Wednesday, January 31, 2024

EBook Review: THE HAPPIEST MAN ON EARTH by Eddie Jaku

The Beautiful Life of an Auschwitz Survivor...

To take horror and turn it into roar of laughter.
To take words and turn into hoards of memories.
To take life and turn into bright sunshine.
To take denial and turn into renewal of truth!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

EBook Review: FROM POLE TO POLE... Roald Amundsen's Journey in Flight: by Garth James Cameron

 (F) ew
(R) eached
(O) ne...
(M) any

(P) ursued...
(O) ften
(L) ives
(E) volved...

(T) o
(O) bserve...

(P) icture
(O) bstacles...
(L) eaping 
(E) agerly...

FROM POLE TO POLE, was quite a challenge.
Though many did attempt, few became well known.
This story of one, shows takes a team!

Friday, January 26, 2024

EBook Review: RON HOWARD: From Mayberry to the Moon... and Beyond by Beverly Gray

 (R) eaches
(O) ut,
(N) otices

(H) ow
(O) thers
(W) ork,
(A) and
(R) ealistically
(D) elivers

RON HOWARD, has traveled far.
From beginning, many remember him.
For them, and the others...
This book, I do recommend.

It spins, with tremendous precision.
And pauses, as reviews past.
Brings us, into the future.
With hope, does not lack!

Monday, January 22, 2024

EBook Review: AN EMPIRE OF ICE by Edward J. Larson

 (A) ntarctic
(N) eeds

(E) xplored...
(M) uch
(P) ut
(I) nto
(R) eaching
(E) dges...

(O) ut
(F) or

(I) nvestigating
(C) ontinental
(E) vidence

Requires a lot of tools.

Puts to the test one's commitment.
Selects individuals who are adamant.

The details are all here.
As you read, put yourself there!

Friday, January 19, 2024

EBook Review: STUDS TERKEL: TOUCH AND GO... A MEMOIR by Sruds Terkel

 STUDS TERKEL, I did not know.
Reading his book was, TOUCH AND GO.
Drawn to A  MEMOIR, I am.

So much found in here,
one day, I will read again.
But first, to his other books,
I will go.

He interacted with many.  
Through this book, now I can too.
Thank you.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

EBook Review: THE DIARY OF PETR GINZ 1941-1942 by Petr Ginz, Chava Pressburger

Heart of THE young, leaves an imprint.
Precious DIARY, may vary in content.
Even so, OF daily life reveals.
Here teen PETR, unknowingly shares with us...
Himself, GINZ family, and others he knows.

is translated with loving care.
Takes us into a land of despair.

Many would like to hide,
or better yet deny.
If wish future to protect,
this tendency need to detect!

Friday, January 12, 2024

EBook Review: BECOMING RICHARD PRYOR by Scott Saul

(B) efore
(E) veryone
(C) an
(O) bserve,
(M) uch
( I ) s
(N) eeded...
(G) rasped

(R) acist
( I ) s
(C) allus,
(H) ateful
(A) nd
(R) idicules...
(D) angerous

(P) erhaps
(R) ealizing
(Y) our
(O) ptions,
(R) estorative

was not an easy task.
Deep within lies, a soul most haunted.

Times were changing, where heading not known.
Who of us, has a plan?

Here's a man, his life before us.
In plain sight, adored and disputed.

Word by word, complexities revealed.
Inside our heads, come to conclusions.

Alas, life runs us through tests.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

EBook Review: CLARA'S WAR by Clara Kramer

( C ) risis
( L ) ingers
( A ) nd
( R ) ages
(   ' )
( S ) trong

( W ) ithering
( A ) way
( R ) elentless

CLARA'S WAR, not easily forgotten.
By those, who also experienced.
Yet without words, written by her...
Many set aside, simply write off.

Read that never, let happen again.
That no one, becomes the scapegoat.
For someone else's, cruel heartless agenda!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

EBook Review: Gangsters vs Nazis by Michael Benson

 History can surprise us, brings up the unknown.
Democracy seems clearly defined, then put to test.
Okay to spread hate, in name of freedom?
Sell lies and speculation, in name of truth?
Good guy, bad guy, unable to clearly define?
Pick up this book, see what you decide.