( T ) o
( R ) eally
( E ) xpress
( A ) ppreciation
( S ) hake
( U ) p
( R ) eality’s
( E ) xcuses
TREASURE your time together... there’s nothing more important.
There’s never enough time... ‘to do it all”.
One of many reasons... “running around in circles”.
Then too exhausted to... spend time with family.
“Keeping up with Jones’... many sent into bankruptcy.
Heaven forbid if “different”... from those in neighborhood.
“Keeping up to standards”... is not your thing.
Instead take an outing... to the local zoo.
Choosing to live simply... staying within your means.
Fancy car and home... not on your list.
Practical rules the day... not next fancy trend.
Putting down the phone... going out to play.
Doing face-to-face... not Skype or FaceTime.
Sitting side-by-side... each reading a book.
Enjoying cooking and eating... meals and conversations together.
Afterwards watching movie together... at home in comfort.
Early to bed ensures... get the needed sleep.
Ready for next day... “bright-eyed bushy-tailed”.
Sometimes those old sayings... are gems of wisdom.
TREASURE your time together... there’s nothing more important.