Friday, November 29, 2019


( I ) mportant
(N)  eed
(S)  capegoats
( I ) increasing
(D)  eceptive
(E)  xtreme
(R)  hetoric
(S)  atisfies

INSIDERS secretly seek power, having the final say.
Stabbing in the back, those in the way.
Loyalty does not exist, it is strictly situational.
Because of them democracy, has become a struggle.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


(C) ome
(R) ight
(O) utside
(S) tand
(S) till
(R) ealize
(O) pportunities
(A) re
(D) ecisions
(S) truck

CROSSROADS require action, more than a fraction.
Takes a commitment, made in an instant.
Following the course, each step without force.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


( I ) nvolves
(M) an’s
(P) ersonal
(E) go
(A) ltering
(C) ertain
(H) istorical
(M) oments
(E) xcluding
(N) ecessary
(T) ruth

IMPEACHMENT holds accountable, when others refuse.
Loyalty without conscience, put to test.

When ONE desires, to control everything.
Sees self as, better than others.

Uses dirty tricks, and secret deals.
Along with fear, and constant intimidation.

Lies become like, scum on water.
Can ignore but, kills everything touches.

Death to Democracy, becomes the reality.
Balance of Power, freedom for all...

Erased by the, crafty loaded deck.
"We the People", allowed without objection.

Our country becomes, like many others.
No longer unique, pawns on chessboard.

Senate and judiciary, bought into game.
There to block, moves by opponent.

Political manipulation changed, the people's vote.
They are ready, to do again.

Is history about, to repeat itself?
IMPEACHMENT holds accountable, when others won't.

Monday, November 18, 2019


(S) uddenly
(T) he
(O) nslaught
(R) eaps
(M) ayhem

STORM on the horizon, are we ready?
Prepared to ride out, all the elements?
Don't live in ignorance, believing all's fine.


( B) eyond
( L) earning
( I ) gnorance
(S) tands
(S) trong

BLISS doesn't see reality as is.
Runs back to the past and exists.
A world of delusion and confusion.
Mixed with poisonous ideas and hatred.
Waiting for history to repeat itself.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


( S ) ure 
(  I ) ‘m 
( C ) oughing
( K ) icking 

SICK is in the way...
of getting things done. 
Yet it comes with message...
important to slow down. 

Better listen and take action...
before it gets worse. 
Does not do any good...
to moan and curse. 

So I’m here with you...
focusing on doing nothing. 
No better place to be...
comfort of your arms. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019


( B ) ringing
( O ) ut 
( L ) egitimate
( S ) upport
( T ) o 
( E ) ncourage
( R ) esiliency

BOLSTER comes in many forms. 
Almost always a matter of choice. 
Withholding out of fear... encroachment. 
Which becomes a threatening surreal position. 

Implying a breakdown of consciousness. 
Accepting inhumane actions as new norm. 
A system may need “fixing”,
But not at expense of morality. 

When one purposely removes foundation...
Actively divides in order to separate...
And diminish into total insignificance...
Where are the alarms and responders?

Why the silence and inaction?
Where’s the support so badly needed?
So need win give in?
Terminal state of affairs needs transplant!

Friday, November 1, 2019


( H ) ow
( E ) valuate 
( S ) ituation 
(  I ) s
( T ) roubling 
( A ) nd 
( T ) akes 
( E ) ffort 

HESITATE can be a positive,
Or a negative. 
Needs to be thoroughly analyzed,
Or instant decision?
May mean matter of life,
Or unexpected death. 

History has given many examples,
Of choice selected. 
Can deny or learn from,
Perilous to ignore. 
Once again seeking an answer,
Before too late. 

Still capture the joys of life,
As they come. 
But don’t live with tunnel vision,
Unaware of danger. 
A good scout always prepared,
To take action.