Saturday, April 30, 2022

EBook Review: FAITH by Mark David Abbott

(F) ast-forward...
(A) gain
( I ) nvestigates... 
(T) o
(H) alt!

Goes beyond acceptance.
Is necessary ingredient.

Sometimes negative answer.
Not kept hidden.

Is not bliss.
Doesn't solve problem.

Hard to seek.
Must overcome evil.

Found in story.
Many are involved.

Elements captured here.
this book today!

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Ebook Review: CROW'S SONG by Nicky Webber

Friday, April 22, 2022

Ebook Review: HARBOR COVE MURDERS by Stacy M. Jones

(H) oneymoon
(A) ffected...
(R) eaching
(B) eyond
(O) bstacles...
(R) econsidering

(C) o-conspirators...
(O) ffshoot
(V) isuals
(E) xamining...

(M) emory
(U) rges
(R) outine...
(D) esiring
(E) xtension...
(R) eaching
(S) uspense

casually passed off.

When honeymoon becomes...
A criminal investigation.

Who did it...
Hard pin down. 

No hard facts...
It's all coincidental.

They dig in...
No giving up.

Bringing victims justice....
That's the goal.

I'm with them...
All the way!

No better team...
Come join them!

                    I received a free copy of this book 
                    and voluntarily left a review.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Ebook Review: MURDER ON THE CARIBBEAN by Bryan Shortle

(M) emories 
(U) nhinged...
(R) ecalling
(D) efined
(E) vents...
(R) ecounting

(O) bservations...
(N) oting

(T) imes...
(H) earing
(E) motions...

(C) haos
(A) roused...
(R) eaching
( I ) ncredible
(B) arriers...
(B) etter
(E) xpect
(A) nger...
(N) eutralize 

wasn't part of the plan.

Was looking forward to...
silence and a carefree time.

Perhaps meet someone special...
get to know each other.

A much needed vacation...
becomes case of man down.

The clues were collapsing...
while the suspect count rising.

Looking for the facts...
quickly running out of options.

Not saying anything more...
read and enjoy for yourself! 

I received a free copy of this book 
and voluntarily left a review.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Ebook Review: UP THE CREEK by Lynda McDaniel

(U) ncertainty
(P) aramount... 

(T) he
(H) idden
(E) vents

(C) ouldn't
(R) emember...
(E) verything
(E) valuated...
(K) ey

washed away his memories.

Finding him there...
definitely changed their lives.

This story rocks...
and that's no joke.

Twists and turns...
in so many directions.

A great story...
going to read again. 

I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily left a review.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Ebook Review: RABBIT PUNCH by Dale Devino

(R) eckless
(A) bandon 
(B) ears
(B) reaching
( I ) s
(T) otally

(P) urposeful
(U) ntil
(N) obody
(C) an
(H) urt

carries a lot of weight.

Time comes...
when life changes its course.

Keeping up...
takes its toll plus some.

Follow along...
it is quite a trip. 

I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily left a review.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Ebook Review: TUSKER by Christopher Hepworth

(T) horoughly 
(U) nderstanding
(S) omething
(K) eeps
(E) verything
(R) eal

TUSKER is an animal with tusks... 
very functional.

Yet there are humans who kill... 
to possess.

Years and years have gone by... 
still happening.

Can this change with careful intent... 
and action?

See the desire set in place... 
acted upon.

Learn about the past and the... 
projected future.

Watch how it all plays out... 
for tomorrow

I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily left a review.


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Ebook Review: WHY SHE LIED by H. K. Christie