( I ) nterests
(D) ividing
(T) asks
(O) utweighing
(W) hat
(N) eed
(H) ighly
(U) urgent
(C) onsider
(S) olution
(T) o
(E) scape
(R) epercussions
(E) scape
(R) epercussions
MIDTOWN HUCKSTER settles in, offers to resolve.
Has done quite well, where everyone wins.
Or so it had been, things are changing.
New enemy from without, shaking the box.
Never before had questioned, who friends were.
Hitting closer to home, as time passes.
Who to root for, I am wondering?
Feeling guilty because of, what they do.
Jump in with me, journey with them.
Life is complicated not, black or white!
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I received an advance review copy for free,
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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