Sunday, June 28, 2020

Ebook review: First Wish by M.D. Thomas

(F) ew
(I) magine
(R) eally
(S) trange
(T) hing

(W) ill
( I ) nvade 
(S) ilently
(H) idden

FIRST WISH made, when candlelight blown out.
The sudden darkness, only makes it clearer.

What does manifest, is not what expected.
If only it, would just go away.

Simply hangs on, too insistent and scary.
Go with it, until reaches its conclusion.

Keep on reading, worth every bated breath.
Hard to believe, but won't regret it.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Ebook Review: STICK EM' UP by Dale Devino

(S) ultry
(T) imes
(I ) ncreases
(C) aution
(K) eeps

(E) motions
(M) uted
( ')

(U) ntil
(P) iqued

STICK EM' UP, where you can see.
No better place, than this can be.

Before your eyes, those who have harmed.
Pay the price, do not be alarmed.

Being very careful, not to draw attraction.
In this book, everything's put into action.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

EBook Review: LIFE SHIFT by M.D. Thomas

(L) ooking
(I ) nward
(F) eels
(E) gotistic

(S) haring
(H) eart
(I ) s
(F) orever's
(T) ruth

LIFE SHIFT, don't come easy.
That's what, many may say.

Okay now, READ this story.
And you'll, appreciate their dedication.


I received this book free, 
and I am leaving this 
review voluntarily.


Ebook Review: BREAKING POINT by M.D. Thomas

(B) ringing
(R) eality's
(E) nlightenment
(A) wareness
(K) indles
( I ) nterest
(N) eeding
(G) rasp

(P) articular
(O) ccasion
( I ) nvolving
(N) ecessary
(T) ruth

BREAKING POINT reached,  between two worlds.
What is seen, so vehemently denied.

What's it worth, is the question.
A complex paradox, of great hypocrisy.  

The day passes, the norm becomes.
It's called life, new day dawns.

Here's an example, of choices made.
READ and compare, humanity never rests.


I received this book free, 
and I am leaving this 
review voluntarily.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Ebook Review: BIRDS AND OTHER DREAMERS by K.B. Marie

(B) eauty
( I ) gnores
(R) ealism
(D) espite 
(S)  urrealism 

(A) las
(N) ature
(D) esigns

(O) utside
(T) he
(H) eart
(E) ver
(R) eadily

(D) elights 
(R) each 
(E) verywhere
(A) midst
(M) usic
(E) levates 
(R) ouses
(S) enses

BIRDS AND OTHER DREAMERS speaks of life, of love.
Ponders the wonders of the "what if", of reality.

Can what is seen speak of another, or self?
Is there a difference between our now, or later?

Captures instances that reveal have lived before, or perhaps? 
Brings about the question of too close, too far?

It's a poetic journey that pulls you, me in. 
Illustrates how words form a picture sublime, imagination's quest.

A book I shall read again and again, morning night.
Sings of the connections love doth create, and independence.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Ebook review: Cold Hard Cash by Dale Devino

(C) autious
(O) n
(L) ogistical
(D) omain

(H) umans
(A) re
(R) eally
(D) angerous

(C) annot
(A) ssuage
(S) inister
(H) oodlums

COLD HARD CASH tests, even the best of us. 
Who can turn to, is the ultimate question.

The DREAM doesn't happen, so what comes next?
Living a questionable life, in order to survive.

If follow another's story, helps one to understand.
Our choices and actions, it boils down to.

Learn from other's mistakes, along with your own.
Life is an adventure, grow in the moments.

Here is an opportunity, made available for you.
Pick up the book, travel to another place.

I received an advance review copy for free, 
and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Ebook Review: AT BAY by John W. Mefford

(A) gainst
(T) ime

(B) egin
(A) cknowledging
(Y) esterday

AT BAY memories lost, to regain.
To predator this isn't, a game.

Two worlds headed for, a collision.
End result no one, could envision.

Caught me by surprise, must continue.
I'm looking forward to, book two (AT LARGE).

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Friday, June 5, 2020


(U) nderstanding
(N) eeds
(I ) nspiration 
(T) urn
(I) nward 
(N) ourish 

UNITING doesn't come easy after separation.
Takes commitment and desire for healing.

Torn apart because of another's agenda.
Time to form strong links of no.

No longer ruled  by stars of deception. 
Who stoke the fires of hatred. 

Put words into positive constructive action. 
Don't drop the ball get distracted.