Thursday, February 28, 2019


( T ) o
( R ) eally 
( E ) xpress 
( A ) ppreciation 
( S ) hake 
( U ) p
( R ) eality’s 
( E ) xcuses

TREASURE your time together... there’s nothing more important. 
There’s never enough time... ‘to do it all”. 
One of many reasons... “running around in circles”.
Then too exhausted to... spend time with family. 

“Keeping up with Jones’... many sent into bankruptcy. 
Heaven forbid if “different”... from those in neighborhood. 
“Keeping up to standards”... is not your thing. 
Instead take an outing... to the local zoo. 

Choosing to live simply... staying within your means. 
Fancy car and home... not on your list. 
Practical rules the day... not next fancy trend. 
Putting down the phone... going out to play. 

Doing face-to-face... not Skype or FaceTime. 
Sitting side-by-side... each reading a book. 
Enjoying cooking and eating... meals and conversations together. 
Afterwards watching movie together... at home in comfort. 

Early to bed ensures... get the needed sleep. 
Ready for next day... “bright-eyed bushy-tailed”. 
Sometimes those old sayings... are gems of wisdom. 
TREASURE your time together... there’s nothing more important. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


( M ) ore
( O ) f
( T ) unes 
( O ) f 
( W ) onder
( N ) ow!

MOTOWN captured the tides... going in going out. 
The journey of love... mountains high valleys low. 
The words and music... affect body and soul. 
Time to take in... over and over again 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


( S ) urely
( O ) ur
( F ) avorite
( T ) imes 

SOFT tender kisses... any time of the day. 
SOFT gentle breaths... relaxing after our work day. 
SOFT warm embrace... while listening to golden oldies. 
SOFT firm grasp... holding hands as we nap. 

SOFT loving glances..: as we work out together. 
SOFT quiet whispers... of devotion as we work. 
SOFT encouraging words... to uplift when feeling down. 
SOFT cuddling arms... as drift off to sleep. 


( B ) ecause 
( O ) ur 
( N ) ervousness 
( D ) isappears

BOND between two... is nurtured.
Brings both together... made stronger.
Restores their heart... and soul. 
Never to take... for granted. 

Monday, February 25, 2019


( T ) ry 
( E ) xpressing 
( E ) xperiences 
( T ) hrough 
( H ) umor 

TEETH eventually.. fall to pieces. 
At best... decrease in numbers. 
Expensive to... fix or replace. 
Getting older, so much fun. 

Must come... face to face. 
Focus on.. aging with grace. 
Remember when... used to smile. 
Oh yeah... that was yesterday. 

Don’t let... challenges defeat you. 
Sharing life... with someone special. 
Together bring... out the positives. 
Laughter gives... us a boost. 


( W ) hen
( H ) onestly
( A ) ccept 
( T ) ruth

WHAT happens, when don’t listen?
WHAT happens, when just ignore?
WHAT happens, when give up?
WHAT happens, when love arrives?

WHAT happens, when repeating mistake?
WHAT happens, when thinking helping?
WHAT happens, when being used?
WHAT happens, when you’re loved?

WHAT happens, when open heart. 
WHAT happens, when take risk. 
WHAT happens, when say yes. 
A miracle, that’s what happens!

Friday, February 22, 2019


( W ) ith
( O ) bvious 
( R ) easons 
( K ) icking 
( O ) ut 
( U ) nified 
( T ) rust 

WORKOUT with vigor... causes sweating. 
Requires commitment and... earnest dedication. 
Pulling it together... for fitness. 
Requiring the best... of self. 

Supported by my, loving husband. 
Who’s always there... for me. 
Wants the best, for me. 
Together united with... common goal. 

Not the case... with President. 
Enjoys the power... given him. 
Plays to base... extreme right. 
Divides the country... weakening all. 

Self-proclaimed business man, self-proclaimed ruler. 
Does not care... about fitness. 
Does not need... our support. 
Insists upon loyalty... blind obedience. 

No longer united... our states. 
Time for commitment... to democracy. 
Dedication to our... written constitution. 
It will require... 2/3 majority. 

Show him who’s, in control. 
Balance of power... as designed. 
To the people... their loyalty. 
United they stand... overriding veto. 

Our representatives must... protect us. 
Will impeach him, if needed?
Are they willing... protect democracy?
Have the same... common goal?

United we stand... divided Fall. 
It is up... to us. 
To not accept... continuing partisanship. 
It’s about best... for US. 

WORKOUT with vigor... causes sweating. 
Requires commitment and... earnest dedication. 
Pulling it together... for fitness. 
Requiring the best... of self. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


( W ) hen
( A ) fter
( T ) alking
( E ) verything
( R ) esolved

WATER... gets things going.
Blocked...  by poor choices.
And... not taking action.
Time... to make changes.

WATER... cleanses the body.
Love... heals broken heart.
Don’t... let the past,
Get... in the way.

Promise... to speak up.
When... you are bothered.
Both... share how feeling.
Listen... without either interrupting.

No... room for excuses.
Nor... place for blame.
Don’t... hold any grudges.
Everything... works itself out.

Monday, February 18, 2019


( M ) others
( U ) nderstand 
( S ) imple
(  I ) s
( C ) aring

MUSIC speaks to... the soul. 
Stirs things up... or soothes. 
Often find the... answers there. 
Hold each other... and listen. 


( M ) y 
( U ) pbringing 
( N ) ever 
( C ) herished 
( H ) ow 
(  I )
( E ) xpressed
( S ) oulfulness

MUNCHIES filled the void... called loneliness. 
Keeping my mind occupied... mouth busy. 
The only way mother... provided sweetness. 
With cookies, cakes, pies... and doughnuts. 

At school very quiet... and shy. 
Focused on school work... and band. 
At home did what... was expected. 
Used humor to keep... everyone happy. 

Sometimes I would chance... speaking up. 
Considered too sassy for, my britches. 
Girls could not have... an opinion. 
Just do as they... are told. 

Took long time to... be me. 
And find someone who... gets me. 
Now with him I... enjoy munchies. 
My life is full... of sweetness. 


( H ) ow
( E ) asier 
( A ) dventures 
( V ) isualuze 
(  I ) f 
( E ) verything 
( R ) ight

HEAVIER ideas can... slow things down. 
Worrying about what... might have been. 
Today embrace eagerly... what presents itself. 
Be ready to... experience something new. 

Sunday, February 17, 2019


( M ) aking
( O ) ur
( V ) oices
(  I ) ntense
( E ) xciting

MOVIE captures drama... and romance.
Along with comedy... and satire.
Brings us up... and down.
Turns us around... in circles.

Some true stories... others fantasy.
Some hit home... others don’t.
Can be more... than entertainment.
If choose wisely... can learn.

Watch with your... loved ones.
Share your reactions... grow closer.
Even get in... double feature.
Leaves good times... to remember.

Friday, February 15, 2019


( B ) eautiful
( R ) ays
(  I ) lluminating
( G ) entle
( H ) eart
( T ) enderly

BRIGHT is the light... of love.
Yet few will recognize... too involved.
Glows in the night... easily seen.
Draws two together eternally... one beam.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


( D ) aily 
( E ) motions...
( V ) isually 
( O ) bserve 
( T ) heir 
( E ) ffect 

DEVOTE your time... to positive relationships. 
Human, animal, other... does not matter. 
What counts is... sincerity of heart. 
Goes both ways, do your part. 

Some things simply... can not avoid. 
Do the best... that you can. 
Then move on...  knowing you did. 
Not one’s job... to “fix” everything. 

Give yourself safe... place to go. 
Where can recharge... put feet up. 
You know what, works for you. 
Do what takes... to get there. 

DEVOTE your time... to positive relationships. 
Worth the effort... even necessary changes. 
Speaking from experience... took some time. 
Best relationship ever... always with me!

Monday, February 11, 2019


( B ) ecause
( A ) ll
( L ) ove
( A ) ccepts 
( N ) eeds
( C ) lear 
( E ) quality 

BALANCE requires that... everything in sync. 
To overpower another... leads to disruption. 
If don’t listen... everything falls apart. 
Not perfect fit... bravely walk away. 

Don’t look back... on new adventure. 
Know what want.. go for it. 
In the end... will find it.  
There is a... Happy Ever After. 

Saturday, February 9, 2019


( S ) top
( H ) ollering &
( O ) bsessive 
( U ) ndertakings 
( T ) hrive 

SHOUT with joy... be yourself. 
Sit back relax... you’ve earned it. 
Next to you... your special someone. 
Life is wonderful... time to enjoy.


( D ) oubt 
( E ) vaporates 
( T ) ime
( A ) ccept 
(  I ) t’s 
( L ) ove

DETAIL in the doing... not in spoken words. 
Artistic communication often does... not reveal the truth. 
Why answers the question... which is seldom asked. 
Because desires to be... part of your happiness. 

Not out of should... nonexistent in the equation. 
Not because it’s expected, or leads to rewards. 
Not because a ploy, to get what wants. 
A four lettered word... simply motivated by love!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


 T ) ake
( O ) n
( S ) omething
( S ) weet 

TOSS out the bitter… time to start over. 
Take the risk of… venturing into the unknown.  
Keep that the focus… willingly go the distance. 
Taking on the positive… brings in surprising results. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


( S ) mall
( U ) psets 
( P ) revent
( E ) xcessive
( R ) age

SUPER Bowl gave us, food for thought. 
In first half interception, missed field goal. 
Then dragged on to, the fourth quarter. 
Offense seemed on hold, defense working hard. 

In the end interception, assured the win. 
Cool head team kept, able stay focused. 
So too our lives, if stick together. 
Trust in each other, all the way. 

So there are times, we disappoint. 
Better expected of us, shown in past. 
Along the way those, who couldn’t do. 
Learned to cover when, others fall short. 

Be husband and wife, or whole community. 
Experiences wins and losses, doesn’t place blame. 
May seem like making, very little progress. 
But areas once weak, now very strong. 
See it through to, the very end. 
Saw weaknesses and strengths, of the opponent. 
Together do pull through, though not fancy. 
A time to celebrate, before new challenges. 


( H ) ope
( O ) ffers
( T ) morrow

HOT or cold, runs in degrees. 
If without precautions, can cause harm. 
So give yourself, the support needed. 
Just takes another, who loves you. 


( S ) ome 
( N ) oises 
( O ) ffend 
( R ) arely 
(  I ) ntended 
( N ) evertheless 
( G ) one

SNORING owns the night, though not on purpose. 
Making impossible to sleep, for the other person. 
Must leave the area, to get some rest. 
Filled with much guilt, when see empty spot. 

Went downstairs to see, if he is sleeping. 
Then turn around as, afraid I might awake. 
What a quandary is, separated from loved one. 
Be gone nasty cold, I want him back!

Monday, February 4, 2019


( S ) peaking 
(  I ) ncludes 
( L ) istening 
( E ) specially 
( N ) eeds 
( C ) alm 
( E ) nvironment 

SILENCE is rarely sought, quite scary. 
So important to occupy, our minds. 
Let nothing in that, might disturb. 
Don’t have to be, always thinking. 

Turn off the radio, the television. 
Let your ears rest, no echoes. 
Turn off the computer, all technology. 
Your eyes and fingers, stop fidgeting. 

Stop holding your breath, in anticipation. Meditation is not a, nasty word. 
It can actually replace, some medications. 
Unlock your jaw and, breathe in. 

Now that was not, so hard. 
That is indeed a,  new beginning. 
Enough for tonight put, phone down. 
It is early morning, 2:20 am. 

Your loved one next, to you. 
Take his hand gently, with yours. 
Another deep breath and, gently out. 
Close eyes phone off, goodnight. 💤

Friday, February 1, 2019


( A  )
( G ) rateful 
( E ) xistence

AGE is actual, and imagined. 
Means many things, to us. 
Growing older seen, as wiser. 
However not always, the case. 

Judge on merit,  not age. 
Same goes for, one’s gender. 
Generation gap not, made up. 
Even so can, be crossed. 

The field is, wide open. 
Let’s be honest, and clear. 
Where to go, from here. 
Removing the bias, and hatred. 

The pendulum is, swinging fast. 
Time to slow, it down. 
Age with grace, and dignity. 
Let go of, the reins. 

Here to help, as needed. 
Plus celebrate our, own lives. 
It’s such a, beautiful compromise. 
May the world, learn this. 


( F ) ierce 
( E ) qualizqtion 
( V ) ersus 
( E ) gotistical 
( R ) ationalization 

FEVER part of immune system, combat invader.  
Mother Nature’s chosen method is, climate change. 
United States of America depends, on democracy. 
Disaster to all involved if, left unchecked. 

All processes well thought out, much involved. 
There is more than one, making decisions. 
No private pacts made with, the “enemy”. 
Takes a mutual concerted effort, to overcome. 

Sometimes attacker lies dormant within, until triggered. 
Then aggressively bullies working systems, takes over. 
When discovered must decide upon, treatment needed. 
Shrink in size and power, or remove?

Even in remission must keep, eye on. 
Cannot allow to come back, to destroy. 
It will not stop on, it’s own. 
We must not be divided, stay united!