Monday, November 22, 2021

EBook Review: AUXILIARY by Kevin Alan

(A) stonishing...
(U) nusual...
(X) enophobic...
( I ) lluminating...
(L) asting...
( I ) ncorrigible...
(A) lert...
(R) eaching...
(Y) earning...

AUXILIARY was at hand, as needed.
World full of conflict, quick decisions.

With that being clear, now proceed.
You'll meet an array, of characters.

The enemy at hand, keeps changing.
It is the time, to defend.

Story keeps us on, our toes.
Drama has us holding, our breath.

I received an advance review copy for free,
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Friday, November 19, 2021

EBook Review: SOMETHING LIKE TREASON by William Sonn

(S) earching
(O) bserving
(M) eeting
(E) valuating
(T) esting
(H) iding
(I) ncorporating
(N) egating
(G) athering

(L) earning
(I ) nvestigating
(K) eeping
(E) xtending

(E) xperiencing
(A) dapting
(S) ilencing
(O) ver-stretching
(N) arrating

Must not be haphazardly ignored.

Some of the stories change.
What is the perceived intent?

Oh so full of details.
Hard to keep them afloat. 

Give yourself time to absorb. 
History right before your eyes.

I received an advance review copy for free,
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.