(H) ow
(O) thers
(L) ook
(O) n
(C) haos
(A) lters
(U) nderstanding
(S) erious
(T) imes...
(S) urely
(U) surps
(R) eality's
(V) ision...
( I ) ncluding
(V) iciousness
(O) f
(R) eality...
(A) ffects
(C) onscious
(C) ontrol
(O) f
(U) nderstanding
(N) ow...
(T) oday's
(S) tories...
Today few want, to know.
Yet very important, they do.
Currently history is, repeating itself.
Hatred and racism, on rise.
More and more, narcissistic leaders.
With support of, biased base.
Prone to violence, and takeover.
Silent bystanders don't, speak out.
Leads to insurrection, and divisiveness.
NOT what want, very dangerous.
USA a democracy, not autocratic.
To purposely not, be bipartisan.
Year after year, speaks volumes.
Then those not, like you...
Are actively dehumanized, and rejected.
Walls built to, keep out.
Or to isolate, and punish.
Read the stories, of before.
Before "we" do, once again.
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I received free, via a free ebook promo
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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