Thursday, October 28, 2021

EBook Review: SAINT PETER'S REMORSE by Hamish Hudson

(S) urreal
(A) tmosphere
( I ) ntroduced...
(N) ow
(T) transmits...

(P) erplexing
(E) motions...
(T) aking
(E) ffective
(R) easoning
( ' )
(S) eriously...

(R) endering
(E) ndearing
(M) emories
(O) bsolete...
(R) estoring
(S) ubstance...
(E) volving! 

haunts every moment.
Once long ago...
fateful decision made.

As time passes...
wondering can abate?
Only two know...
what was done.

Life goes on...
things to accomplish.
In another's name...
hard to accept.

Will true love...
come his way?
Or dodge him...
as once before?

What are plans...
in the works?
Possible can survive...
stab in back?

Hold on tight...
quite a ride.
Barely enough time...
take a breath.

Book 2 keeps...
us all humming.
In a clench...
jaw and teeth.

Takes us to...
end of adventure.
As for me...
worth every minute!

I received this book free,
and I am leaving this
review voluntarily.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

EBook Review: WHERE BODIES LIE by D.K. Greene

(W) hispers
(H) earing...
(E) ncouraging
(R) eap
(E) ssence...

(B) arely
(O) btaining
(D) ignity...
( I ) gnoring
(E) very
(S) ignal...

(L) ured
( I ) nto
(E) scaping?

is the question.
After many years,
still to find.

Lifetime of struggling,
has past defined?
Never to know,
who he is?

Finally a solution,
is at hand.
Begins the process,
himself to discover.

Involves his father,
and many deaths.
What's the impact,
on all involved?

Story quite intense,
takes me there.
Inside their heads,
minds of chaos.

Where takes him,
you find out.
If this book,
decide to get!

I received this book free,
and I am leaving this
 review voluntarily.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Ebook Review: INNOCENCE LOST by D.K. Greene

( I ) magination
(N) eeds
(N) uance...
(O) bjectively
(C) onsidering
(E) vents...
(N) eeds
(C) onscious
(E) valuation...

(L) isting
(O) bstacles...
(S) ystematically
(T) esting...

when evil lures in its victims.
Trust disappears,
when choice is not an option.

It happened,
yet no one else would believe.
That's when,
step up to odds against you.

With clarity,
of mind and determination and commitment.
Without hesitation,
address the issue and intensely proceed.

Include others,
without letting them slow you down.
Time priority,
yet don't let it become emotional.

Will interfere,
with the outcome and muddy waters.
Stay focused,
see it through to the end.

Fantastic story,
definitely wet my appetite for more.
I await,
for more and where takes us.

I received this book free, 
and I am leaving this 
review voluntarily.

EBook Review: THE WOODEN QUEEN by Sebastyen Dugas

(T) he
(H) omicide
(E) rupts...

(W) hen
(O) ther
(O) bvious
(D) isruptive
(E) lements
(N) oticed...

(Q) ualifying
(U) rgency...
(E) escalates
(E) ssential
(N) otions

hints at seriousness.
A little nudge...
to all involved.

Makes it harder...
to pin down.
Has made it...
indeed more personal.

Almost takes it...
to the limit.
For Detective this...
her first case.

Quite a challenge...
pin down suspect.
From one to...
quite a few.

Will test you...
as follow clues.
Many capable of...
deaths must investigate.

In the end...
are you surprised?
I'm not telling...
you find out!

I received this book free,
and I am leaving this
review voluntarily.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

EBook Review: SUNSET ON MONARCH BAY by Patricia Yager Delagrange

SUNSET ON MONARCH BAY by Patricia Yager Delagrange

(S) ometimes
(U) nderlying
(N) uances
(S) helters
(E) evil...
(T) aking

(O) n
(N) uances

(M) eans
(O) utright
(N) arcissism
(A) ddressed...
(R) ecalling
(C) ruelty
(H) elps

(B) ring
(A) wareness...
(Y) ardstick

bright and peaceful.
Brings forth new hope,
for better days.

To finally leave behind,
life of fear.
Bring on new beginning. 
but not alone.

Rediscovering importance of family,
and branches out.
It is all there,
on these pages.

I received this book free,
and I am leaving this
review voluntarily.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

EBook Review: THE NEIGHBOR FROM BERGEN BELSEN by Yaakov Barzilai

(T) ime
(H) istory
(E) xamine...

(N) eed
(E) xplore...
( I ) nsightfully
(G) ained
(H) eart
(B) ears
(O) bjective
(R) easoning..

(F) orging
(R) ight
(O) nward...
(M) oving

(B) arriers
(E) rected...
(R) endering
(G) round
(E) qually
(N) eutral...

(B) eauty
(E) mbrace....
(L) oving
(S) ouls
(E) ssential...
(N) eed!

memories of sorrow.
Interspersed with days of yesterday, 
before taken away.

How life that was good, 
would soon disappear.
With no promise of tomorrow, 
or even today.

Story of now and then, 
filled with tears.
Helps us not to forget, 
a written warning.

Waves of before and after,
easy lose track.
Shows us how was easy,  
to disregard truth.

Important enough for us today, 
to truly understand.
So that doesn't happen again, 
keep eyes open.

To lessen value of person,
hurts us all.
Let us embrace our differences,
and grow from.

Let us not fall asleep,
at the wheel.
Let our children joyfully inherit,
a loving heart.

I received an advance review 
copy for free, and I am 
leaving this review voluntarily.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

EBook Review: UNDERCOVEFR BOYFRIEND by Regan Black

(U) nbelievable
(N) uisance...
(D) idn't
(E) xpect
(R) epeating...
(C) lassified
(O) utright
(V) iolence
(E) xception...
(R) retrospective

(B) rings
(O) ut
(Y) ukky...
(F) inally
(R) ealize
( I ) mportant...
(E) ssential...
(N) eed
(D) efended!

becomes good idea.
Who else,
replaces unwanted advances.

Besides that,
friend of brother.
Remembers with,
some fond memories.

Brought together,
without prior notice.
Secretly there,
to protect her.

Upon discovery,
conclusive decision make.
This way,
keep eye on.

What starts,
simply for show.
Sets off,
some expressive sparks.

Feeling mutual,
is unspoken question.
Not telling,
would spoil it.

Find out,
on your own.
Won't regret,
That's for sure!
Read book,
in one day.
Simply couldn't,
put it down.

I received this book free,
and I am leaving this
review voluntarily.

Monday, October 11, 2021


(M) agic
(O) utshines...
(O) overcomes
(N) egativity...
(L) ove
( I ) s
(G) ift...
(H) eightens
(T) rust...

( I ) s
(N) ature

(M) agnified...
(G) athering
(N) needs
(O) ptimism...
(L) ooks
( I ) nevitably
(A) fter

(B) lossoming
(L) ove...
(O) ffers
(O) pportunities...
(M) agical!

brings many together.
Love in the air,
there for you?

Taking care of others,
job to do.
There's no time,
think of self.

Life had it's challenges,
recovery wasn't easy.
In this special place,
friendships are made.

Redefining who you are,
part of process.
Move forward with confidence,
time to receive.

This story written beautifully,
so much hope.
See how comes out,
for all involved.


I received this book free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


EBook Review: STRUGGLE WITH READING by Sylvia Johnson

(S) ometimes
(T) he
(R) eading
(U) rge
(G) one...
(G) ainfully
(L) ooks
(E) lsewhere...

(W) inning
( I ) nterest
(T) akes
(H) ope...

(R) eaching
(E) nthusiasm...
(A) ltered
(D) etermination...
( I ) nvolves
(N) eeded
(G) uidance

hard to admit.
Age doesn't matter,
an embarrassing situation.

Best to start,
at the beginning.
As a parent.
important to notice.

Be a part,
of the solution.
Ideal way starts,
with the parent.

Show that care,
willing to help.
Taking the time,
a valuable investment.

Lots of resources,
let's start here.
This author cares,
details all there.

Takes one step,
at a time.
To read carefully,
then carefully implement..

Don't be overwhelmed,
not going anywhere.
It's in writing,
for a reason.

Just proceed at,
your own pace.
All the while,
encouraging your child.

Hand in hand,
doing this together.
So better future,
both will have!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

EBook Review: THE NIGHT GAME by Stacy M. Jones

(T) he
(H) unt
(E) xpands

(N) eeded
( I ) nquiries...
(G) uesses
(H) unches...
(T) rusting

(G) ut...
(A) ttaining
(M) eaningful
(E) xplanation

is played by many.
But not everyone, 
knows all the rules.

A crime committed, 
the pot is stirred.
Becomes a stew, 
of questions and answers.

Men and women, 
plus girls and boys.
Sleeping barely option, 
vital that solve quickly.

Don't stop now, 
getting close to solution.
Worth every word, 
and indeed every breath.

I received this book free,
and I am leaving this
review voluntarily.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

EBook Review: WALKING + HEALTH & FITNESS WORKBOOK by Louisa J. Morgan

(W) hy
(A) lertness...
(L) ifts
(K) indheartedness!
( I ) ncreases
(N) ew
(G) rowth!


(H) eartfelt
(E) nergy
(A) ctivates...
(L) aughter
(T) rust
(H) ope


(F) itting
( I ) n
(T) raining
(N) ecessary
(E) levate...
(S) enses
(S) trength

(W) alking
(O) utlasts
(R) unning...
(K) eeps
(B) reath
(O) ngoing...
(O) nward
(K) udos

a gift to self.

Doesn't require breaking down,
in order to earn.

Slowly step by step,
is easy to learn.

Everyone wants good health, 
can make the time.

Creating a way to,
think and react clearly.

Easy keep eye on,
as lifts the spirit.

Sitting all day overrated,
moving wakes body up!

Five minutes an hour,
brings focus to brain.

Just get started today,
you're on your way!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.