Wednesday, December 30, 2020

EBook Review: GRAND CRU AND GANGS by Sandra Woffington

(G) rief
(R) eaping
(A) nger
(N) ever
(D) ies...

(C) an't
(R) egister
(U) nderstanding...

(A) llows
(N) egative
(D) iscord...

(G) ather
(A) round
(N) ow...
(G) rowing
(S) tarts!

GRAND CRU AND GANGS, story about living in the past.
Where actions taken now, have little to do with today. 

He thinks pursuing justice, that's why has chosen this job. 
Other a vicious leader, out to control and kill him.

Their paths often cross, along with the lives of others.
Will this ever end, see the futility of such choices?

Time to open mind, to the possibility of moving on.
Can he do it, or loss and guilt still prevents?

There is a lot, packed into this excellent short story.
Enjoy twists and turns, a workout without leaving your chair! 

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

EBook Review: THE BOOK OF URIEL by Elyse Hoffman

(T) ender
(H) earts
(E) xperiencing

(B) ad
(O) utcomes...
(O) bserve
(K) ilings...

(O) utweighs
(F) rustration...

(U) ltimately
(R) equires
( I ) ntense
(E) ntrusted
(L) oyalty

THE BOOK OF URIEL, shows depth of commitment.
Does not take lightly, what's asked of many.

Possible may be tested, regarding goodness of soul.
Whatever situation find ourselves, will rise to occasion?

Will what we read, be the inspiration needed?
Our actions demonstrate dedication, inner faith of belief?

To not be discouraged, by our perceived limitations?
Willingness to unite together, for goodness of mankind?

World full of self-righteous, having it their way.
Familiar pattern throughout time, means need pay attention.

This story worth reading, over and over again.
So glad I found, and able to share.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

EBook Review: SAMANTHA by Allison Maruska (Story 4 of WINGS & FIRE BOOK by Dan Alatorre)

(S) ometimes
(A) llowing
(M) eans
(A) ccepting
(N) ew
(T) hings
(H) owever
(A) cquired

SAMANTHA definitely listens,
takes care of your needs.

Sometimes more than,
you may think is possible. 

Yet doing yourself,
does have its own benefits.

Read this story,
to know what talking about.

Then you'll understand,
why request was so important.

Now you're ready,
for story five immediately following.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBookk Review: AN UNSOLVEABLE PROBLEM OR NOT by Roberta Eaton Cheadle ( Story 3 of WINGS & FIRE BOOK by Dan Alatorre)

(A) re
(N) eeds

(U) nderstood?
(N) ow
(S) hould
(O) ur
(L) ives
(V) ary?
(E) very
(A) ttitide
(B) egets
(L) onging....
(E) very

(P) erson
(R) espected,
(O) therwise
(B) egets
(L) loneliness...
(E) motions
(M) ake

(O) thers
(R) espond...

(N) ow
(O) bstruct
(T) ruth?

depends how view the human.

Is effectiveness and efficiency primary, 
overruling needs of individual?

Where the world as one, 
reduced to smallest common denominator?

Does professed maturity of mind, 
now eliminate life of pleasure?

If one doesn't speak up, 
the answer erases the questioner. 

Gives something to think about, 
while we still can stop.

Story that keeps our mind, 
greased and used as designed.

Then move to fourth story, 
see where goes from here.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: THE WOLVES COME OUT AT NIGHT by MD Walker ( Story 2 of WINGS & FIRE BOOK by Dan Alatorre)

(T) he
(H) arm
(E) scaping

(W) hile
(O) utrunning...
(L) ooks
(V) acantly
(E) verywhere,
(S) huddering...

(C) an't
(O) utmaneuver...
(M) eets
(E) xcessive

(O) ffensive
(U) proar...
(T) otal

(A) ttention
(T) o

(N) egotiating
( I ) f
(G) oing
(H) ome
(T) onight...

THE WOLVES COME OUT AT NIGHT, there's a reason why.
They have purposely targeted this man, what has he done?

It will take you by surprise, wasn't what you think.
Just a taste of 22 stories, yet to read. 

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

EBook Review: WINGS AND FIRE Book by Dan Alatorre (Story 1 of 24)

(W) hy
( I ) s
(N) othing
(G) aining
(S) tatus?

(A) lways
(N) othing
(D) evelops?.

(F) inding
( I ) t
(R) epeatedly
(E) rrant.

WINGS AND FIRE, in search of transition.
If only get, right person and position.

So it seems, just keep on trying.
If can get, someone who's unknowingly complying.

And the fire, is burning even higher.
What of wings, as culprits do conspire?

So it is, they will keep trying.
In their quest, convince on participation relying.

Quite a story, and more to come.
It's an adventure, many stories before done.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

EBook Review: DUCK AND RUN by Terry Schaefer

(D) on't
(U) nderstand
(C) ircumstances...
(K) eeping

(A) loof...
(N) ew
(D) estination...

(R) eady 
(U) pend
(N) egatives...

DUCK AND RUN, until you have answers.
The only way, stay safe for now.

On roller coaster, of new emotional highs.
Never felt before, will there be lows?

There isn't time, to give much thought.
Need to find, who's behind it all.

Quite a story, it has my attention.
Dig right in, do not run away.

A great way, to spend your day.
While body relaxes, and mind has fun.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


(F) inally
(L) iving
(O) ffshore
(A) nd
(T) aking in
(N) ature's
(G enerosity

FLOATING can become new way of life.
Going from moment to moment new mantra.

Relaxing within ocean of circumstance and chance.
Until it becomes completely a new dance.

Simplifying desires has become a delightful reprieve.
Mankind needs to rethink behavior and change.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

EBook Review: DEATH COUNT by SL Beaumont

(D) espite
(E) veryone's
(A) ttitude...
(T) heir
(H) ope

(C) oncern...
(O) ther
(U) rgency
(N) eeded
(T) ackled

DEATH COUNT starts on a personal level.
After that it becomes all about business.

Soon the forensic accountant meets homicide detective.
This case quickly moves beyond the probable.

The two are thrown into dangerous situations.
In both their business and private lives.

The author keeps us constantly in suspense. 
Wondering where all this will lead us.

In the process drawing these  characters together. 
Has it become more than just business?

Buy the book and count your blessings.
Just book one with more to come!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


(B) eneath
(L) ove
(U) nderstanding
(E) volves

(S) haring
(K) indness
( I ) lluminates
(E) veryone's
(S) oul

BLUE SKIES, after days of gray...
Reminds us, better ways to behave.

Up to, each one of us.
To reduce, all the needless fuss.

Bring about, a world of calm.
Where we, no longer do harm.

This planet, is not just mankind.
Mother Nature's, protection is quite sublime.

So I say enjoy the day!
With a smile is the way!

Friday, December 18, 2020


(P) erfection
(R) eleases
(E) xpectations
(C) ertainties... 
( I ) nwordly
(O) outwardly
(U) nderstands
(S) erenity

PRECIOUS is the one I love.
With all our oddities do fit.

Upon first meeting saw us together.
Will be four years this Christmas.

Twenty four hours with each other.
That's all we have ever wanted.

With every day we do celebrate.
Wouldn't have it any other way!

Thursday, December 17, 2020


(B)  ringing
(O)  ut
(L)  ocal
(D ) etective...
(E)  stablishes
(R)  ealistic

(B)  old
(L)  egitimate
( I ) nvestigation
(N)  eeding
(D)  elicate
(S)  incere
( I ) nquiries...
(D)  uo
(E)  ncounters
(D)  emons

BOLDER BLINDSIDED as hunts down source of disappearances and deaths.
Teamed together with Detective Wellock to get to the answers.

To see and understand all that's happening is their specialty.
Must come equipped with special tools and words for protection.

A small town where it's existence created by gold rush.
Since now gone left to cash in on it's history.

That the businesses focus on the paranormal says it all.
Have the oxygen ready as you'll be holding your breath.

The author takes every scene very seriously as she describes.
You will feel like your are right there experiencing it!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Sunday, December 13, 2020


Doing good, no longer the norm.
Became suspect, and quickly found guilty.

Didn't do, apparently does not matter.
Heart broken, and admittedly ego too.

Guilty of, reading and reviewing Ebooks.
Helping authors, with some suggested corrections.

Even though, EBook free to all.
And those, on an ARC team.

Found guilty, of benefiting over others.
Disregarding hours, spent offering suggested corrections.

In tears, all reviews taken away.
Can't post, on that particular website.

I protested, now awaiting a response.
Still posting, on the other websites!

Poetic goal, bring out the positive.
Turning bad, into a new outlook.

I'm trying, it is not easy.
Deep breath, now here I go...

Wonderful books, out there for all!
A blessing, don't take for granted.

Surround yourself, with a delightful selection.
Helps us, move into another dimension.

World of, possibilities and do overs.
Seeing life, from many varied perspectives.

Be brave, read biographies or autobiographies
That's how, got to know myself.

Then grab, history book or two.
Learn what, did right or wrong.

That way, won't fall into trap.
Known as, repeating history once again.

Get creative, in wondrous beautiful ways.
That's what, reading books can do!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

EBook Review: THE KEEPERS by Dan Alatorre

(T) o
(H) elena
(E) xtreme

(K) icking
(E) xpresses
(E) arnestness...
(P) rotect
(E) mancipate
(R) ight away!
(S) OON!

THE KEEPERS watch those with valuable gift.
Often special bond created even when separated.

What about the others and their intent?
Who should we keep an eye on?

Deception lingers everywhere within the shadows of hope.
Who will come out of it alive?

Helena plays important role, though hardly see.
Her voice rarely heard actions speak louder.

Each line of story kept me riveted.
No way was I putting book down.

Okay I had to go to work.
Once off picked up the book again!

Don't miss this opportunity to read too.
Good thing it is easy to get!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

EBook Review: SHATTERED PARADOX by Julia Payne

(S) hatter
(H) idden...
(A) ttention
(T) ilted
(T) o
(E) xtremests...
(R) itualist
(E) errant
(D) estruction...

(P) urposeful
(A) nnihilation...
(R) acing 
(A) gainst
(D) etermined
(O) pposition...
(X) enocracy

SHATTERED PARADOX, shattered me.
Totally unexpected, story told.

Main character, no importance,
Simply put, set aside.

Brought in, a takeover.
Of country, of technology.

Yes indeed, could happen.
Should be, separate story.

Not in, this series.
Shatter not, that stupid.

Not to, catch on.
Besides that, timing off.

Ending presented, not credible.
I was, truly disappointed.

Other books, were good.
This one, throw out.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Monday, December 7, 2020

EBook Review: LOOK THE OTHER WAY by Leigh Jones

(L) ust
(O) ften
(O) verrides
(K) indness

(T) hen
(H) orrible
(E) vents

(O) ccur...
(T) o
(H) er
(E) ach
(R) epresented

(W) hat
(A) ctions
(Y) ield

LOOK THE OTHER WAY. pretend didn't happen.
Those are the instructions, so tourists come.

Must keep good name, all a game.
Don't point any fingers, at important people.
But there are those, believe in justice.
Must get to answer, by asking questions.

Too many found dead, are they connected?
Two who can't ignore, keep on going.

What would we do, if we're them?
Is it worth it, see to end?

It was for me, so kept reading.
I followed every clue, and their reactions.
Were working as team, and still individually.
Because of their past, took to heart.

Critical to bring down, those doing harm.
That's what story's about, see it through.

The author definitely does, a great job.
It's an easy read, pick it up.

You will not stop, gets to you.
Each and every clue, keeps your attention!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

EBook Review: THE 50-YEAR SECRET by Julie MacNeil

(T) he
(H) idden
(E) xposed...

(Y) esteryear's
(E) vent
(A) ffected
(R) ecent

(S) ituation...
(E) arly
(C) aution
(R) eaches
(E) ffected
(T) oday!

THE 50-YEAR SECRET answers why different.
When everything comes together answers many questions.

Not an easy process to contact everyone.
Persistence is a must vital not stop.

So well written is this true story.
We are with her all the way!

So much more received than a warning.
The story does not simply end here.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.