on going and then I... was hooked.

No interruptions allowed as I was... totally committed.    
No stopping me now going to... the end! 

      I received free, via a free ebook promo
      and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

EBook Review: THE ISLAND OF THE RIGHTEOUS by Stefanos Livos

(T) hese
(H) aunting
(E) xperiences...

( I ) nner
(S) oul
(L) ooks
(A) mongst
(N) ature's
(D) estiny...

(O) ften
(F) earful...

(T) hat
(H) umanity
(E) xpresses

(R) age...
( I ) nwardly
(G) rowth
(H) eightens
(T) rust...
(E) scapes
(O) bstacles...
(U) nderstands
(S) erenity

THE ISLAND OF THE RIGHTEOUS, still leaves lasting memories.
A time lived consciously, even as misery endured.

A matter of circumstance, yet their love remained.
Against all the odds, their life together redefined.

A place in time, when division did reign.
From it nothing gained, so it did appear.

When generations look back, the horrors do see.
Until all the pieces, found and carefully rearranged.

The labels assigned disappear, then emerges new reality.
Hidden behind closed doors, the truth called survival.

Found in the pages, of a family's history.
If one but looks, when offer is given.

Otherwise lives with regret, for that lost chance.
Such to me happened, as I took personally.

Yes I was young, and now opportunity gone.
Or so may seem, this book shows me.

In all it's detail, do read this book.
Discover an island's history, of what took place.

Even if story fiction, some events took place.
For us to experience, and us to relate.

Hard times still occur, and must go through.
Amongst evil lives good, may you see it.

                    I received free, via a free ebook promo,                                     
                    and I am leaving this review voluntarily.                                     

Friday, April 9, 2021


(F) irst...
(O) bjective
(U) nderstanding
(N) utritional  
(D) iet...
(A) ttention
(T) o
( I ) ncreasing
(O) verall
(N) eeded

(A) ssistance...  
(N) ot
(D) eterrent...

(T) hen
(E) nables
(M) oving
(T) oward
(A) nswering
(T) he
( I ) nvestigation
(O) f
(N) ew
(S) uspects...

FOUNDATION AND TEMPTATIONS, simultaneously handled.
Vital to discover, the murderer.

She's told to, stand back.
But can she, when framed?

In recovery herself, should rest.
But she just, can't ignore.

Has relationship with, a detective.
How will this, affect it?

So many things, going on.
It's hard to, keep up.

Jump on in, read story.
You'll be glad, you did! 

      I received free, via a free ebook promo
      and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

EBook Review: GAMBLE (Brotherhood Protectors) by Regan Black

(G) uarding
(M) emory...
(B) ears
(L) ove's
(E) xistence...

GAMBLE, with her life.
Never, in his world.

Someone, wants her dead.
Who, is the question.

Protection, is his specialty.
Attention, he gives 100%.

Read, beginning to end.
It, was that good.

      I received free, via a free ebook promo
      and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

EBook Review: Courageous Girl by Julia Payne

(C) landestine
(O) peration
(U) nfolds...
(R) esultant
(A) nguish...
(G) athers
(E) nergy...
(O) bserving
(U) nsupected
(S) ilently...

(G) rasping
( I ) ntentions...
(R) ecalling
(L) ogistics...

COURAGEOUS GIRL, has new challenges.
It's not, business as usual.

She's been, given new task.
Talk about, secrecy and multi-tasking.

Life has, gotten more complicated.
Who trust, is the question.

Not sure, what's going on.
Story keeps, us on toes.

Step forward, then two back.
With her, all the way.

To see; how turns out.
There's never, a dull moment.

Now I'm, sounding like cliches.
So much, more than that!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.