Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thoughts for the day 5/30 am...

For me disturbed be, of my own choosing. None can me change, only of my doing. Thus even amongst chaos, can peace still remain.

Actions do speak louder than words. Words can confuse, so listen carefully to what you see.

Blinded by the dark, lost in sea of doubt. Fear becomes our paddle, headed to the edge. To close our eyes, though seems counter intuitive. Brings us into Light, found deep within us. Our way made clear, by heart do steer.

Love impresses, imprints its essence. Never overbearing, ever so caring.

I my own worst enemy, so many times. Is cloak can easily discard, of ego made. Seems ever so tightly fastened, will take effort. One by one to release, those buttons pushed. Until finally the day comes, no longer reactive. Will not matter to me, what others say. Leaving clear hear my voice, no more static. Slowly replacing negatives with positives, to love me. It is at that time, better help others.

Be seed, egg or caterpillar; in darkness lay, unaware of big picture. Made within shell of darkness, for time set, one day freedom to see. So too every precious soul, light of day, will indeed break through. Gathering in intensity drawn together, until prism colors, become ONE once again.

Some days we all seem a bit prickly, rubbing each other the wrong way.  That’s the time to crack a silly joke; release a smile, waves of laughter.  <3

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thoughts for the day 5/29 am...

When we take flight blossom to blossom, then nourishment we do find.  For life's delights is not in one, but in all creation does offer.  <3

Trap of time, open trap door, let it drop. Be in moment, there love find, appreciate pass on.

Thorn of awareness does prick, may we take note, live in consciousness.

When one smiles, ray of light. When two smile together, solar flares.

Instant spark, captures heart. Though extinguished, still remains. May hope, always reign.

In mirror reflected, all that was, will never be. As we see, think is truth, only our perspective. To step outside, our inner turmoil, see new dawn. With new light, now go inside, find own glow. Becoming the mirror, for another soul, hope lives on.

Sea breeze, blows in, whiff of insight. See now, look around, embrace all life.

Bonds go both ways, sense of security or entrapment, soft as fur or barbwire. Love sealed or guilt ridden, gently lifts up or trashes, sweet as honey or plaster. Our reality do create, expect the best or worst, in hands heaven or hell. So today choose Light, with it guided and shielded, in lap curl and rest.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Thoughts for the day 5/28...

Love fuels, each moment.  Find joy, truly exists. That's what, focusing on. Beautiful world, look within.  Change self, nobody else.  In end, all benefit.  <3

Tucked within, illusion's boundaries, a bud, most precious. Easily lost, emotion's jungle, distractions plenty, near crisis. Step back, see tree, in forest, birds singing. Amongst bland, discover color, warmed soul, essence depth. Taste love, fill heart, glowingly share, nourishing others. Going deeper, into woods, never-ending path, life’s journey. 

Quivering dew, feel its promise. Where lands, refreshment does bring. Your touch, can do same.

Embrace comes in many forms, not just physical. Embrace all that I am, me the individual.

To flow, as river, constant and adaptive.

Now seems fleeting as try hang on, against our nature to let go. See as bars swinging one to another, that's the way to get unstuck.

Peel the onion, release the tears, shed the woes. Deep within joy, world of peace, love for all.

It is as seems when heart sings, add to it when love bring.

Saturday, May 26, 2012



IF don't question, have become complacent. 
Want to grow, ask yourself this?
Nature has seasons, so too us. 
Some find bounty, others for rest. 
Times to test, hell breaks loose. 
Most require effort, doing the work. 
Seeds already planted, from prior lifetimes. 
Here produce fruit, where none before. 
How do better, make it right. 
To move on, past hired hand. 
Even in position, to help others. 
As improvement comes, not done yet. 
More opportunities arrive, keeps on toes. 
With great fortune, blessing in disguise.  
Become more vulnerable, to spiritual demise. 
So welcome chaos, will get through.
Light as request, on your side. 
Plan for success, why you're here!

Thursday, May 24, 2012



EGO tips scales, wherever it can.
Trips us up, spills guts everywhere.
Vulnerable we are, or so think.
Fill your heart, and every cell.
With infinite love, that’s all need. <3

Thoughts for the day 5/24 am...

Once ONE, torn apart. Resurfaces here, in illusion. Many factions, all warring. Losing tract, diving fact. Too busy, being right. Too busy, ripping further. If truly, go within. As teach, be reminded. ONE way, all way. Each path, as needed. Gets there, consequences differ. In end, find another. Common denominator, vibratory atom. Common denominator, all ONE.

Upon the close of day, you still near. A gift to remind us, time to rest. Knowing our nature become overwhelmed, permission let go. Leave worries of day behind, let mind wander. Before drifting off conscious thought, focus world desire. In those hours do manifest, all kinds scenarios. Trust to Light do give, in peace sleep.

Respond we do, how what counts. Each one blessed, dressed in different shells. Remember all along, same we are. I in you, you in me. WE are ONE, that's what counts.

Families come in different shapes, some more wounded than others. No matter the outcome relate, let your love be unconditional.



ANGELS come many sizes, often unknown.
Watching seeing what needed, drop off.
Careful about judging others, creatively disguised.  <3

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thoughts for the day 5/19 pm...

Magic elixer, to sip. Do seek, believe exists? Perhaps instead, solid ground. Wish walk, help others? Why not, be both. WIth love, indeed possible.

Don't let life get you down, even if takes bite out of you. Go with the flow, bend a little perhaps a lot. With lots of humility go far, enjoy the roller coaster ride. Know in end get off, that all is well.

Love comes at cost, sometime may be lost. Love without condition always, in the giving receive.

Wisp so immense, doesn't make sense. Yet there is, in our conscious. Pieces put together, adds to ONE.

Take the blues, spruce them up. WIthin the mess, gems to discover. With each prick, sip of life.

Even making choices with blindfold, doesn't stop consequences from coming. Just are more unexpected that way. So don't complain.

Brilliance within, beyond intellect, more than material. Into beauty, soul's essence, find myself again.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thoughts for the day 5/16 pm...

Unlike most children, I felt safe in darkness, without cracks. To allow light, brought in the outside world, felt dangerous. As an adult, placed into the "light of day", safety net disappeared. Life so uncertain, I did wander place to place, seeking enlightenment promised. American dream settled, eventually became a living nightmare, soul did cry. Wanting desperately connection, I'd known so long ago, feared gone forever. Willing walked away, start from scratch once again, gong to source. When felt near, on a great journey sent, looked within. Seen as judgement, by the holy and righteous, life gone bad. Not my experience, many miracles did witness, they'd never understand. In that place, so hard to stay distractions, going through motions. Comes the time, when let the LIGHT in, proactive not reactive. See all blemishes, do the hard work needed, stop the excuses. Does get worse, like hit by great tornado, ego parts fly. In the end, strong foundation of spirit remains, sun does shine. Forget treating symptoms, root out disease bring healing, this LIGHT does. In the end, peace does reign settles in, so does Love.

In the breadth of love, lies wisdom.
For which many roads, did travel.
When all along discover, was coming.
To know beyond doubt, await arrival.
Then you did appear, souls entwined.
This way in beginning, now again.
As thunder does roll, lightening strike.
So too our love, carry on.
Through the darkness travel, into LIGHT.

Hungry need fed, in earnest. Some won't ask, be diligent. Others will snap, hurt deeply. Give without questioning, from heart. With extended hand, offer more. Show the way, help self. So independent stand, assist another. In this way, world better. Until one day, none without.

When within you lies contentment, freeing soul to seek happiness of others.

When love self, opens doors for others.

Love never leaves, just sometimes needs a break from its own intensity.

Be the filament, bring negative and positive together, and in so doing comes the LIGHT.

Lofty the idea, encased in love, brought to fruition, that life impacts, truly makes better.

Peace within, smoothes the way, fills the sail, sends out invitations, begins journey to New World, where peace found without, for all partake.

May seem prickly, hard to approach. Saying stay away, hurt too much. Approached with love, at their pace. Will slowly open, drop their guard. To reveal inside, heart pure gold.

Oh the holly, ever green, seems formidable, cold and prickly. Out of blue, color erupts, red heart, full of love. Midst of winter, promise there, to see, and take in.

Oh so human.
I'm perfection.
No such thing as imperfection, work in progress.  <3

Yearly blossom, what forgotten. Never alone, universe loves. Take hope, in promise. Keep going, open up. Inspiration bring, encouraging others. Spring summer, fall continue. WInter comes, needed rest. Do hibernate, gain strength. Yearly blossom, do again.

Beam, beam, beam some more. Be LIGHT in dreary day. Shine, shine, shine some more. Until blue sky becomes background.

If but one comes near, feels breath of love, then life truly shared.  <3



FRIEND for life, there for you.
Good times, bad times.
Seeing the positive, back into harmony.
Solid ground, once again.
Breathing the beauty, love all around. ♥ 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012



BEAT keeps it moving, keeps them guessing.
No way to label, pin one on you.
Unique quirky and different, great at multi-tasking.
Just saying be YOU, and have some fun.  <3 



ACTION more than exercise, more than moving body.
Look all around you, really seeing out there.
More than political motto, change in our hands.
Pick a personal behavior, one that want different.
Moving negative to positive, doing work to correct.
How world made better, we do have impact!  <3 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thoughts for the day 5/12 pm...

In humor, wisdom lies, when take self less seriously, open to great truth. When build, after tearing down, restructuring, on solid ground. Life lived, not feared, tests all pass, welcome them.

Stuck in you, picture drawn in infancy, others set the bar, didn't go far. Time break free, YOU to BE, in all degrees.

I am one behind the curtain, quivering behind ego, putting on quite a show. Piece by piece tearing it down, quilt time fashioned, changing energy willingly fully exposed.

Shaken ,but not stirred. Lows, highs the tempest. Calm, inside solid ground. Respite, from the battle. Return, winds do hit. Love, the continual response. Steady, steering wheel hold. Control, is an illusion. BEING, is the solution. Deep, truth is found. Kindness, quietly patiently wait.



WALK being attentive, careful of others.
Conscious your ways, do not trip.
Working on self, does affect others.
May foot print, do little harm.
Together or alone, time will tell.
No matter what, LOVE determining factor.
To live on, my heartfelt desire.  <3 

-by Sofe Silverman



TORAH enlightenment, filled with promise.
Not alone, one of many.
Light resonates, seeps through cracks.
Festering wound, split wide open.
Pain oozes, must come out.
Laser beam, purifies and seals.
Healing permanent, worth the process.
Continues on, one by one.
Into health, truly do come.
All parts, mind body soul.  <3 

-by Sofe Silverman



CAPTURE beauty, life’s gifts.
Landscape magnificent, at fingertips.
Harmonious emotions, settle in.
Running free, as breeze.  <3 

-by Sofe Silverman



MINGLE without overtaking, me becomes we.
Fragrance that blends, enhancing without credit.
Seeing the whole, all smooth edges.  <3 

-by Sofe Silverman