Love erases exterior, gets into the interior, where heart and soul dwell. ♥
At first touch, prickly, ready to puncture. If handled roughly, pierces, never asking questions. If instead decide, to gently approach, revelation. Found hidden inside, love, waiting to blossom. <3
Effort takes, keep light out, especially designed, find every crack. Knock down, those walls today, step out, bravely face love. ♥
Were I to look away, much lost. Such beauty ever so rare, to seek. Not to own or master, simply love. <3
Mother to child, special bond. To not have, is loss. May all treasure, be blessed. ♥
Going with flow, goal most cherished. Yet sometimes blocked, do get worried. Part of plan, serves a purpose. In this trust, will work out. <3
Reality reflection of illusion, sometimes an intrusion. When consciously look beyond, path becomes clearer. <3
Yonder do ponder, your world too. What do here, travels the distance. So take care, so still there. <3
Poems more than words, and words more than filler. Let what you say, consciously intended for positive impact. <3
Beyond contentment lies happiness, so we believe. Hide and seek playing, with our permission. If but closed eyes, carefully looked inside. Discover there all along, had never left. ♥
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