Wednesday, March 27, 2019


( H ) ow 
( E ) xtremes 
( L ) ose 
( P ) erspective 

HELP is... four letter word. 
To many... of great importance. 
Not worth... endorsement or participation
Simply put... waste of time. 

HELP is... entitlement on wheels. 
To those... unwilling to work. 
Simply looking... for a handout. 
A way... to escape reality. 

HELP is... true and pure. 
Comes from... a loving heart. 
A soul... full of appreciation. 
Works on... a balanced solution. 

HELP is... willing and joyful. 
Bipartisan and.. without special interests. 
Assists those... truly in need. 
Understands that... makes world better. 

Monday, March 25, 2019


( A ) t 
( N ) ight 
( S ) nuggle
( W ) hisper
( E ) ventually 
( R ) est 
( S ) ilence

ANSWERS swirl around us... quite patient. 
Waiting for things to... settle down. 
Once self interest removed... listens in. 
Knows what’s best for... all involved. 

In the morning when... all refreshed. 
Ask questions one at... a time. 
Start with the basics...  no pretense. 
Day by day it... gets easier. 

Friday, March 22, 2019


( Q ) uit
( U ) nderrating
( E ) very
( S ) tep
( T ) ake
(  I ) nitiative
( O ) n
( N ) ext
( S ) tep

QUESTIONS did not enter, did not interfere.
After just one week, we just knew.
Never to be parted, we both agreed.
Meant to be together, now through eternity.

Saturday, March 16, 2019


( F ) orever
( A )
( V ) oice
( O ) ptimistic
( R ) eaching
(  I ) nward
( T ) o
( E ) xpress

FAVORITE... matter of choice.
Represents... something quite delightful.
Definitely... positively a keeper.
Yes... that is YOU!


( T ) eaching
( A ) nother
( N ) earing
( G ) entle
( O ) bsession

TANGO is... more than dance.
It is... connection of two.
One engages... the other responds.
Sets afire... passions hidden within.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


( P ) recious 
( O ) wn
(  I ) ntimate 
( N ) ature 
( T ) rust 
( S ) incerely 

POINTS the way... to true love. 
Never to be... taken for granted. 
Led me to... you most definitely. 
Wouldn’t have it... any other way. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019


( G ) entle
( U ) rging
(  I ) nitiates
( D ) esire
( E ) xploration

GUIDE leads to discovery... of self and others.
Taking a path unknown... to sights most spectacular.
It’s not always easy...   but worth the trip.
So my journey that... led me to him!


( R ) eally
( A ) stounding
( R ) eally
( E ) xtraordinary

RARE can be positive... or negative.
Can set things right... or break down.
In own personal life... or in world.
Sets rules to protect... even if undeserved.

At a stage now... where must decide.
Take the necessary action... needed to correct.
Before the opportunity disappears... cannot be undone.
Must do what can... before too late.

Is history repeating itself... another bad decision?
Leading to being alone... or “final solution”.
There before our eyes... do not deny.
On this future relies... do not hesitate.

Someone who loves dictators... makes it clear.
Type of ruler desires... wants to be.
Will divide and conquer... unites the haters.
Must be held accountable... or democracy lose.

On the positive side, there is love.
Came into my life, totally by surprise.
Just one week later, asked to marry.
Replied immediately with yes... happy ever after!

Thursday, March 7, 2019


( S ) weet
( A ) s
( F ) resh
( E ) vergreens

SAFE is my heart... in the hands of my man.
Stands tall and proud... takes care of me each day.
There through the seasons... no matter the extremes exposed to.
Breathes in new life... giving me strength to go on.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


( T ) o
( E ) nter 
( M ) agic 
( P ) lace 
( T ) ry 
( A ) ltering 
( T ) hinking 
(  I ) magine 
( O ) nly 
( N ) ow

TEMPTATION but a distraction.... on outside looking in. 
Feeling always falling short... can’t reach the carrot.  
A race to win... or eating forbidden fruit. 
Sure it comes along... best to ignore it. 

Instead focus on love... and all the positives. 
Doing best you can... under the current circumstances. 
Enter world of possibilities... dance with joyful steps. 
Life is for living... and enjoying every moment. 


( D ) aily
( E ) xperiencing 
( E ) xpressing 
( R ) eality

DEER find comfort and safety, on our land.
Resting and grazing confidently, without any fear. 
Still cautious and alert, to any movement. 
So too for us, our little haven.